Why blow? Lift the cyclone, yes, but inhale the vapor, that clears it too, but into youI think breath isn't that clean anyway to blow it into whip.
i forgot to mention the other day... another thing i have been doing lately is warm water vape bonging... only recently tried it w/ vapor and i'm really liking it... i had never thought to try it w/ vapor until it was +talked in randomly in some thread for a couple posts... any one else like using warm water... seems like sauna vapors ha.. nice and conditioned . . .
ya good point, i figured about that. its common for me to get chest infections a couple times a year from allergies + smoking so i keep my eye on those types of things, but so far i haven't gotten chest/sinus infections since i started vaping.. i am not noticing any -signs so far... also it's not every session. but a couple times a day i'd say, lately. i imagine if i don't over do it ill be fine w/ my situation.IIRC Pappy started a thread about this, or it may have been included in a broader health-related discussion. I'm pretty sure his doc cautioned against using warm water. Something about opening up the bronchi and making one more vulnerable to infection (???). I know it's popular with some folks, but Pappy's input convinced me not do it: When you'relike we are, gotta take extra care.
Yeah I thought it might be a no go but it tricked me out and I had to ask. Thanksi forgot to mention the other day... another thing i have been doing lately is warm water vape bonging... only recently tried it w/ vapor and i'm really liking it... i had never thought to try it w/ vapor until it was +talked in randomly in some thread for a couple posts... any one else like using warm water... seems like sauna vapors ha.. nice and conditioned
EDIT: FrogBoy138 i would for sure stay away from that, looks like it would act like a straw n just suck up the water.. i used to have something very similar to that(reversed joints) and it would suck water through every time... returned it and was told its not supposed to bubble, its a dry ash catcher that has water sitting at the bottom, like the hurricane... i have bought 2 types of ash catchers that sucked water through every time... learned my lesson, stay away from the smaller ash catchers.. i used to assume they wouldn't make/sell shit that didn't work right, but they do.. a lot..
My post about this above was poorly worded. Actually, really piss poorly.
I don't lift the cyclone to clear, I lift the elbow. I think that maybe another difference between the method I use and what Bulldozer describes is that I don't pull real hard or sharp in the first place - I use a long slow steady pull. Consequently I don't get a heavy build-up in the elbow. After clearing the second hit and exhaling, with elbow still lifted and held just above the Cyclone, I give a couple quick blows into the whip to push build-up back into the bowl. Then using the glass stick I both stir the Cyclone and remove if necessary any build-up in the Cyclone.
Obviously this doesn't provide the same level of concentration as hitting an elbow-pack hard. Takes me 4-6 hits to do .2-.25g in the Cyclone while a big hitter will do that in an elbow-pack with 2 hits.
I lightly pack the dome screen while inside the elbow heat up for about 10 min's at 450F. After that I take a very small hit to see if I see any vapors if not another small hit. After I see vapors I add a bad and turn fan speed 3. But now after reading here on FC I'm not using the bag anymore. I'm sure 450F is way hotter then most would heat to but I'm a smoker and I'm not vapeing for my health. It's easy to use the EQ when it's new because the screens are clean. I've had the same dome screen for over a year now so I really have to be careful about packing the dome to tight. Enjoy it's a blast!
Yeah just crank it up to burn off any nasty packing crap 20 mins or so. About the fan speed if your only trying to pack a very little then use speed 1 but if it's packed right then I always use speed 3 why because the bag is getting stale. I only use speed 3 and my bags look like milk to me. I can tell in about 30 sec's if my bag is not going to be good because it will look weak not milk. I kill the fan and pop the dome out move the meds around poke at the bottom of the screen. I think the main reason maybe the only reason for a weak bag is bad air flow and fan speed 1 usually means poor air flow.Thanks! Question about the fan speed, do bags fill up more dense with the 1st speed compare to the 3rd speed? I would feel that the faster air is blowing the less it will heat up? Do you get a thick dense bag from a slow blow? And slightly thinner from faster speed? I understand faster speed will fill up faster, but I'm not concerned about time as much as I am about vapor.
Also I'm assuming I should season the heater? How should I go about that? Just heat up to max temp for a few min?
Yeah just crank it up to burn off any nasty packing crap 20 mins or so. About the fan speed if your only trying to pack a very little then use speed 1 but if it's packed right then I always use speed 3 why because the bag is getting stale. I only use speed 3 and my bags look like milk to me. I can tell in about 30 sec's if my bag is not going to be good because it will look weak not milk. I kill the fan and pop the dome out move the meds around poke at the bottom of the screen. I think the main reason maybe the only reason for a weak bag is bad air flow and fan speed 1 usually means poor air flow.
I got one as well was your bowl really small like one hitter?Quick update people. My waterpipe from ssfg glass came yesterday, and it has been working quite nicely. After fumbling to attach the second elbow, I got really nice hits from the pipe and vape combined.
It was actually pretty small. It didn't bother me much as I don't see me using it that often or at all.I got one as well was your bowl really small like one hitter?
Hey guys, Just got my Q today, I've read through a lot of this thread but considering its over 200 pages its hard to really find what I'm looking for.
But basically what I'm asking if some one can give me a quick summary of "do's/ dont's" "how to's" and some proper settings.
Ex. I've heard the stock whip is mediocre and there's some better silicone ones to order, where?
Proper settings, temperature, best set up?
Basically what have you guys found that works best for you. Just in a short summary.
I do plan on going over everything it comes with. But user help is usually a little honest than what a manual says.
Please and thank you! I appreciate it.
EDIT: Its the new EQ 4.0 if that helps.
Hey guys, Just got my Q today, I've read through a lot of this thread but considering its over 200 pages its hard to really find what I'm looking for.
But basically what I'm asking if some one can give me a quick summary of "do's/ dont's" "how to's" and some proper settings.
Ex. I've heard the stock whip is mediocre and there's some better silicone ones to order, where?
Proper settings, temperature, best set up?
Basically what have you guys found that works best for you. Just in a short summary.
I do plan on going over everything it comes with. But user help is usually a little honest than what a manual says.
Please and thank you! I appreciate it.
EDIT: Its the new EQ 4.0 if that helps.
I don't buy into the 10-15 minute warm up times. Turn the machine on your desired temperature. Turn on fan 3. Wait 5 minutes max, and then you're ready to go.
If you don't want to turn on the fan, I would wait 10 minutes or so at your temperature and you'll be ready to go within a couple of draws. It's hot air warming the tube that makes it hot fast.
I don't buy into the 10-15 minute warm up times. Turn the machine on your desired temperature. Turn on fan 3. Wait 5 minutes max, and then you're ready to go.
I don't buy into the 10-15 minute warm up times. Turn the machine on your desired temperature. Turn on fan 3. Wait 5 minutes max, and then you're ready to go.
If you don't want to turn on the fan, I would wait 10 minutes or so at your temperature and you'll be ready to go within a couple of draws. It's hot air warming the tube that makes it hot fast.