I'd like to share the method described by VaporBrothers in their YouTube video.
It works pretty well - for me atleast.
The typical dose for a nice mixture of GoldenDragon is using your vaped material and mixing:
1g / 35ml of Alcohol
*(my personal favorite - Austrian "Weingeist" - which we can only get in the pharmacy here since it has 96% alcohol - I think its the equivilent to "Everclear")
The color I usually get from my GoldenDragon is more like a light/Gold to Green liquid - depending how much i've vaped my material.
Here are some pictures of my GoldenDragon using vaped "Nebula":
Here you can see the typical color that I usually get:
The fun thing is - I usually have one of these bottles with me when i'm in a lecture.
I just squirt one Pipet full under my toung - keep it there for a few seconds (I can't n'e longer because 96% alcohol gives a pretty unpleasant burn under the tounge).
I do this because for me it is the fastest method to transfer the "goodies" to my system.
It usually kicks in about 10 - 15 min - i personally notice when my thoughts start drifting and my vision starts lagging

- I also squirt it on pretty much anything and eat it or drink it - for example in tea before going to bed.
I personally feel the effects for about 2h until it starts wearing off but it usually comes in waves so its pretty difficult to say.
Does anyone else drop GoldenDragon under their tounge? LOL - i'd like to know how you deal with the nasty alcohol burn taste. I sometimes drop it on a cube of sugar - and suck on that... works too