@ Herbmeister, it looks like he's wearing a prison shirt. Had to say it.
I will add that scullcap does provide strong anxiolytic effect when ingested orally in capsules (Wish i could remember how many, but it was strong enough for me to put it on the shelf next to my kratom).
From my experiance (Quite a bit of it from back in the combustion days), here's the herb's I've tried orally and or vaped/combusted before i vaped.
DOSAGE VARIES PERSON TO PERSON. I am NOT recommending that anyone try vaping any of these in any shape or form and take no liability. But..
Dont dirty your vape with even the finest kratom resins or extracts. It taste like ass, and if you use plain or powdered leaf as I do, you will know just how much "A dosage" is. Normal leaf (For me) takes about 5-10g depending on the quality. 5g of good leaf should take away any pain I have, while 10g of good leaf should make me feel WAY too sedated to leave bed and also provide pain relief. Take in mind, my old supplier before he passed, had the best stuff around and I cannot find anything up to par. No, it was not RC laced as I saw multiple lab tests from reputable labs.
Nothing will beat his kratom, and may he rest in peace
My last batch of kratom extract (2x) was dehydrated at about 220-240F, and I believe it may have even lost potency.
Great in tea form, but again, taste like ass. I've found the best tasting, simplest way to make kratom tea is to mix it with a Chai tea blend (Loose leaf!!) and a spoonfull or two of honey, depending on how concentrated your tea is. I use about 1.5tsp of chai blend for my 6g kratom teas+1tsp of honey.
As someone who once used capsules exclusively, I can tell you stomaching the taste of Kratom in a tea MIXED with some other ingredients to mask it is better than capsules. There, I said it. I'd rather choke down 12oz of kratom tea than eat 20 size "00" caps.
I'm very pasionate about Kratom, i must admit-
but please treat that plant with respect, as the last friend of mine i recommended the plant to almost got addicted to it. He had never experienced real opiate withdraws and it scared him half to death (Keep in mind, he was hitting kratom bars for multiple months, without breaks, only ordered double/triples, and DID NOT heed my warnings!). As someone who knows the throws of real opiate WD I told him don't go back to kratom if you cannot control your intake, whilst I smugly asked him "So you couldn't sleep for a week or two, had a little RLS, cravings, and
maybe some nausea/diarrhea?" The worst he had was cravings for a week and insomnia for maybe two weeks, IME.
3 days on, 3 days off, or weekend only kind of thing for me. Great plant for when I'm low/cannot afford to see a doctor and am in pain.
Kava: I once evaporated down a pure alcohol tincture, and tried a small dot over a a bed of herbs back when I was into that combustion bullshit. It works. Numbs the tongue, provides the kava-esq feeling, and was indeed not a placebo. Combusting it tasted like burnt rubber, drinking the tea (I mean REAL concentrated, non flavored pure kava root tea) is rough. I'd be tempted to try it on an old nail, but the fact that it numbs your mouth/tongue and even taste like burning rubber makes me wonder what that could do to your lungs. Not recommended for vaping IMO.
Great in tea!!!! I'm more of a kratom guy, but all i can add on this front is that you should NOT boil the tea- use water under boiling temperature!!
Catnip: Again, when I was into combustion, it worked. About .6 or .8 rolled gave me and my friends a very, very, very mellow buzz that lasted for a few hours at most. We agreed it wasn't placebo and not to do it agian. Good addition to a kratom tea, I'd say vaping it could be worth a shot, or at least including it in a mix.
I'd give it a go in my vape, but only if it was part of a mix. Its like an earthy mint if i recal. Good addition to Kratom teas.
Chamomile: Great herb for just relaxing, I have yet to try vaping this though. I normally just toss a bag into my other teas, but i may order some for vaping.
Now to find a supplier so i can start vaping some other herbs! I'm tempted to try a mix of catnip, chamomile, lavender, and MAYBE spray it with some kava extract. I'd be willing to use it on my old VG once my new one arrives.
Sorry im limited to these few, but i hoped I helped some people. I also leave my kratom-drentched comment with this: Has anyone else noticed how a lot of the herbs on the list tend to be really, really dry? I'd imagine more flavor from fresh herbs and a better vape.