Ok people, I've returned with pics of the aftermarket cases found at my local glass shop, for those interested - Here are pics of the small, medium and large. And to those wondering why I'm posting these pics or are interested in getting one, look back to my previous posts. First, a comparison photo with the AA to give you an idea:
Large size (updated pic - comfortably fits unit, 2 slim canisters, 2 stems, 2 caps, 1 MP):
Medium (fits unit, 2 stems):
Small (fits unit only):
After getting all 3 cases, I have to say I really like the small, and of course the large. The small is great because its compact enough to put in your pocket and the AA feels very tight and secure inside it (shockproof of course). The medium is nice too, but as you can see the tubes are tightly fit and may run a risk of breaking if you smash the sides of the case against something hard. The large is the best all around case because of versatility, room for accessories, and safe placement of the glass tubes. I know there are nicer cases out there such as the smell-proof ones posted a while back, but for the price you can't beat it. Yeah buddy.. You live!
EDIT: On the medium case, I figured out how to place the stems more efficiently:
You can securely place the upper stem in the strap, and the lower stem will fit nicely in the pocket. And since the stems are right next to the 2 closing flaps, which are cushioned, I don't seen any possible danger to them. Now I can't decide which case I like better - I suppose I may need all 3 for different occasions.