Do you have a pic of all the older iterations of your Cube in the shot?
... are you planning to use a waiting list, a lottery? Maybe a sweepstakes?.
Do you think this would work to heat a vap cap also?
@cascades - no, the glass oven tube is not easily removable without disassembling the cube by taking the pcb out the bottom to have access to the ribbon heater, which holds the oven tube pretty snuggly … it really doesn't get dirty, but a q-tip/iso could clean it.
i don't use concentrates/oil that could drip into the oven. i have tested a different vial with the air intake holes on the side, rather than the bottom, that would be better for concentrates, et. al., but much more testing is required to get that right. i still don't like any of the extraction processes in common use, so i have not pursued it much.
and as for removing the vial during a session - i think it is better to micro load and finish the vial in one sitting, rather than try to extend one vial's worth of herb.
one way to change the convection vs conduction effect is to start drawing sooner, before the vial has cooked the full 2 minutes.
well, i don't use a bubbler or water tool, so that is left to the user. i never need it - the draw tube is adequate cooling for me. and the keyboards! can't have a bong just sitting there, waiting for me to knock it over on my desk and spill bong water all over the keyboards. taking keyboards apart to clean them is … annoying.
my goal is to keep the glassware as simple as possible - all standard laboratory glassware - vials and test tubes. except i had to go to India to get a custom size oven tube - too much waste to cut just 38mm from a 150mm tube, so they can recycle the waste glass right at the factory. and it appears US has even number diameters and EU has odd number - i needed a 15mm oven tube, to provide 0.5mm gap with the 12mm vial - 14mm or 16mm don't work.
what is it with bongs? is it your experience that all vaporizers are so hot that you must have water cooling/filtration for the vapor? or very sensitive lungs?
it occurred to me after thinking more about @JJR's convection, all glass vape, that he was running it at 500F - and it seems all the convection vapes run at an extreme temp - EVO at 1000F.
this is not that vape.
maybe calling the BT convection creates a false impression. the more i think about it, the more i appreciate the importance of the radiant heat. definitely not conduction because not much herb touches the vial walls, but the radiant heat definitely cooks the herb. so the heater is running at 385F to 395F, and the radiant effect compensates for less heat transfer to the airflow due to the lower temp.
and drawing vapor from the vial into the draw tube expands it enough to cool the vapor. 800% volume expansion.
the BT can operate in any orientation of the cube. if you use it upside down, the herb will fall out of the vial. if you put the vial in upside down in the oven tube, the rim of the vial will seal against the bottom of the oven tube, and then you can't draw air through the vial - too restrictive.
clearly, this vape is not for everyone. i have had a lifelong "issue" of trying to conclude a project - the goal posts keep moving down the field - not here - this design is just what it needs to be. if i could buy it, i would. but at this point i am really spoiled, and there is nothing like it available.
i'm thinking $500 per unit, with a lot of spare components and very long warranty. easy to repair. shipping paid both ways, if necessary. the goal: it will just work. period.