Measured out all my ABV which was only 1.47 grams. I was anxious to try this swamp water thing so I covered my abv with Everclear 151 - strongest we can get in California.
Shook it off and on throughout the evening and put it in my box at night.
Left it in there until 6:50pm tonight.
Strained it and threw away the duff.
I ended up with a little less than 1/2oz of swamp water.
6:55pm Drank half of that or 1/4 oz
7:00 Began to feel something. I ate relatively light about 3 hours ago, so basically, an empty stomach.
Will report back later by editing this very post.
It's hard to say if I will get really high on what I took or if I get much higher than I am now. Right now I am at a "pleasantly high" level, like I can function perfectly well in all respects but I definitely have a buzz that is nice.
So I can't really tell you completely what happened...

Because I do not know...
About an hour into it I still just felt mildly high, very nice, but not what I would call baked, not even close.
So I took a couple hits of some really strong sativa - OG Headband., using my MZ. This is very strong even for medical marijuana. It's the strongest stuff I have, out of about 20 strains I have in my box. The only thing I have that is stronger is some condense black hash given to me by an mmj grower. I don't usually smoke this OG because strong sativas tend to make me too high and sometimes anxious or nervous. I guess the reason why I did was because I felt the swamp water wasn't going to get me as high as I'd hoped, and I was now in the mood to get higher than usual.
So the bottom line is that around 9pm or 2 hours after taking the swamp water and after having had 2-3 hits of the OG, I was higher than I've been in ages, like so high I could barely function.
I am pretty sure the OG did not cause this, at least not in its entirety. So I have to assume that what happened was that after an hour, when I thought the swamp water wasn't going to hit me any harder, and I smoked the OG, the truth is probably that the swamp water DID kick in much more heavily at the same time as I was also hitting the OG in my MZ.
But the bottom line is that I screwed up the whole experiment by vaping the OG so now I don't know what happened.
All I know for SURE is that 3-4-5 hits (total for the evening) of OG on TOP of the 1/4 oz of swamp water put me into a state of couch-lock. No, it was beyond couch-lock, it just made me plain STUPID.
I had to go pick up my wife from work at 11pm. She only works 8 blocks away, luckily.
I got in the car to make the drive I always make, usually always somewhat high, no problem usually; and first I had trouble getting out of the parking garage (it requires some smooth maneuvering as we have a big car in a small car port and I have to turn the car around in there), and while driving down the street I felt like I was driving for the first time, like oncoming cars made me nervous!

. (Note: I can drive well even when half drunk on alcohol, I never have any problems with driving!)
Then when I came back I got into a heavy conversation with my wife and I felt like I was tripping on mushrooms, you know, how faces look different and stuff like that, and you have trouble following the conversation at times... It was just crazy.
The question is: How much of this was caused by the swamp water and how much was caused by the OG sativa?
UPDATE: Monday, February 22, 2010
I vaped about 4-5 hits of that same OG sativa tonight and it did not get me that baked, as compared to the above incident with the swamp water. Not even close. So therefore it is certain that the 1/4oz of swamp water I made from my abv was what propelled me into couch-lock over-dose the other night! (above)