Oh yeah, forgot to mention, was that a tribal kiwi on the other side of LFC??
My custom slot is now confirmed! Pretty pumped to have one of these on the way.
What are the preferred batteries for this vape right now? If there’s one that also works great with the Nomad II, even better…
Awesome dude, yeah we were just discussing batteries a few pages ago, 100% grab Molicell P26A and/or P28A by far my favorite for this vape! (Totally fine with Sony Murata VTC6 or VTC5A, LG HE4 or Samsung 25R, to a slightly lesser extent LG HG2 and Samsung 30Q, but yeah Molicell have been the best in my experience!)
Just wanted to thank everyone on their tips for ordering. I was able to snag a custom slot and get my first device!
New around here but Ive been lurking and reading about the tp80 for a long time, I managed to snag one today first time, lucky enough
Glad to see this from the two of you, welcome to FC, hope you stick around! Makes me feel less guilty, that some fresh faces could score too...
Use a smartphone with either safari or chrome browser where you are able to save card details to auto fill on websites, also find an online clock that has accurate seconds counting because the drop literally was on the dot 9pm Swiss time. Make sure your logged into lamart too
Oh yeah that's a good point, I've always been using my phone, and definitely easier with info pre-stored, also I'm not sure when I made my account with Lamart but I think it was for the Piro last Black Friday? So that was nice, even faster than address autofill... And yeah I literally as it became 12 PST on my phone I was refreshing and they did appear a little after 12 yet before 12:01!
It's actually funny, because I even tested the cart and logged in, with the cork whip adapter, since I have always been curious about that to connect my braided whip to more things... However instead of going through with the checkout, I just left it in my cart and had it for when I tried to order the blue acrylic, if I had test checked out with the whippet after I would have maybe gotten that credit card fraud alert that would have canceled the order so I could click yes and then order the blue without any issue... I guess I felt cocky, being able to use credit card without bank transfer, I didn't even think I needed to test it! So I hope whoever got that TP80 appreciates my arrogant error