Grats on the vape M3GHAN! Read this post and it should be sufficient instructions, although as a disclaimer, all of this info I got on this very thread. Without this site, I probably wouldn't be using the Q now. This is my review of the ExtremeQ vape.
Let me start out by giving a big thanks to everyone here who has posted info on how they use there Q.
When I first got my Q just after 4:20

, I used it with my wife and let me say, it tasted great, but the high wasn't there. After a few days of using the Q I was just about ready to write it off as a learning experience as I had before (with a completely different type of vape) then I stumbled across this site. After about 2 weeks worth of reading just to get through this thread, I finally figured out how to use this thing. Now, I rarely combust anymore and my lungs are thanking me! and you too fellow FC friends. I will now explain how I use the Q to achieve a good vaping experience with clouds of vapor.
First, like many others here, I do preheat my unit. I don't know who it was that said it here before me, but I let it go for about 10min at 205C. While it is preheating I get my elbow pack ready. I started just sucking thru the whip to load it and tamp it down with my pinky or the blunt end of the stirring tool. After 10min or so I place the whip on the cyclone bowl and let it warm the herb for about 2 minutes and turn the heat down to 195C and let it sit for another minute.
That first hit is soooo sweet tasting and a good cloud of vapor is released that sometimes even makes me cough. I usually get about 4 draws at 195C with each exhale the vapor cloud getting thinner and thinner. Next I will turn the heat up to 205C and after a minute I will pull another hit or two and dump it out and grind up the herb with the blunt end of the stirring tool to a fine powder. While I'm doing this I turn the unit up to 220C to heat up. Once the herb is ground up, it fills the elbow about 1/2 as much as in the beginning. At 220C I can get a few more draws depending on how hard it was hit before. All in all I would say I get between 7-11 (11 being generous) draws off of one elbow pack, 0.10g. If I am vaping by myself it usually takes 2 elbow packs to get the job done. Would be nice to take in more, but harvest is a ways away so I have to conserve. After 220C I have found it isn't really worth it to go any higher as the weed is usually spent anyway.
I used the bags at first, but didn't like waiting on the bags to inflate so I switched exclusively to the whip and haven't looked back.
I know this isn't how everyone uses thier Q, but it works GREAT for me.
Again, let me give you all a big thanks on all of the info on the Q....2 thumbs up!