Well-Known Member
Are you sure you are not just surprised by it's restricted draw? It would help a lot if you could try another unit.

Good point. Perhaps the OP is new to vapes and is judging it by that standard? That is compared to blazing.

I too have had no such issues, nor do I recall anyone posting of such extreme restrictions (only complaints they'd like less restriction). I think most if not all decide that low restriction 'rips' on Solo/Air are not really a good idea. Vapor is only produced so fast, unlike blazing, all you can really get with less restriction is faster hits that are more dilute. I seriously doubt this one unit is defective compared with all the rest, but I guess that too can happen.

I'll go back to watching the topic. Hopefully it'll pan out as a misunderstanding on the new owner's end rather than a defective unit, harsh as that might sound. At least from the larger POV (such a defective unit will no doubt cause much concern far and wide), for sure to the OP what matters is a vape he can enjoy.



Bought a vortex pvhes stem from vapefiend a few days ago, I'm excited to receive it.

Two friends (a guy and a girl) tested my new Arizer Air (2016 version) and they liked it better than my titanium grasshopper. They found the taste (can't beat glass!) and harshness/production of vapor very good.

Fat Freddy

Bought a vortex pvhes stem from vapefiend a few days ago, I'm excited to receive it.

Two friends (a guy and a girl) tested my new Arizer Air (2016 version) and they liked it better than my titanium grasshopper. They found the taste (can't beat glass!) and harshness/production of vapor very good.

Congrats on your new "crush" with the AA! :love:

By the way, what are the new features with the 2016 model, if any?



Well-Known Member
Are you sure you are not just surprised by it's restricted draw? It would help a lot if you could try another unit.

Agreed, it is somewhat akin to sucking a golf ball through a garden hose. But that is what gives you big clouds. Put it on a water tool or even a Sherlock and you'll see what's happening- might help gauge.

Fat Freddy

I've used a medium grind, keep it cleaned, tried the high airflow stems and even used empty stems to test flow and it's definitely a blocked unit.
I'm either gonna RMA the thing for Arizer to sort out or possibly even clear it myself, or even modify the unit as Arizer have said this is 'not a warranty case', almost blaming me for misusing it..!!
So any feedback from some real users would be greatly appreciated.

Which AA model is it? Perchance the 2016 model with the modified heating chamber/holes?

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Fat Freddy,


Well-Known Member
But that is what gives you big clouds. Put it on a water tool or even a Sherlock and you'll see what's happening- might help gauge.

Excellent point, and suggestion.

Perhaps something as simple as loading the all glass stem and taking some sample hits in front of the mirror (so you can see the vapor concentration) would be a good idea? It's a counter intuitive lesson we all learned early on I think. Skills and experience in blazing can easily lead you the wrong way. Perhaps even '....naturally lead you the wrong way'?

Big clouds and easy draw generally don't happen together. And if the draw is easy, and you take advantage an honk on it, you lose vapor wise?

The only time I find the airflow restrictive is when I pack the bowl too tight otherwise it's just right IMO.

I do however want to get glass stems that are slightly longer than stock just to cool down the vapor a bit...well not so much the vapor but the plastic tip.

Bought a vortex pvhes stem from vapefiend a few days ago, I'm excited to receive it.

Two friends (a guy and a girl) tested my new Arizer Air (2016 version) and they liked it better than my titanium grasshopper. They found the taste (can't beat glass!) and harshness/production of vapor very good.
Let us know how you like it and if the increased airflow is necessary. I've been looking at these stems but not sure if they're worth the purchase.
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Easily done, try the Solo stems. Same bowl end but 4 3/4 inches long. And you can get a bent one if that strikes your fancy. Same price, ten bucks.

Oh really? I will look into that. I'm surprised I like the stock stems..I just want them to be a tad bit longer.
10 bucks is a deal, I can pick up a few for that price.

I was really considering getting a Hydro tube but honestly I don't think I need it. I'm still surprised about how smooth the hits are with such a short vapor path.


Well-Known Member
Oh really? I will look into that. I'm surprised I like the stock stems..I just want them to be a tad bit longer.
10 bucks is a deal, I can pick up a few for that price.

Yep, they're basically the same. Air is a smaller, reduced feature Solo with a user replaceable battery and slightly different oven design. Stems interchange.

I like the 'pick up a few' idea, now you're thinking like @ataxian!




Collector of Functional Art
Which AA model is it? Perchance the 2016 model with the modified heating chamber/holes?
I'm not sure all the color selections have the 2016 updated chamber with the "cutouts". The first one I received was the titanium color and sent it back to exchange because it had the small holes. The only ones in stock at that time that had the updated chamber were the black ones.

Also, if it isn't the updated chamber version, you could insert the glass stem and then pull it back out 1 or 2 mm to allow for an easier draw.

Anaconda Gs

Vapor Adventures
I just thought of something else, has anyone discovered a handy, neat way of filling the bowl?
Currently I'm using a playing card to funnel my flowers into the bowl but that is a bit messy.

With the Solo, I use the stem like a straw and that fills the glass stem with my flowers. I've used this technique for the Vapor Bros, SSV, DBV, so this method should work for all glass stem style vapes.
Anaconda Gs,
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Well-Known Member
I have never used glass stems with my arizer air. I am worried about it stretching out the rings and making the ecig type stems loose....is my concern unfounded?

I like the ecig stems alot, I leave it in all the time even when transporting so tight fit is a pro for me. But if it doesnt matter then ill try the curved solo stem in there for home use
Hey Buddy's.. New member here..

I've had the Arizer Air for a few months now and...it SUCKS..!! Well I do at least... I suck and suck and damn this thing is hard to get air flowing through it.

It has become progressively harder to get anything out of the Air and I suspect it has gotten blocked inside the heat chamber with small bits of spice that has fallen through the 4 small air holes. Anyone else had this problem.?

A real good blow down a clean tube and a shake and it frees the airflow temporarily but it soons goes back to a frustrating 'suckfest', almost completely blocked, like sucking a big pea down a little straw.

I've contacted Arizer about it but the are totally bemused that someone has managed to block one of their products and are clueless how to remove the possible obstruction without taking it to pieces.
It is possible my unit is just faulty but having seen the disassembly pictures here (p366) I can see there actually is no breather hole in the Air and the only opening is where the wires come through to the heating element.
A big design fault..? I think so. Arizer haven't factored in the possibility of herb falling through the holes and a way to easily remove it.

I've used a medium grind, keep it cleaned, tried the high airflow stems and even used empty stems to test flow and it's definitely a blocked unit.
I'm either gonna RMA the thing for Arizer to sort out or possibly even clear it myself, or even modify the unit as Arizer have said this is 'not a warranty case', almost blaming me for misusing it..!!
So any feedback from some real users would be greatly appreciated.
..Firstly thanks guys for your responses and sound advice.
I am indeed new to vaping and the Air is the first and only vape I've used.
I've blazed herb for 30 years and the thought of a healthier option and a new technology was just what I needed. I read a million reviews and guides before I purchased and used the Air but still it was all new to me.
One can still taste and remember the first hit from my vape and despite the slow draw and diminished clouds compared to my bong I was totally sold on vaping.
When my Air was working well and flowing it truly was a breath of fresh air, but it soon became really hard to draw from and intermittently so, making it hard to correct.
As I said before the high airflow stems seemed perfect but they just leak in fresh air AFTER the bud has been vaped so are a false way of improving airflow and lead to weaker vapour.
All my testing lead me to believe the unit must be getting blocked and with open holes in the heat chamber, it's obvious to me some herb would fall in there no matter how you grind your material. Dry, brittle plant material is always gonna end up in tiny pieces and inevitably fall through these holes.
I took onboard a very good suggestion from here and took my vape to my buddy's for a good airblasting with a compressor, discarded the high airflow tubes and I seem to have solved the problem. I've had two great sessions with the Air and no blockages to date. It seems like a new unit and providing sweet milky clouds.
So I'm convinced the unit was blocked, meaning material can and does fall into the heat chamber and can stay there and cause problems. With restricted access and no breather hole for clearance, this could become a problem for other uses too.
I have the 2015 model without the milled holes in the chamber.
Filling my tubes by directly dipping and scooping into my grinder is the easiest and tidiest way I've found to load. No pressing down at all.
Loving the long straight Solo stem for cool misty vapour.
So thanks guys and a little note of caution. It is possible to clog this device and it needs special treatment to remedy the problem.
I'll be around here from now on, learning and joining in on the collective 'cloud' we have going on..!!

(Edit): My Possible Causes And Remedies For Blockages

(1) Embrace The Grind - Keep it as coarse as possible.
(2) Suck! Don't Blow - Use gravity to clear any bowl debris.
(3) Keep It Clean - Much easier to free material from a clean bowl.
(4) Be A Hamster - Maybe try the upside down sipping technique.

Happy vaping..
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Collector of Functional Art
...I took onboard a very good suggestion from here and took my vape to my buddy's for a good airblasting with a compressor, discarded the high airflow tubes and I seem to have solved the problem. I've had two great sessions with the Air and no blockages to date. It seems like a new unit and providing sweet milky clouds.

...I'll be around here from now on, learning and joining in on the collective 'cloud' we have going on..!!
Happy vaping..
Thank you for posting your solution to remedy this problem. It very well could prove useful to others in the future.


Well-Known Member
..Firstly thanks guys for your responses and sound advice.
I am new to vaping and the Air is the first and only vape I've used.
I've blazed herb for 30 years and the thought of a healthier option and a new technology was just what I needed. I read a million reviews and guides before I purchased and used the Air but still it was all new to me.
One can still taste and remember the first hit from my vape and despite the slow draw and diminished clouds compared to my bong I was totally sold on vaping.
When my Air was working well and flowing it truly was a breath of fresh air, but it soon became really hard to draw from and intermittently so, making it hard to correct.
As I said before the high airflow stems seemed perfect but they just leak in fresh air AFTER the bud has been vaped so are a false way of improving airflow and lead to weaker vapour.
All my testing lead me to believe the unit must be getting blocked and with open holes in the heat chamber, it's obvious to me some herb would fall in there no matter how you grind your material. Dry, brittle plant material is always gonna end up in tiny pieces and inevitably fall through these holes.
I took onboard a very good suggestion from here and took my vape to my buddy's for a good airblasting with a compressor, discarded the high airflow tubes and I seem to have solved the problem. I've had two great sessions with the Air and no blockages to date. It seems like a new unit and providing sweet milky clouds.
So I'm convinced the unit was blocked, meaning material can and does fall into the heat chamber and can stay there and cause problems. With restricted access and no breather hole for clearance, this could become a problem for other uses too.
I have the 2015 model without the milled holes in the chamber.
Filling my tubes by directly dipping and scooping into my grinder is the easiest and tidiest way I've found to load. No pressing down at all.
Loving the long straight Solo stem for cool misty vapour.
So thanks guys and a little note of caution. It is possible to clog this device and it needs special treatment to remedy the problem.
I'll be around here from now on, learning and joining in on the collective 'cloud' we have going on..!!
Happy vaping..

If bits going down the holes was the cause of the problem there is a way to avoid it :nod: you need to harness your inner hamster ;) simply load your stem as normal and give a gentle tamp to help keep it in place then turn your air upside down and take one or two hits while its this way (hamster style) then continue as normal, I'm a bit baked to cover the reasons this works but...upside down, heat, condensate put them in a stem and with a little magic it forms a nice solid puck :tup:


Well-Known Member
..Firstly thanks guys for your responses and sound advice.
I am indeed new to vaping and the Air is the first and only vape I've used.
I've blazed herb for 30 years and the thought of a healthier option and a new technology was just what I needed.

You're welcome, of course, that was the whole idea? Thanks for saying as much, that doesn't happen enough IMO.

Good to know this is indeed your maiden voyage, IMO that has a lot to do with things. More than enough to obscure the rest. You may/should have come across this idea in your research, your brain is playing tricks on you. Much like Pavlov's dogs (who associated bells with food) your brain has come to associate choking on the crap from blazing that accompanies the good stuff with getting high. 'You need to cough to get off' kind of thinking but at a subliminal level. From experience I can tell you you can smoke tea (the kind that comes in little bags you put in hot water.....) and get stoned if you think you're smoking pot. Seriously, I've done it years back.

"You don't have to put your face in the campfire to get off" is a new idea, more so to those of us who blazed a long time. We all went through it (or we wouldn't 'be here'). It can be a short time (a few days?) or weeks of ABSOLUTELY NO BLAZING AT ALL to break that mental link. Most 'old hands' tend to the long end of that I think. Remember how gross smoking was when you first started? It still is, only a 'mind trick' has convinced you it's a good thing. The fun bit is once your brain separates the two, smoking herb becomes just as gross as it always really was. You'll find hundreds of 'I tried a few hits with friends, I can't believe how nasty it was......' posts.

You might consider how you managed to get debris 'going against the current' backwards (down). Since it's normal to only pull air upward. There is, I think, a good reason why this is basically unheard of around here, normal technique prevents this. By all means get this under control before you venture into Water Tools. Blowing water backwards has been reported to have destroyed vapes, and surely isn't going to improve them if they survive.

Glad to have you on board, I think we all agree vaping is the right call. You get a 'clearer high', can remain more functional, get full medical benefits and can control to some extent the delivery of the various fractions and therefore results. And you can save a pile on your weed bills. Most report dropping to 1/3 or evan 1/4 their prior consupttion once they stop burning up their precious herb in some ill conceived fire.

So you can save a pile of money, move up to that top shelf, control the effects and smell and get to live longer to enjoy it all. Tough combination to argue against.

Anyway, welcome to the fun. You've made a sound choice and are amongst friends. I'm sure I speak for all when I say we're looking forward to hearing more from you.

Just don't let @ataxian near your glass.........



You're welcome, of course, that was the whole idea? Thanks for saying as much, that doesn't happen enough IMO.

Good to know this is indeed your maiden voyage, IMO that has a lot to do with things. More than enough to obscure the rest. You may/should have come across this idea in your research, your brain is playing tricks on you. Much like Pavlov's dogs (who associated bells with food) your brain has come to associate choking on the crap from blazing that accompanies the good stuff with getting high. 'You need to cough to get off' kind of thinking but at a subliminal level. From experience I can tell you you can smoke tea (the kind that comes in little bags you put in hot water.....) and get stoned if you think you're smoking pot. Seriously, I've done it years back.

"You don't have to put your face in the campfire to get off" is a new idea, more so to those of us who blazed a long time. We all went through it (or we wouldn't 'be here'). It can be a short time (a few days?) or weeks of ABSOLUTELY NO BLAZING AT ALL to break that mental link. Most 'old hands' tend to the long end of that I think. Remember how gross smoking was when you first started? It still is, only a 'mind trick' has convinced you it's a good thing. The fun bit is once your brain separates the two, smoking herb becomes just as gross as it always really was. You'll find hundreds of 'I tried a few hits with friends, I can't believe how nasty it was......' posts.

You might consider how you managed to get debris 'going against the current' backwards (down). Since it's normal to only pull air upward. There is, I think, a good reason why this is basically unheard of around here, normal technique prevents this. By all means get this under control before you venture into Water Tools. Blowing water backwards has been reported to have destroyed vapes, and surely isn't going to improve them if they survive.

Glad to have you on board, I think we all agree vaping is the right call. You get a 'clearer high', can remain more functional, get full medical benefits and can control to some extent the delivery of the various fractions and therefore results. And you can save a pile on your weed bills. Most report dropping to 1/3 or evan 1/4 their prior consupttion once they stop burning up their precious herb in some ill conceived fire.

So you can save a pile of money, move up to that top shelf, control the effects and smell and get to live longer to enjoy it all. Tough combination to argue against.

Anyway, welcome to the fun. You've made a sound choice and are amongst friends. I'm sure I speak for all when I say we're looking forward to hearing more from you.

Just don't let @ataxian near your glass.........

Let's be clear?
GLASS is to be broken!
In about 300 years we will have unbreakable GonG's and water pipes that don't ruin flavor!

If I was a collector or homeless I would get more portables.
If I was has smart as @OF I would be so honored!

If I was CIVILIZED I would break less glass!

There is no market for UNBREAKABLES at the moment!
One day when their is a need maybe?

I have need however no one else does!

Therefore no market, "YET"!



FC member
I took onboard a very good suggestion from here and took my vape to my buddy's for a good airblasting with a compressor, discarded the high airflow tubes and I seem to have solved the problem. I've had two great sessions with the Air and no blockages to date. It seems like a new unit and providing sweet milky clouds.
(2) Suck! Don't Blow - Use gravity to clear any bowl debris.
Glad the compressed air worked, for really stubborn blockages i use scuba tank air.
My wife says i suck and not in a good way.

Let's be clear?
GLASS is to be broken!

There is no market for UNBREAKABLES at the moment!
One day when their is a need maybe?

I have need however no one else does!

Therefore no market, "YET"!


au contraire my friend the Omni VapCap UNBREAKABLE.


Well-Known Member
I ordered an Air and Joda GonG from PIU a couple of weeks ago. I had waited for them to get the updated silver models before I got it. When I received it, I saw it was the old version without recessed holes. So I contacted them and returned it on Tuesday and got the second one on Thursday, along with a free battery and charger. Gotta love that quick turnaround :rockon::clap: Shipping was supposed to make sure it was correct this time, but when I opened it, sure enough it was the old one again lol :doh:Turns out only a small handful of the silver and titanium had been updated. So they offered $80 refund (which I took in store credit) and to send me a black one instead. I didn't really wanna have to RMA it again so I kept it. I figured it's a minor issue and I could always pull the stem out a bit if it was too restricted. The joda stem improves airflow quite a bit, and the carb is really nice, but it works best with slow sips anyway, so I don't find the drag to be much of a problem. Some decent taste and clouds from this little unit though, for sure. I was pretty surprised in those categories, actually. I needed a solid and reliable portable and it will definitely do the job :tup: Big thanks to @PuffItUp for being awesome and getting everything taken care of so quickly. Now I've just gotta decide how to spend the store credit haha... :sherlock:


Well-Known Member
I ordered an Air and Joda GonG from PIU a couple of weeks ago. I had waited for them to get the updated silver models before I got it. When I received it, I saw it was the old version without recessed holes. So I contacted them and returned it on Tuesday and got the second one on Thursday, along with a free battery and charger. Gotta love that quick turnaround :rockon::clap: Shipping was supposed to make sure it was correct this time, but when I opened it, sure enough it was the old one again lol :doh:Turns out only a small handful of the silver and titanium had been updated. So they offered $80 refund (which I took in store credit) and to send me a black one instead. I didn't really wanna have to RMA it again so I kept it. I figured it's a minor issue and I could always pull the stem out a bit if it was too restricted. The joda stem improves airflow quite a bit, and the carb is really nice, but it works best with slow sips anyway, so I don't find the drag to be much of a problem. Some decent taste and clouds from this little unit though, for sure. I was pretty surprised in those categories, actually. I needed a solid and reliable portable and it will definitely do the job :tup: Big thanks to @PuffItUp for being awesome and getting everything taken care of so quickly. Now I've just gotta decide how to spend the store credit haha... :sherlock:
Wow @PuffItUp I am blown away by this story! Mistakes made but more than willing to be accountable for your customer. Other businesses could learn a thing or two from you guys.
..Firstly thanks guys for your responses and sound advice.
I am indeed new to vaping and the Air is the first and only vape I've used.
I've blazed herb for 30 years and the thought of a healthier option and a new technology was just what I needed. I read a million reviews and guides before I purchased and used the Air but still it was all new to me.
One can still taste and remember the first hit from my vape and despite the slow draw and diminished clouds compared to my bong I was totally sold on vaping.
When my Air was working well and flowing it truly was a breath of fresh air, but it soon became really hard to draw from and intermittently so, making it hard to correct.
As I said before the high airflow stems seemed perfect but they just leak in fresh air AFTER the bud has been vaped so are a false way of improving airflow and lead to weaker vapour.
All my testing lead me to believe the unit must be getting blocked and with open holes in the heat chamber, it's obvious to me some herb would fall in there no matter how you grind your material. Dry, brittle plant material is always gonna end up in tiny pieces and inevitably fall through these holes.
I took onboard a very good suggestion from here and took my vape to my buddy's for a good airblasting with a compressor, discarded the high airflow tubes and I seem to have solved the problem. I've had two great sessions with the Air and no blockages to date. It seems like a new unit and providing sweet milky clouds.
So I'm convinced the unit was blocked, meaning material can and does fall into the heat chamber and can stay there and cause problems. With restricted access and no breather hole for clearance, this could become a problem for other uses too.
I have the 2015 model without the milled holes in the chamber.
Filling my tubes by directly dipping and scooping into my grinder is the easiest and tidiest way I've found to load. No pressing down at all.
Loving the long straight Solo stem for cool misty vapour.
So thanks guys and a little note of caution. It is possible to clog this device and it needs special treatment to remedy the problem.
I'll be around here from now on, learning and joining in on the collective 'cloud' we have going on..!!

(Edit): My Possible Causes And Remedies For Blockages

(1) Embrace The Grind - Keep it as coarse as possible.
(2) Suck! Don't Blow - Use gravity to clear any bowl debris.
(3) Keep It Clean - Much easier to free material from a clean bowl.
(4) Be A Hamster - Maybe try the upside down sipping technique.

Happy vaping..

..just to confirm, AA and I have had several more seductively sensual sessions together and we are very much in love again.
She brought her overnight bag and we actually left here for work this morning after an amazing night together.
She could well be 'the one', is definitely a keeper and we've even spoken about going away together for the Holidays.
Ain't young love a beautiful thing.. <3
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Sexual Maven
Well, I sold my back up AA. Considering giving up my silver (oven warped) one also. It's just really not getting any use with my other units being more heavy hitters w/ less demands on herb prep. The only time I could see using it right now is if my other portable died/broke somehow and that would only be for a weekend or two. I'm torn, because I really do love it, but it's not getting the attention it deserves
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