from what I read about lobelia inflata or Indian tobacco it sounds quite habit forming, some people were reporting amphetamine like effects and became addictive if used for to long. I believe Native Americans used to smoke it. Or that is what I was told, I used to work at a botanical gardens which had a medicinal garden filled with plants ranging from slight antiseptics to herbs used in tribal rituals to induce visions like Belladonna and Datura
Herb: Lavender (Lavandula)
Vape Temp: 100°C to 125°C (212°F to 257°F)
Technique: Heat your vape / bowl for a bit at max temperature (260C on my Arizer Extreme Q) and then place the herbs into the bowl and allow them to get nice and heated (Use a bit pinch of the herb. Not too much though so that it will restrict the airflow or overfill the bowl). Drop the temperature of the vape to the recommended 110C and begin gently inhaling. Do so until you are satisfied with the dosage (Roughly 10 minutes of regular use) or crank it up to 150-200 for a short-lived but more intense dose of the lavender. At these higher temperatures, you may find the essential oils of the herb collecting in your throat, and due to the rich amount of oils in this plant is is ideal for producing slightly more visible vapor than your average herb. This level of vapor is still nothing compared to what a cannabis vaper is used to seeing.
Vapor Info: Gets a 2 out of 5 in regards to the amount of visible vapor it produces. The taste and relaxing effects are evident as soon as the herb has heated up and the first hit is taken at anything over 110 degrees (Celcius).
Getting in the higher temps (150C+) produces a more visible vapor which can help gauge how much of it's essential oils and actives you are taking in.
Other techniques: Try filling your vape bowl as much as you are comfortable with (the more the better) and put it on 90 degrees Celsius. Turn it on the first fan setting and aim the whip in the air or in your general direction. It will produce a good 10 minutes of pleasantly scented air flowing your way.
Taste: Strong floral tones to it, and maybe a little bit soapy. It's aroma is what is important though, and the aroma is wonderful.
Remedial medicine value: Assists in the recovery of skin conditions. (Fungal, eczema) but is primarily useful for relaxation and the promotion of sleep. Alleviates stress and anxiety also.
History: It's documented use goes back 2,500 years as an Egyptian perfume. It is also often mentioned in the Bible in relation to purification of the body, and is used today in medicine, clothing and aroma products.
Where to buy it:
(Buy a 250-500 gram dried bag of the herb. This is an amount that should last 1 year of REGULAR use, and a lifetime of spontaneous / specifically medicinal use during times of great stress / sleeplessness )
Conclusion: Overall, this herb is great for a quick chillout sesh. I use it when I lie down to sleep but find myself tossing and turning with minor pains or mental worries. It's always worth the effort to get up, turn on the computer and browse FC while I vape a nice big pinch of it and slowly fall into a meditative state of light relaxation. The aroma helps in this department as well, as the natural scent of fresh lavender is known to induce instant tranquility. When dried and heated up to a decent temperature, this can make your whole room smell phenomenal and makes for a very peaceful environment.
10/10 herb! A must for anybody who owns a vape and enjoys their aromatherapy and general relaxation. Please note however that this herb does not SEDATE you as much as 'other' herbs that you are used to vaporizingbut it still relaxes you. The known fact that 2 drops of essential lavender oil on the pillow will give you a good sleep is true, but I prefer to vape it before bed to feel its effects immediately.
Khat's nice.. MCAT is made from it which is not nice..
Did a small write-up on the remedial effects of vaping ladender over at my 'Guide to Herbs' thread.
EnjoyI highly recommend the use of this herb on a daily basis!
Wow! I find that a lavender tea about 10 mins after a vape sesh can cause the high to 'plateau' at a very comfortable and relaxing level. It clears my head-space and makes me feel very present and contentIndeed!
I also vape lavender on the daily to treat anxiety and swear by it. I often mix it with cannabis.
Smells and tastes great. Leaves the entire house smelling awesome. My cats love it also.
Lavender seems to me to in fact enhance the effects of cannabis.
This anecdotal observation is supported with the concept of 'the entourage effect' with cannabinoids and terpenes. Of the main terpenes in lavender, linalool, is also present in cannabis.
THC, CBD And More: The Entourage Effect Of Whole-Plant Cannabis Medicine
Taming THC: potential cannabis synergy and phytocannabinoid-terpenoid entourage effects
I've heard that if you mix tea leaves or other herbs with bud, there's less thc in the vapor. Is that true?
Ordered from iamshaman and had a great overall experience (although their credit processing said I may be charged an international fee, despite both the company and me being in the states, still not sure about that one).
Blue lilly -dried flowers
Wild Dagga - Lion's tail flowers
Wild lettuce
Kava root powder
Kratom - Bali powder
Completely new to all of these so I'm still unsure where to start. I don't expect to vape the kratom or kava, but still wanted to try them as tea. From what I've read, it should be quite the experience.
Edit: Seeing as I have the patience of a 3 year-old, I decided to make some of the kratom tea for the afternoon, to be followed later with either hops or blue lilly in the vape. Haven't eaten for a good 4 hours, popped a ginger-capsule to avoid any stomach aches, mixed 2 rounded tsp with about a shot of strawberry lemonade and downed it. Decent flavor and I've heard the lemon helps activate the alkaloids. It's only been maybe 15 minutes and I already feel a nice, warm body buzz. This is pleasant =).