I love my AIR. I use 4 stems. The stock 2, a shorty Ed's TNT and a JODA. I load them up in the morning, cap them, grab a spare battery and head out.
I bought a black case because I put the white one that comes with it on when I first got it and quite liked it. The black is more stealth tho. When I put the case on, I loosened the bottom a bit so that my razor blade could fit in the gap I created by unscrewing it some. I then made sure the case was on all the way and then carefully felt for and then pushed the razor blade through the case, into the grove which held my blade as I slowly turned the unit around and made a decent straight cut all the way around. Now, I can easily unscrew to change batteries and that 1/4"...maybe 1/2? that I cut off is not missed at all.
I also got the nitecore charger. I have 4 batteries and I never run out now. As soon as I get a warning light, I switch and if I'm home, I throw it on the charger.
I can play GTA and vape all afternoon now

As for stems, the stock 2 are very very good. My favorite is probably the open ended one. Tmorrow I might say the one with the cap on it

My shorty Ed's was ignored for quite a while because it didn't produce and was hot. That was before. Lately, it's in the rotation and I have learned how to use it properly. It's great. If you are sensitive to heat though, I would never get a short stem for your AIR.
Lastly, my JODA. I really, really like that stem. Obviously it looks pretty cool, but aside from being tad bit snug, the length is awesome and the mouth piece is the best. It's almost like a duck call.
As far as vaping in general, it is something else. I have a c99 strain that when I vape it on low, it is so sweet tasting, citrusy, I don't know...it's like candy. I think the high is incidental because the flavor and taste is so phenominal. It amazes me each time. I can feel, like, flavor crystals hitting spots on my tongue as I inhale the vapor. SOOOOOOOO good mmmm.
Sorry for that.
Have a good day!