Thanks for the reply man! On demand isn't a requirement, and I'm really interested in trying something that has temperature control, which the Air has. I need to stay away from butane because stealthy is important, and I'm auto turned off by that aspect. What I truly want is a hard hitter than can totally turn me off of smoking. Currently the MFLB isn't potent enough to be my 100% go to portable form of consuming. My E Nano does wonders for me but obvi not portable. A pipe and lighter could take that place of potency, which I don't want to happen. But I also don't want to spend more then $200. If I did, id go all the way and get a crafty.
How difficult is it to just take a few hits from the Air, turn it off, turn it on 15 mins later to keep vaping. And will the in between period wreak or is it pretty similar to the mflb smell (which is pretty minimal if you take care if your piece.)
I'm sorry I'm questioning, I'm just very particular with my purchases and don't want to feel guilt if I decide I want this.
Compared to the MFLB I would class the air as a 'hard hitter' although there are others that I would class as harder hitters they would be out of the requirements you are looking at (price, butane, stealth) the Crafty is good, really good (anyone tying to take mine away from me would leave covered in bumps, lumps and teeth marks lol), but has drawbacks (battery life, fixed battery, price) and IMO the only things it has over the Air are a better heater and less restriction which when put together can deliver monster hits consistently, that said the Air can still get you to the same place it just takes the scenic route rather than direct, still capable of big hits but with less drawbacks (good battery life also user changeable so only limited by how many you want to carry, price, good range of stems to customise your experience, reliability/failure rate)
Smell is minimal (if your outdoors and someone can smell it their either a dog or sitting on your knee) as you mention taking care of cleaning will play a part, IMO you get more smell from bud in your pocket than from vaping, and stealth wise the Air does look a lot like an e-cig and in my hands only the stem can be seen, IMO more natural looking/feeling than MFLB with battery.
And rather than thinking like taking a few hits then coming back to it I would use a screen like
@OF posted on previous page to reduce bowl size and just load enough for a few hits, and have a container with preground in and load another with ease when needed.
Man... I may need to go down to the basement and do some work so i can get a lily LOL I like the size and all of the vapman better but like the looks, design, and speed of the lily more.
@UnshavenFish its all your fault bro
Hehe not to make it worse but the Lily is almost like combustion but with the vape taste (and a hint of wood

but that is disappearing now

), combustion heat (not for everyone, but I like it) combustion quick and massive clouds like huge dense almost combustion clouds, it's quite a simple design I'm sure you could make one yourself in your basement with little effort, just to put the downside of it out there, it's possible to combust (haven't done this yet but have come close) and bigger loads (more than 1-2 hits) will need a stir, although due to convection you can hit it and put it down and come back to it whenever.
All I can say is sorry

and did you know Lily has a big sister (Daisy) again sorry