Singer Song Writer Stoner
Howdy yall...
I own 2 devices and I've noticed one of them is not working as well as the other.
It's just harder to get good results and while using cold water in the cup, it's even harder...
Anyone experience that?
I tried contacting Taffee, we'll see how it goes.
Going back to this message to let you know that I have found and solved the issue!
I have noticed I am missing one screw from the puck base that caused worse extraction because the seal was broken.
Luckily as said before, I have an old puck base, so I took one screw from it and the device is now proper again

I never touched the screws so it's a little bit odd that I was missing one. Come to think about it, I remember seeing a misplaced screw on ny table without any idea where it came from...
Btw, this is how I knew these screws would also fit the stem...so now my old non working base is screwless