stir tool makes great empty and clean tool, give screen a good scrape as long it's not concave

I know, stem needs a cleaning...
Been a while since I was active on FC.
My m105 solo that has been serving me loyal for the past 3 or so years has been needing replace. The battery life is, of course, not what it used to be and plus some random issue with not wanting to turn on/off (might be button issues). Plus the m105 solos seem to run cooler than the newer solos that my friends ended up buying.
So, after accidentally breaking my last remaining solo stem the other night, I decided it was time to just buy a new vape and settled on an Air, which should be here Wednesday, courtesy of
A couple things I was wondering about (which I honestly just dont have time to sift through nearly 300pgs of info to find answers to):
- Are the stem load sizes any different than solos? It looks like they are about the same. Also looks like they still dont come with a screen and use the same 4-hole design.
- Is the performance roughly the same? I've heard comments here and there about it not retaining heat quite as well as solo, and hope this doesnt result in thinner hits. I see it comes with some sort of sleeve, which I'm assuming helps with heat retention... hopefully without causing the battery/electronics to run too hot? Seems weird that it covers the (what I'm assuming are) vents at the top of the vape.
- I know it's able to be used while charging, but is this safe or has it resulted in failed units like the solos i heard about? I think I will eventually buy another battery or two and external charger, but at this point I'm only vaping a couple times a day, so a single battery should suffice. Out of curiosity, can it be used on AC power with no battery in it?
- Beeps? I liked that solo beeps for auto shutoff.
Airs oven is a bit tighter by design, load size the same, stems are so close in OD, same ID. Performance kinda the same. Plenty of heat, especially is herbed is shredded, dried right. Mine run hot, no problem (have 3) at all.
Don't run on AC power. Get extra batteries and a external charger. Super charge battery on first charge five hours over full, after that, do not overcharge, or run empty. Never used plugged in (if you concern is battery health).
Silicone skin doesn't seem to make much difference as far as performance, maybe in cold weather it might. I like my AA naked.
Beeps can be shut off, or turned on (hold up arrow down while on).
If I left anything out, ask again...
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