The Extreme-Q Vaporizer


Well-Known Member

I've been using my Eq daily for 5 or so weeks I think. When i first got it i was all bags.. though I tended to take my abv too far to cooked to really leave much for edibles. Moved to water filtration and elbow packs. I'll blitz an elbow in one blast (I fine grind) this leaves my abv a yellow/golden colour therefore leaving far more goodies to ingest. Comparing the two seperate abv bags its night and day. One is dark brown with hints of black here and there, the other yellow. Oh when elbow packing I have my temp on 217C seems to do the trick. If I put it up to 230 I definitely feel a more sedated effect.

seek says it well.. the Eq let's you try all methods. Variety is the spice of life after all.

So far my finest herb related purchase. Though i tend to go though more herb.

Ps wish me luck for a 10 day T break.. then I get messed up with my pops.. class.


Apostle, Church of Vaporization
is it just me or is the abv with the EQ much lighter? especially with elbow packs..has anyone else noticed this?​
Much lighter than what? The light/dark of my ABV is the result of method and temp. I usually go just up to the point of popcorn taste, which is a deep brown. That ABV still has potency especially CBD, in a smoothie/shake it delivers quite a body high.​


Well-Known Member
I tried that shake/smoothie a few weeks ago with 2g of my Eq bagged/darker than I wouldve liked and was somewhat impressed with the bodyhigh. So when I switched to elbow packing and water filtration and found just how many more actives I could leave unvaped whilst still having a satisfying session I was stoked to no end. Is there such a thing as TOO light abv?
Elbow packs are further from the heater so you need 5 or 10 more degrees (I'm thinking Celsius) to have the same ABV color.
Indeed, with a cyclone bowl I start at 375 and move up. With an elbow pack I have to go to 383 or 390.


Vapor concierge
I used the tubing with two elbow joints to hook up to my matrix and enjoyed it enough to not chase the glass adapters.

I've never done an elbow pack, but will give it a shot soon...i want thicker hits! Anyone else feel like the whip alone hits thicker than with a bubbler?


Well-Known Member
long time toker first time vape owner. Just got the extreme-Q 4.0 a few days ago and have been loving it so far. So far i've been using the bag's but will definitely try the whip out. Any tips, tricks, secrets to using the Q?


Well-Known Member
Do yourself a favour and follow this advice like i did and just start working your way though the post. After every few pages you'll feel you know your vape better and better.. as well as kinda getting to know some of the FC users. Check out the vaporpedia for all the basic hints and tips. I'm at work so can't really sit and type a long response or I would in a heartbeat buddy. I will say search for oldiebutgoodie in a user search as he's had some really informative posts on here (I think hes the unofficial welcome wagon lol) also the user named seek has covered a lot of the possible unit mods you can do.. some are easy and require very little effort whilst others require disassembly to achieve. IMO you've bought the most versatile, good priced, above entry level vape.. ENFUCKINJOY DUDE! :)


Apostle, Church of Vaporization
I used the tubing with two elbow joints to hook up to my matrix and enjoyed it enough to not chase the glass adapters.

I've never done an elbow pack, but will give it a shot soon...i want thicker hits! Anyone else feel like the whip alone hits thicker than with a bubbler?

Oldiebutgoodie, I'd be VERY interested to know if either of those adapters work with the ELB. While I plan on getting a cloud at some point, I'd like to set this up with the HT on the eq as a stepping stone.

Since you have all the parts, could you post up a picture or at least a confirmation when that adapter comes in? If so I'll pull the trigger on everything.

I only use the adapters to eliminate the whip altogether. IME attaching directly GonG makes for a better experience, unfortunately the Q is awkward to use inverted which is typically the only way to do that.

I received the female/male adapter I posted about above, and I think it may work fine - but just barely - mating the Cloud HT with the Q. IME GonG adapters can have slight variations in the ID, which with this particular piece makes the ELB extremely tight. Using the vegetable oil trick and patience I've been able to work the ELB into the adapter, although it protrudes at the end cap ~.1" where it is just a smidgen fatter. But that shouldn't matter as the HT still makes a nice tight seal on the adapter. This puts the ELB ~.3" closer to the heater than the Q elbow or the equivalent of about mid-point in the cyclone. I'll post pics after I've had a chance to do some performance testing.

. . . Any tips, tricks, secrets to using the Q?

Hmmm, how's about hundreds? This thread is chock full of 'em. Waaaaaaay too many to put in a few replies to your query, and (almost) none of us know them all. Sorry, but you'll need to slog your way thru the thread to find all the nuggets, just like the rest of us. :whip:

. . . I will say search for oldiebutgoodie in a user search as he's had some really informative posts on here (I think hes the unofficial welcome wagon lol) also the user named seek has covered a lot of the possible unit mods you can do . . .

:o I'm blushing. I have to say though, that when it comes to the Q, Seek is the man . . .


Well-Known Member
@Obg.. Yeah seek is indeed. You ever do the whole heater screen wrap thing? My unit will soon be 6 weeks old and I've yet to have the inclination to crack this puppy open. True though in actuality I've not seen the videos of his clouds after he's done this. Perhaps I'd change my tune.

@stickstones.. the whip does hit pretty hard when you do the super slowmo draw but I find that if I employ a similar method on my bong to 'stoke the fire' beneath the herb by utilizing short sharp pulls, really short, similar effects can be attained. I find that doing maybe ten in quick succession heats my elbows up and I can yellow brown my herb in as little as one maybe two pulls. I watch the wisp start snaking up and just as its reaching my mouth I halt and quickly enjoy the super taste of the early invisible vapor.. just so yummy!:drool: Once its out, straight back on the bong, hit fan to 1, which instantly brings the herbs back up to temp and let the cloud commence. I found out its a very specific action, the short n sharp I mean. My buddy took a few goes to get is going like I can.. and he's smoked for years and also vaped a little in the past.


Well-Known Member
Even if youre completely new to vaping, an hour of research and an hour of hands on fun and youll learn the basics of this vape easily.
Not even, maybe due to all the research but I was good in like 20 min


Well-Known Member
@Vv, yeah I know what you mean. As I worked through the thread most of the mods I'd at least thought of, if not made actual attempt at. A few though were like.. 'you crazy bastard!' :clap:


Well-Known Member
I haven't made any mods, but i generally don't go to the trouble of running through glass so I've bought no adapters, and no new stem for my bong. I like ramped up fan hits, especially with a few elbow packs.

Conserves and mimics the hits I get from my DB (I alternate).
Plus, once in awhile i feel like a bag...


Well-Known Member
Glass and water can be more effort and messy near electronics. I plan to, but financially i shouldn't and dont feel the need to budget for more accessories

u bwade wunner

Well-Known Member
I promised i d pop in with my thoughts on the Elb in the ecano mod.I apologise for not keeping my word but will be holding off till I recieve the rest of the kit I ve ordered from PV.I will post further down the track.Thanks everyone for making this a great thread.
u bwade wunner,


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Oldie- Thank you for the in depth report. You truly do provide excellent vape info. Do you have the first gen elb or current? I know for a while the elb was wider than what it is now. Can you get the elb out of the adapter easily enough for refill or cleaning?


Apostle, Church of Vaporization
Oldie- Thank you for the in depth report. You truly do provide excellent vape info. Do you have the first gen elb or current? I know for a while the elb was wider than what it is now. Can you get the elb out of the adapter easily enough for refill or cleaning?

You're welcome. Good questions. AFAIK the original and current ELB's are the same. There was a shipment of out-of-spec ELB's which were too tight, VXL is replacing these. The one I've trained to fit into the female/male adapter is now easy to remove, it just won't insert that last .1". According to VXL that doesn't affect performance, but of course that's with the Cloud - although I can't see anything that would make it different for the Q.

I'm on a break now so I won't get to testing for a while. Not all of the performance characteristics of the ELB with the Cloud may apply with the Q. In particular, the Q's airway is wider; the difference in pressure could conceivably have an effect. Maybe Seek will have an insight about this.
I used the tubing with two elbow joints to hook up to my matrix and enjoyed it enough to not chase the glass adapters.

I've never done an elbow pack, but will give it a shot soon...i want thicker hits! Anyone else feel like the whip alone hits thicker than with a bubbler?

The elbow gives much thicker hits than cyclone IME. One nicely packed elbow gets me really medicated. I almost always prefer to vape small bowls more often than large bowls.


Well-Known Member
The elbow gives much thicker hits than cyclone IME. One nicely packed elbow gets me really medicated. I almost always prefer to vape small bowls more often than large bowls.
I agree, but i only get 3-4 hits per.
using the DB as I type this......think l i may just bust out my EQ instead
I agree, but i only get 3-4 hits per.
using the DB as I type this......think l i may just bust out my EQ instead

Really? Are you using a water pipe? I usually start at 383, and I get 3-4 hits. I'll then go to 390 (or whatever it is), and get another 1-2. Then if I really want to push my elbow, I'll go to 401, and get another 2-3 decent hits. And at the end of it, my ABV is still a pretty uniform light brown with some green.


Well-Known Member
Can you change temp readout from celcius to faranheit?
And no, straight whip with occassional fan
Can you change temp readout from celcius to faranheit?
And no, straight whip with occassional fan

Yes it's in the settings. I really should use Celsius, being Canadian and all, but after so many years of Fahrenheit Volcano use, it's just easier for me.

What temp are you vaping at? 1-2 hits seems lackluster, unless you really like your ABV green/light.
I don't think there is a way to do it with the remote. But if you press the "M" button six (6) times it should take you to the F/C setting, which you can switch with the temperature up/down button.
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