I'm so happy about finding this fuckcombustion site

Its so cool! thank you guys!
All of my friends likes more smoking a joint than vaporize and i never understood this since i found on internet abaout vaporize and bought an iolite(like 4 years ago). But it is the the past. Now i am a vape enthusiast and never again want a use an iolite(dont like plastic and butane). My iolite stopped to work (thanx god hehe) and i bought a desktop vape called usa vaporizer( this one:
http://www.vaporisateur-electrique....12060/MediaGallery/vaporisateur_USA_09000.jpg). This vape is definitly not the best but it is ways better than iolite. I bought this because it was cheap, with ceramic hetating etc. it looked great to its price, but i really wanted an EQ because i read a lot about vaporizers and the EQ convinced me and had a price that i could buy after some months hehe. A give my USA vape to my friend when i bought my EQ(2014. january), and i still love the EQ.
But now i want to buy an Air. I used to read a lot about vaporizer news, new units, technics, etc. So i was here in FC time to time by result of my search but now i'm a member too. And love this site!!!
unfortunatey I still need some months to get enough money to buy the AIR but i definitley will buy this cool thing

What i will buy when the time comes: AA, +2spare batteries, and a Nitecore I2 charger, for now nothing else.
So this is my short vape story, thank you all for shareing your knowledge about vapelife, its a great help to some people. Now I can make questions and get answers from vape experts, and enthusiasts.
So fucking crazy that in hungary NOBODIE likes vapeing or at least i dont know about it. in the whole country exist one grow/head shop that also has vaporizers(i bought my iolite and USA vape there) but they have old models(for exapmle: now they sell the first tipe EQ-s, V-tovers for the double of the price then the newest ones on internet). My research went to found the vapefiend(UK) store, where i bought my EQ one year ago. I think i will buy my AA from them too..
So at the end: I really like being a member of FC, great site, great people, NICE COMMUNITY. I'm reading the whole topic about the air, now Im at 44th page, reading all day
Oh i forgot about the DA KUBE (MFLB copy) that i bought 3 months ago to have a portable vape(i still have it but never use it, better to get home and enjoy EQ). It did not worth any penny. But I'm sure the Air worths every penny without having it in my hands. i trust arizer and your opinions too, it will be my best portable vape but i still like to use eq for desktop, like a second vape, now its the only one.