If anyone was wondering which moderator was starting to go ballistic over the fucking back-to-back posts, it was me.
This is a really simple rule. FOLLOW IT! I will hand out an infraction for the next offense.
If anyone was wondering which moderator was starting to go ballistic over the fucking back-to-back posts, it was me.
This is a really simple rule. FOLLOW IT! I will hand out an infraction for the next offense.
Hey boys and girls, lovely to be here after 3 or so days of intense reading(lurking lol)
Now while I'd really already made up my mind about which vape to purchase this forum has helped ease any second thoughts that arose, so for that many thanks.. my eq should come today and I just got 2oz of some beautifully tended greenery so am well prepared.
Right, now for the inevitable torrent of questions.. lol jk.. only really have one. I spent 3 days at work reading up to about page 40 and have certainly enough gleaned knowledge to avoid the usual pitfalls. So question is.. so I don't have to read all the inbetween posts if someone knew roughly when any new innovations were discovered/shared with/by the community and which posts these roughly start from that'd save me alot of reading. Thanks in advance.
p.s.. I will of course post my review once i have the eq in my grubby mits!
pps.. I used a vape before and although it worked to some degree is was a fairly poorly produced model so am expecting great things from the eq.
... so I don't have to read all the inbetween posts if someone knew roughly when any new innovations were discovered/shared with/by the community and which posts these roughly start from that'd save me alot of reading. Thanks in advance.
. . .
Glad to hear! And welcome to the FC and vaping family! I've owned all of Arizer's products and must agree with you that it's a perfect vape to get you started... just be careful with Vaporizer Aquisition Syndrome (VAS)... lol
Enjoy your EQ!
Glad to hear! And welcome to the FC and vaping family! I've owned all of Arizer's products and must agree with you that it's a perfect vape to get you started... just be careful with Vaporizer Aquisition Syndrome (VAS)... lol
Enjoy your EQ!
Well as you get more into it you may get snobbish like me and refuse to use whips tubes or bags and will wanna stick with pure clean glass. Pass on the SSV, and just go for the Cloud![]()
I also like the elbow method with my V-Tower, but I find it adds a little too much drag. Are there other vaporizers which are equally efficient and work well with small amounts like ~0.2g?
I could grind the weed less fine to reduce drag, but then it will fall into the cyclone bowl after a while and I doN't want to fiddle around with the steering tool.
Makai - click. This is ultra small bowl, best for inverse hitting.
...or a regular screen mod to have a "elbow pack" sized bowl.
Also try inverse hitting for the falling problem - instead of putting the cyclone on the EQ, put upside-down EQ on the cyclone (to the black rubber end) and place the elbow in below. Draw from it and then disconnect. Herbs are sitting on the screen in inverse hitting and air is going down through them (with every type of load - cylcone loads, elbow packs and modded bowls).
Are there other vaporizers which are equally efficient and work well with small amounts like ~0.2g?