Tafée Bowle

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
My TB2 got delivered today! Talk about a quick turn around, only took 4 1/2 days to get from Ontario, CA to Richmond, VA.

Only 2 pots in so far, but damn, I can see what all the love is for. Tasty hard hitting instant rips that are cool enough natively to not need water (though I'm going try using it with a whip WPA later), , there's a lot to appreciate here and it checks a lot of boxes for me as it currently stands. I've only done the higher temps for now to test out the power, but I'll be having many chiller sessions this weekend at lower temps.

I'm also happy to report that I received both the acrylic and metal potters for free in my order, both full of pots, I thought I'd only be getting the acrylic one for free and the metal one would be the more premium option to buy. So combined with the pot that came in the stem, I have a total of 9 pots! Very generous! I can definitely say the $450 price point is a lot easier to swallow now, what a perfect start to my weekend
Enjoy! Could you post a photo of the metal pot please? If you can...thank you.

PS You are speaking about the grinder? AHHHHHHHHHHHHH....I get your post now...never mind about the photo....I thought there were different actual loading pots other than the acrylic white ones....thanks.


Well-Known Member
just to confirm, the stubby stem is included with the order of the series 2. In Chicago and I’m ready to drop 500 just to have it express lol


Old & In the Way
It has been promised in the current batch, along with a potterII and some "surprise gift"
I think express shippping may be a roll of dice. It seems to take Tafee 1 or 2 days at least to get the order shipped. Mine sat at the border for 3 days, which the " express price" doesn't get you out of. And some get to say, Virginia in 4 days, all with reqular shipping (which is already dhl "express").
All I'm saying is, express may make it faster, but also may only make it cost more.
Hope you like it!


Farm Grower
Mine arrived today as well, good timing after a stressful week.

Hmm it doesnt come with the charging brick...I have the original, but does anyone know of any restrictions/requirements for the charging brick? Does it have to be the Tafee ones?
Idk about restrictions/requirements specifically. But because my Bowle came with a charging cable and no brick, I can only assume whatever bricks I have on hand, whether it's fast charging or not, must work well enough or they would have packed one in there for me to begin with. I've only had my bowle for 24ish hours by this point, but Ive already been testing enough to need to charge it twice, and my charging brick that came with my HTC VIVE VR back in 2016 seems to be working just fine with it.

PS You are speaking about the grinder?
Yep! Referring to the grinder "potters". All the "pots" are the normal ceramic with mesh screen like expected!
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Jill NYC

Portable Hoarder
I got mine as well, paid for express so I wouldn’t be jealous of those who already got it!
And what do you know?? They sent me 2 of them! (Yup 2 boxes with identical DHL tracking numbers)
I already reached out to them to see what to do but I did suggest if they let me keep it, I will give away on FC.
They will probably have me return, but finger’s crossed! 🤞

Enjoying the basically instant hits and easy loading/unloading. Excited to try out with noob friends.
However, I was expecting better flavor. Nothing special in my book thus far, but I am only on day two and need to re-read this thread for tips & tricks.


Well-Known Member
Will post a fuller review in a few weeks, but pretty satisfied so far. I started yesterday after a couple stems of TM2 earlier and the Bowle kept up well. Heats up in less than 2 seconds with strong, cool vapor on 3+ power. I tried a couple pots starting with 4 and it extracted pretty similar to by TM2 (maybe slightlyy less potency but will compare more). Agreed that flavor seems mediocre (though I prefer potency/convenience). The one thing I recall from original Bowle that still seems to be the case is that the first hit is pretty mellow, even at high temps.

I'm sure the potter isn't the best way of filling pots, but it's worked nicely so far for someone who enjoys the use cases of between video games rounds and for a quick mid-night hit. Battery does seem better, but need to test more. Will see if I can get the old Bowle 1 working again to compare.

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
The best thing about my Bowle is the flavor...I use to feel this from the ALP....it is most significant with the Bowle. I love how simple it is to operate compared to all my other vapes...

imor jones

Well-Known Member
Will post a fuller review in a few weeks, but pretty satisfied so far. I started yesterday after a couple stems of TM2 earlier and the Bowle kept up well. Heats up in less than 2 seconds with strong, cool vapor on 3+ power. I tried a couple pots starting with 4 and it extracted pretty similar to by TM2 (maybe slightlyy less potency but will compare more). Agreed that flavor seems mediocre (though I prefer potency/convenience). The one thing I recall from original Bowle that still seems to be the case is that the first hit is pretty mellow, even at high temps.

I'm sure the potter isn't the best way of filling pots, but it's worked nicely so far for someone who enjoys the use cases of between video games rounds and for a quick mid-night hit. Battery does seem better, but need to test more. Will see if I can get the old Bowle 1 working again to compare.

I would also like to know, how the performance of the tb2 compares to the tb1. As i have the tb1.
And i always kept using it. Its always the one for a fast session in between...
imor jones,
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Well-Known Member
I brought mine back to life in an attempt to subdue my vas for the 2.
After the unplug sequence and the 6 hour resurrection I fired it up. Nice instant vapour. But here's my issue, the dirty silicon nipple. I cleaned the stem and mouthpiece before I used it... but I it still had that "TB taste."
I find all vapes have a taste. The different airpaths gives them a signature. Think how different a mighty is to a dyna.
Having used nothing but a glass vapour path lately the silicone mouthpiece tasted like my weed had been wearing my old hockey socks.
I know some people use the stem sin silicon but I found the aluminum feels not as nice in my mouth.
I think I spoiled myself with the glass lately.
If the TB had a glass stem!!!! Instabuy!


Old & In the Way

I would also like to know, how the performance of the tb2 compares to the tb1. As i have the tb1.
And i always kept using it. Its always the one for a fast session in between...
In use, they are very similar. The 2 can go hotter than the 1, if you want that.
Some have said that the draw is easier with the 2, I feel they are about the same.
The improvements to the button pressing, and other fine tuning to the user experience add up to make more clear the distinctions.
Worth it? I say yes.
How many sessions are you guys averaging from a charge with the 2?
I've lost track of that. I usually don't run the battery down to near empty and I try to never let it go to dead, I usually charge after 4 or 5 bowls or even fewer. Highly recommend reading the manual on this.

How many? Well more than double that of the og... And this is actually one of the best of the noticeable improvements.
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In use, they are very similar. The 2 can go hotter than the 1, if you want that.
Some have said that the draw is easier with the 2, I feel they are about tge same.
The improvements to the button pressing, and other fine tuning to the user experience add up to make more clear the distinctions.
Worth it? I say yes.

I've lost track of that. I usually don't run the battery down to near empty and I try to never let it go to dead, I usually charge after 4 or 5 bowls or even fewer. Highly recommend reading the manual on this.

How many? Well more than double that of the og... And this is actually one of the best of the noticeable improvements.
My first batch TB2 has just returned from a tweak at Tafee and is back in fine form. I’m averaging somewhere between four and eight pots but also charging regularly and barely leave temp 2 and 3. Hat off to both Vapefiend and Tafee. Highly recommend it to anyone on the fence on this one.

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
No one should be on the fence with this one...it is so super amazing. I highly recommend this vape. HIGHLY. One of the best purchases I have ever made for a vape...powerful, tasty, and simple. When you vape you get dry...you need to hydrate. Perfect.


Farm Grower
I gotta agree with Dr.G, after only 5ish days of heavy use, TB2 is a supreme winner for me and is up there as one of the best vape purchases I've ever made. This thing is a godsend to have when I'm out working on the cannafarm opening/closing greenhouses and doing my daily rounds (seriously that 2 second heat up is just something else), and I truly have never had a battery portable that was this strain accurate with the flavors . I get flavors out of this thing that my TM2, P80, Fw7/9, Solo 3, or Venty (among others) just don't throw my way. Subjective, I know, but that's how I'm feeling here.

Hell, let's throw in a hot take, I think the TB2 tastes even better than any of my log vapes. Only vapes I own that I think taste better than this are my terpsicle and my ceramic ballvape. I'm back in Cali rn, so my beta tempest is all the way back in Virginia for now, but I would say flavor on the tempest is a bit better as well. But for a battery portable, the TB2 is a flavor king for me (while still being able to provide monster hits, of course!)

Also, some cheeky farm bud pics for those interested

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
I gotta agree with Dr.G, after only 5ish days of heavy use, TB2 is a supreme winner for me and is up there as one of the best vape purchases I've ever made. This thing is a godsend to have when I'm out working on the cannafarm opening/closing greenhouses and doing my daily rounds (seriously that 2 second heat up is just something else), and I truly have never had a battery portable that was this strain accurate with the flavors . I get flavors out of this thing that my TM2, P80, Fw7/9, Solo 3, or Venty (among others) just don't throw my way. Subjective, I know, but that's how I'm feeling here.

Hell, let's throw in a hot take, I think the TB2 tastes even better than any of my log vapes. Only vapes I own that I think taste better than this are my terpsicle and my ceramic ballvape. I'm back in Cali rn, so my beta tempest is all the way back in Virginia for now, but I would say flavor on the tempest is a bit better as well. But for a battery portable, the TB2 is a flavor king for me.

Also, some cheeky farm bud pics for those interested
The bud photos are out of this world. Outstanding. Also, I agree with you 100 % on your Bowle review...I love the new title FLAVOR KING....because it is!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one can deny this when they try it for the first time....the shock on their face is classic. It is like they discovered herb for the first time...some of my friends when they tried it had their mouth open for awhile...me too! I was...wtf!!

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
I fired up my V1 this a.m. with no mouthpiece. It was amazing. No more dirty hockey sock silicone taste. Nice effects. Missed the clear headed convection hit.
And we're back... my vas switch has been turned on agian.
No mouthpiece! Wow, I am going to try that. I do not taste dirty hockey socks but, I will see if it improves my taste!


Well-Known Member
New glass today, so I'm bumping the Bowle thread again, for no good reason


"Crystal Clear Fan" by Alex Bernstein


Old & In the Way
How does everyone fare when bringing it out an about? The puck itself can be posed as a bat pack or Bluetooth speaker , but the stem?
Okay, it's not a pocktable device.
Last weekend wife and I had a road trip and brought out the Bowles, a 1 and a 2.
I have a small partially rigid tote that held everything including charge cables (which we didn't need).

First use of the Delta3dStudios Altoids tin insert, which holds 8 loaded pots. A backup, small Altioids tin held another 6. Both worked great. The small tin has no insert; I added a layer of cardboard liner to the lid and that keeps them tidy.

I think we did consume about 10 of those pots. After wifes Bowle1 was spent, went on to just share the Bowle 2 for the rest.

I've been driving while high for 50+ years accident-free. Please spare me any cautions...though I'll admit it's probably something that not everyone should do...
It's nice to have such an on-demand vape in the car. I can spread hits out, have a nice leisurely bowl.

On other outings I've used my ditty bag to carry a single Bowle and some loaded pots in a tin.

I imagine that using with the drinkware in place is probably the best for "stealth"?

Jill NYC

Portable Hoarder
Any Canadians around? Does Canada take off the week for Canada Day the way many Americans take off the week for Independence Day?
I haven’t heard back from them regarding the extra Bowl II and I really, really want to set up a contest to give it away…

I guess I will wait ‘til Tuesday, and if I still don’t hear anything, this bad boy will be up for grabs.
Lmk if anyone has any good ideas for a “contest.” The winner will only need to pay for shipping.
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