Tafée Bowle


Well-Known Member
Any Canadians around? Does Canada take off the week for Canada Day the way many Americans take off the week for Independence Day?
I haven’t heard back from them regarding the extra Bowl II and I really, really want to set up a contest to give it away…

I guess I will wait ‘til Tuesday, and if I still don’t hear anything, this bad boy will be up for grabs.
Lmk if anyone has any good ideas for a “contest.” The winner will only need to pay for shipping.
No, we just take the one day off.


Well-Known Member
@ChooChooCharlie ... I'm staring at your photo, trippin' on the layers of that Fan.
Looking through a glass onion.
@vapviking - Yeah, those flowing veil-like vanes have been one of Bernstein's signature design elements lately.

This vid shows them better than a pic

When did you start collecting glass?

@Mr. Me2 - Only been collecting for a year or so. Hooked. Online auctions are dangerous

Just got this pedestal with satin steel like finish, for a new piece arriving soon. Bowle looks handsome there, matchy-matchy


Spare parts are good to have around. Should replace the silicone mouthpiece every 6 months to a year I think? Semi regular cleaning with iso soaked q-tip firmly pressed through its silicone holes is helpful

Lmk if anyone has any good ideas for a “contest.” The winner will only need to pay for shipping.

@Jill NYC - great idea, thoughtful and generous of you! Maybe a contest thread asking us to post our favorite feature of the Bowle, one feature per post, multiple posts allowed. Then random selection. Sure, the thread would turn into a mushy Bowle love fest stew, but Bruno would drink it up. However, probably a bad idea, as mods would go nuts removing sarcastic posts, given the Bowle's overall perception??

Edit: Late Fedex delivery this evening, two boxes, first unboxing:


Lighting poor, looks like black on white, but it's actually a rust color ... literally, iron oxide patinated glass. Untitled, by Alexander Fekete from Czech Republic

Edit again, opened second box, David Schwarz:

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Singer Song Writer Stoner
While I'm patiently waiting for the new device to be ready for shipping here, one of my devices has stopped working properly.
It does not heat up...

Battery is charging properly and the LED lights seem to indicate that it works when turning to the green light, but when trying to inhale, you feel that nothing happens and after a few seconds, the LED lights turn blue.
I did have a workaround, as I was using temp number 3, I switched to temp 4 and the device heater started working again. Unfortunately, this workaround doesn't work anymore and I'm out of ideas on how to fix this. Is it fixable?
I contacted Tafee hopefully they will have a solution, but I'm worried 😟


Old & In the Way
While I'm patiently waiting for the new device to be ready for shipping here, one of my devices has stopped working properly.
It does not heat up...

Battery is charging properly and the LED lights seem to indicate that it works when turning to the green light, but when trying to inhale, you feel that nothing happens and after a few seconds, the LED lights turn blue.
I did have a workaround, as I was using temp number 3, I switched to temp 4 and the device heater started working again. Unfortunately, this workaround doesn't work anymore and I'm out of ideas on how to fix this. Is it fixable?
I contacted Tafee hopefully they will have a solution, but I'm worried 😟
I think that is a temp sensor problem, and will require service.
Tafee has serviced even an out of warranty Bowle1 for me once, for a small fee. The shipping was the larger expense.

Please keep us posted. i have a 1 with the same symptom. (And I've seen it twice before.)
I'm hoping this type of thing has been resolved with Bowle 2!

Jill NYC

Portable Hoarder
Tafee finally reached out to me, and want me to send it back to them. ☹️
Sorry to get any hopes up, it would have been fun to do a giveaway.

They were grateful and said I could keep any extra accessories I want. I will definitely keep the extra brush (love it!) and probably some extra pots. Although I already have 9, how many could I possibly need, especially because the screens are already so easy to switch out?
Anything else any long term users think I will be want duplicates?
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