The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

I wouldn't. W
Any of you guys using your E directly onto a water piece like the cloud without using the silicone whip? I was thinking about trying this, but haven't figured out what adapters I might need...gotta think some more.

I wouldn't. What's the advantage - less drag?


Apostle, Church of Vaporization
Any of you guys using your E directly onto a water piece like the cloud without using the silicone whip? I was thinking about trying this, but haven't figured out what adapters I might need...gotta think some more.

I've used my Q with my HT in a couple of ways. So far what's worked best is the cyclone plus an 18/male-18/male adapter, putting the ELB inverted into the adapter which places it closer to the heater than the Q's elbow. It looks like the following, except in this post I used the Q elbow rather than the ELB:

An important caveat is that the ELB (or Q elbow screen) needs to fit inside the adapter. The ID of 18/19mm adapters are not always precisely the same. I can fit an ELB in the male/male shown, but it is too tight to fit into another similar adapter. This applies more so if using the Q elbow because it has a larger diameter than the ELB.

I tried the above using my 18 female/18 female ALT adapter connected to the Q rather than the cyclone, but it has a collar which prevents getting a good fit onto the Q's heater joint. The ideal would probably be an 18 female/18 male with the ELB upright in the male end just like with the Cloud, but again a collar can get in the way of a good fit and the adapter must be tall enough for the male end to clear the Q housing. Either of the following would probably work; I'll be trying the 2nd which looks just a tad narrower:

I've also used the Q inverted, attached to a bubbler. Similar use of adapters as above. But it's a bit of a pain keeping the pieces connected, the width of the Q housing, the Q's heater joint being recessed, etc.
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Vapor concierge
Great vid, seek...thanks. That speaks volumes how to it.

Null...I'm breaking out the E for the first time since acquiring glass and want to give it a run.

Oldie...thanks bud...thats a lot of good shit to chew on! how was the vapor experience? Wish me luck!
Great vid, seek...thanks. That speaks volumes how to it.

Null...I'm breaking out the E for the first time since acquiring glass and want to give it a run.

Oldie...thanks bud...thats a lot of good shit to chew on! how was the vapor experience? Wish me luck!

Why not just use the whip then? I'm always super nervous when it comes to glass. I'd rather not have any extra weight on my joints. Mind you, the EQ is really light - something I forget every time I go to pick it up.

oldiebutgoodie, did you buy the HT seperate, or do you own a cloud?

Anyone tried the Aqua Vape?


Apostle, Church of Vaporization
Oldie...thanks bud...thats a lot of good shit to chew on! how was the vapor experience? Wish me luck!

Yr'welcome. It worked reasonably well. Not like the Cloud, of course. I'm using this setup for social for the obvious safety reasons. I've needed to play around with what is the best load and temp, haven't used it enough this way to get that quite nailed down yet. Let us know what you find!

Why not just use the whip then?

oldiebutgoodie, did you buy the HT seperate, or do you own a cloud?

Anyone tried the Aqua Vape?

I don't like the drag on the whip.

See my sig; Cloud + HydraCirc. At this time, must be purchased as a package, but the rumor is HT's will be sold separately soon.

Yep, I had an AV. OK for the price I guess. I broke mine cleaning it - the inside connection of the chamber to the exterior is thin and fragile.
Yeah I figured it was pretty thin - looks like China glass to me. I guess I'm best off with my SSFG travel beaker, but hot damn I'd love an HT.

I wonder what they'll charge for them separate.


Well-Known Member
I've seen them popping up in the classifieds for around 150.

As for how I use my Q with a water piece...I just use about a 4 inch hose and 2 elbows.


Vapor concierge
yeah...ill try the hose first since i have everything for it, but i would like to eliminate as much tubing as possible for comparison's sake.

but i did use the E whip last night for the first time in a while. i forgot how well this thing cools the vapor with that long hose...been using hotter logs for years.


Well-Known Member
So i've read the majority of this thread, and I understand how the Q works, and its pros/cons, but I want to ask a user question.

You guys who have the Q as well as other vapes, how do you like the Q for home use over your other vapes? I'm trying to decide on a vaporizer for home use, because right now I only own one vaporizer, the Pax, and not my cup of tea for use at home with a few friends. (its AMAZING for portable use on the run though, BUT max 2 people vaping at once). Reason I am asking is becasue no mater what vape I read about, or no mater who I PM about these different vapes, someone is always takling trash about 'this vape or that vape,' if you know what I mean, and I get the wrong impression. I know ultimately its my decision, but honestly I am having such a hard time deciding on my first at home vape.

As of now I am torn between the DBV, Extreme Q, ViVape & Cloud, but leaning more towards the Extreme Q or DBV because of the price point and ease of use as well as the efficiency.

Thanks in advance, and if you want to PM me with some input to avoid clogging up the thread, that's cool too. Thanks!
yeah...ill try the hose first since i have everything for it, but i would like to eliminate as much tubing as possible for comparison's sake.

but i did use the E whip last night for the first time in a while. i forgot how well this thing cools the vapor with that long hose...been using hotter logs for years.

Yeah I know what you mean. I was thinking of commissioning a glass tube or a set of glass pieces that would attach the EQ to a water pipe without having to invert it. That is, a glass piece to connect my bong to a standing EQ. Wonder if it's possible, or if the angles/radius would make it too fragile.

The whip does a decent job of cooling the vapor, but it's still extremely (pun not intended) dry. I've never been much into water pipes, but after using the EQ for a few weeks I realized how beneficial they are.

So i've read the majority of this thread, and I understand how the Q works, and its pros/cons, but I want to ask a user question.

You guys who have the Q as well as other vapes, how do you like the Q for home use over your other vapes? I'm trying to decide on a vaporizer for home use, because right now I only own one vaporizer, the Pax, and not my cup of tea for use at home with a few friends. (its AMAZING for portable use on the run though, BUT max 2 people vaping at once). Reason I am asking is becasue no mater what vape I read about, or no mater who I PM about these different vapes, someone is always takling trash about 'this vape or that vape,' if you know what I mean, and I get the wrong impression. I know ultimately its my decision, but honestly I am having such a hard time deciding on my first at home vape.

As of now I am torn between the DBV, Extreme Q, ViVape & Cloud, but leaning more towards the Extreme Q or DBV because of the price point and ease of use as well as the efficiency.

Thanks in advance, and if you want to PM me with some input to avoid clogging up the thread, that's cool too. Thanks!

Some people are fiercely defensive about their vapes.

It really depends on what your intended use/usage patterns is/are.
For me, the EQ was a no brainer - I loved the design, but more importantly I wanted a digital temperature control, the ability to use whips or bags (for parties/multi person sessions) and fan control. Price was also a big factor for me, and I got a ridiculous deal on my EQ. The fact that they are a Canadian company was just the icing on the cake for me (and yes, I'm aware it's not a Canadian product, but the company is.) After getting the EQ, I fell in love with the versatility. Filling a bag and need a large bowl? Pack the Cyclone. Need a small personal sized bowl? Pack the elbow. One thing I really like is that the EQ elbow pieces are 18 mm GONG, meaning they'll fit pretty much any decent water pipe. Upgrade your tubing to silicone, and you should be able to just swap the mouthpiece for an elbow any time you want to vapebong.

DBV and SSV (which you didn't mention) are really good whip vapes - probably among the best. But you are limited to whip use with these vapes, and that's fine for some people.

The Cloud looks amazing and it's definitely among the next I'm going to purchase. But it is expensive, and somewhat of a niche product in that it needs to be used with a waterpipe (and yes, I'm aware some folks use whips with their Cloud.)

ViVape - I don't know a lot about it. But honestly, why does your vaporizer need a touch screen? Maybe I'm just past the whole touch screen phase - what with a tablet, smartphone, and touchscreens EVERYWHERE at work, transit, shops, etc.


Well-Known Member
I have all but theDBV and they all are good. I do like the ViVape the best. It heats faster, and do balloons, has a better fan, and gives better vapor IMO! The cloud is nice, and built lie a tank, but takes 10-15 minutes to warm up, has no fan for bags and costs a hundred dollars more($150 more with the current ViV rebate) and is currently unavailable. You won't regret any of them tho so pick one and get vaping!


Apostle, Church of Vaporization
. . . You guys who have the Q as well as other vapes, how do you like the Q for home use over your other vapes? . . .

As of now I am torn between the DBV, Extreme Q, ViVape & Cloud, but leaning more towards the Extreme Q or DBV because of the price point and ease of use as well as the efficiency.

I pretty much second the other replies. It just depends on what your priorities are. IMO the best and most efficient vapor experience is hands-down the Cloud. It's in a different class - but of course it's also more expensive. Among the others, the DBV/SSV will give you the biggest hits. Between the Q and ViVape, I bias towards the Q because of its long-proven design & reliability, nice little extras like the remote, and the performance between the two is essentially the same; the ViVape might have the edge on ease-of-use. But then there is the price; I don't see the value in the ViVape's ~$400, for sure it's not 2x the Q and for it to be only $100 short of the Cloud's price - w/o the glass - is IMHO kinda ridiculous by comparison.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys for the input, the more the better!!

I am leaning towards the Q, simply for the bag, it sounds like a great idea for passing around with some friends or just sitting around watching TV alone, and just puff on the bag. OR just attach the whip and pass it around too...both seem like great ideas!

I have been thinking about the Cloud more and more, because I do want to use whatever vape I end up buying with a glass bubbler anyway, but the availability is killing me, as well as the price.

Oh decisions, decisions, decisions......


Apprentice Daydreamer
Beginners start with bags because of their acceptance by friends and no draw restrictions. But later with experience they find out bags are boring, not very effective and that direct draw is just better vapor experience. Also the whole bag thing is a hassle. After some vapor experience vaporists usually end up with water filtration as it's not drying the throat and making you cough. I've first used the EQ bags only, then used the whip, and now I connect it to a bubbler and wish I had a Cloud. I blow bags only for friends now. I like it direct. If you want to take the evolution get an EQ, if you predict you will LOVE vapor, get the Cloud. Superb performance and all-glass taste. No draw restrictions like with bags while being direct draw vape through a bubbler.

A big thanks to the EQ. It teached me all the vapor experiences so now I know what I truly like and want.


Apostle, Church of Vaporization
I am leaning towards the Q, simply for the bag, it sounds like a great idea for passing around with some friends or just sitting around watching TV alone, and just puff on the bag. OR just attach the whip and pass it around too...both seem like great ideas!

I have been thinking about the Cloud more and more, because I do want to use whatever vape I end up buying with a glass bubbler anyway, but the availability is killing me, as well as the price.

If you're looking for a solid bag performer same price as the Q, have you looked at the HA? I haven't used one myself but it has a helluva lot of bag fans that swear by it. It uses a much more powerful pump, and also has an optional setup to blow 4 blags simultaneously. But IMO the Q's whip setup is much better.

As far as Cloud availability goes, there was inventory recently available for ~2 weeks, been out for about a week now. Use the "notify" feature to get an auto email when they are back in stock.


Well-Known Member
Ive been using my DB almost exclusively for whips at home.
Pulled out the EQ a couple days back.......and remember why I fell in love in the first place.
Solid unit, and if my lungs feel lazy along with the rest of me I'll make the fan push the vapor into my lungs.


Apprentice Daydreamer
I feel like the fan is not doing anything while drawing directly. Too weak to make difference. Maybe I just have a lot of lung power.


Well-Known Member
Draw slower, then when you're getting solid clouds already turn it on high.
Ive got a fan/slow draw and when the vapors thick I start at 1 and ramp up for straight RIPS.
Easy with a remote.

And elbow packs help immensely


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I'll be trying the 2nd which looks just a tad narrower:

I've also used the Q inverted, attached to a bubbler. Similar use of adapters as above. But it's a bit of a pain keeping the pieces connected, the width of the Q housing, the Q's heater joint being recessed, etc.

Oldiebutgoodie, I'd be VERY interested to know if either of those adapters work with the ELB. While I plan on getting a cloud at some point, I'd like to set this up with the HT on the eq as a stepping stone.

Since you have all the parts, could you post up a picture or at least a confirmation when that adapter comes in? If so I'll pull the trigger on everything.

John Lewus

Well-Known Member
Why not just use the whip then? I'm always super nervous when it comes to glass. I'd rather not have any extra weight on my joints. Mind you, the EQ is really light - something I forget every time I go to pick it up.

oldiebutgoodie, did you buy the HT seperate, or do you own a cloud?

Anyone tried the Aqua Vape?

I use an aquavape with my eq. I just got it and it works great. I use it at the end of my whip.

As an FYI the hydratubes are now available separately from This just happened a few hours ago. Check the cloud thread for more details. I just ordered one.

mod note: Back-to-back posts, merged. Please use the edit button, thanks.
John Lewus,
I use an aquavape with my eq. I just got it and it works great. I use it at the end of my whip.

As an FYI the hydratubes are now available separately from This just happened a few hours ago. Check the cloud thread for more details. I just ordered one.

mod note: Back-to-back posts, merged. Please use the edit button, thanks.

make a video of the Aqua Vape! The only thing keeping me from buying one is the china glass appearance.

And of course Hydratubes are available now, I just dropped a bunch of money on custom glass work :D


Apostle, Church of Vaporization
Oldiebutgoodie, I'd be VERY interested to know if either of those adapters work with the ELB. While I plan on getting a cloud at some point, I'd like to set this up with the HT on the eq as a stepping stone.

Since you have all the parts, could you post up a picture or at least a confirmation when that adapter comes in? If so I'll pull the trigger on everything.

Sure. I'll post as soon as I receive the adapter and can confirm the setup.
is it just me or is the abv with the EQ much lighter? especially with elbow packs..has anyone else noticed this?​


Apprentice Daydreamer
Elbow packs are further from the heater so you need 5 or 10 more degrees (I'm thinking Celsius) to have the same ABV color.
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