Supreme V3 gongs


Well-Known Member
Hello Pete,

I would like both (Vapcap & Supreme), no rush for me because I'm going on vacation in a week and will be back only in August ... Let me know when you're ready to send them (pm me)!

Thanks again for your work , have a good day ;). Cheers


Well-Known Member
Hello Pete,

I would like both (Vapcap & Supreme), no rush for me because I'm going on vacation in a week and will be back only in August ... Let me know when you're ready to send them (pm me)!

Thanks again for your work , have a good day ;). Cheers

On no problem! The batch I made for VC turned out to be no good because the walls are thin. I used a little thicker glass than the OG bodies (only .5 thicker) on 10mm ... slumps right away with the torch. I have to move to 12ml outer diameter with 2ml walls for a more thick and stable glass. So thanks for everyone's patience as this will work out better.


Well-Known Member
Well look what showed up today.
They look awesome and feel solid. I'm at work now but I can't wait too try these out tonight.



Thanks @PeteSeattle

I'm glad they arrived ok!

Sorry for the colored class trapped on the end @VAPEHUNTER

I must have picked up some color dust when I set it down on the graphite pad. But don't tell everybody or else they'll all want color. Lol

We'll be anxious for your feedback ... the good, the bad, and what could be improved, etc.

Have fun testing!

... btw, a little off topic, but thc/cbd external oil works wonders on burns. Yep, I touched hot glass again.
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Well-Known Member
Got home from work just as my wife was leaving with the kids for a couple hours:brow: let the testing begin:evil:.

First of all let me say WOW these things Fukin rock! The seal is perfect and the thick glass really gives it a nice solid feel. I didn't even hesitate carrying my bubbler around with my SV3 attached by the glass stem.

I never thought anyone can improve on the glass stems, shout out for the original idea to @lazylathe .
But then @biohacker took on the one man mission to find our glass guy :bowdown: :bowdown::bowdown: @PeteSeattle . And now here we are. Biohacker I think your prayers have finally been answered my friend:nod:.

So SMOOOTH and effective.


So I think if you have been following the thread the Pros are obvious here IT'S A GLASS STEM WITH AN ATTACHED GONG:drool:.

However, respectfully, there is a little bit of room for improvement. The proportions need just a little tweaking.

When the stem is fully inserted it sticks out a little much and hits the inside of the heating block.
Is it possible to move the indent down about a 1/4"?


With the indent down lower you can shave off about 3/8 of an inch from the overall length of the stem so when it's fully inserted it won't hit the heating block.


I really think to get it right without having to try over and over and over you need to have a Supreme to test fit with. I will get mine packed up tonight and shipped out to you tomorrow or Friday. Hang on to it for a little while:cheers:. It would be a shame for you to make these stems and never get to use one. I just need it back by September 1st, Hunting season starts so I need my off the grid heavy hitter:cool: for back at camp.

So even with the small issues these stems still work great and kick ass!

Also once I was done with my first stem and ready for my next I had to give it a little time to cool before I could remove it from the SV3. Not really a problem PeteSeattle can do anything about but it is something to be aware of if you are medicated. I thought about maybe putting one of the rubber grommets on the bottom but that would defeat the whole all glass vibe.

So again thank you @lazylathe @biohacker and @PeteSeattle without you three we would still be only dreaming of these.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for the response @VAPEHUNTER!

Ok, I get now what you mean about taking a bit off the top. I was measuring from the neck of the gong to the top to be the length of the original glass stem. Makes so much sense seeing your detailed photos.

Thanks for loaning me your SV3 because as you mentioned I am flying blind without it! And will certainly get it back to you once I'm happy with the fit.

Yeah, that glass and heat transfer will get yeah. When I use my EVO with the glass dab stems I use those silicon finger tips from amazon.

I'm very pleased though that it functions so far for you.


Well-Known Member
My SV3 is all packed up and shipping to you today @PeteSeattle . It shows it will be delivered Saturday so I suggest you get any chores done before then:brow:.
Personally I like to take my first cycle at 330°F and then once the vapor begins to thin out I fire it back up to 370°F - 385°F to finish it off. Start low and experiment a little to find your sweet spot.

Here is what's in the package.

Undo the tape to reveal the magic

Just be sure to remove the heater cover before you apply the torch.



Well-Known Member
Awesome!!! Now you'll all get a more accurate fit! This is exciting. I was very excited to see photos with the new glass stems. Btw, how was the airflow. Any improvement?

Since @VAPEHUNTER gave great feed back there will be another version. I went to bed last night thinking of possible configurations.

Here's an idea in a rough sketch ...

Please feel free to contribute ideas ... within reason ;)

Edit: one other idea ...

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Well-Known Member
Btw, how was the airflow. Any improvement?

Airflow was fine. I over stuffed the first stem, I think out of excitement and it was tough. But the second stem I relaxed and went back to my old style of making sure to only use chunks of herb that slide easily in the tube. If it has to be forced in it's too big and will block the air flow.

Also, I like the idea of the "4 dimple lower chamber" I bet it would work good. Keep them ideas flowing:science:

Stay Vaped:peace:


Well-Known Member
Hi friends,

Update. Ack! Who knew this summer is the year of so many family events? I've had them here the last two weeks and now off camping with them. Good thing I like them all ... but not when it digs into my production. I'll be settled by Sunday and make version 1.5 SVgong sketches into a real product.

@biohacker thanks for your feedback and I'm sorry the one broke on you ... at least you have a back-up. I'm going to see about adding outside bumps so it doesn't roll. As far as air restriction I'll tackle that in the next version.

I do have @VAPEHUNTER's Supreme. Unfortunately I think the battery drained on the thermometer in transit. I'm not putting any heat on it but t's great to test fit on. I can now get the right proportions as Vapehunter suggested.

Now for some slightly disappointing news ... I've put VC stems on the back burner because the stock of glass I have is too thin.

Anyway, by Monday night there will be a new design for SVgong. Stay tuned!


Salted Caramel Ice Cream
Was interested in the vc gongs.. sucks to hear the vc will be put on the back burner but I'm really interested in seeing how well the sv3 gongs function as well!

@PeteSeattle let me know if you need another tester or if you have any on sale atm ;)


Well-Known Member
Was interested in the vc gongs.. sucks to hear the vc will be put on the back burner but I'm really interested in seeing how well the sv3 gongs function as well!

@PeteSeattle let me know if you need another tester or if you have any on sale atm ;)

Thanks for the testing offer. We're pretty full for testers but with this next version coming out I think it will be closer to market.

As for VC ... I really need the right glass, I don't want to produce product that doesn't function well.

Edit ... just came across this table top torch
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Well-Known Member
I do have @VAPEHUNTER's Supreme. Unfortunately I think the battery drained on the thermometer in transit. I'm not putting any heat on it but t's great to test fit on. I can now get the right proportions as Vapehunter suggested.

I can't like this post. That's sucks the thermo isn't working. I really wanted you to get to try it. Still cool as hell @VAPEHUNTER sent you his. He's a good dude. Not me though. God knows I wouldn't part w/ mine! :lol:


Well-Known Member
I can't like this post. That's sucks the thermo isn't working. I really wanted you to get to try it. Still cool as hell @VAPEHUNTER sent you his. He's a good dude. Not me though. God knows I wouldn't part w/ mine! :lol:
Yes, I agree with just about everything you mentioned.

Oh btw, @VAPEHUNTER please remind me to send your SV back before your trip. I get absent minded when I'm really into a project. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Send it back whenever you're done with your measurements. I wasn't bullshitting you when I said as soon as I get it back I will get it working again and sent back to you. YOU NEED TO TRY THIS BEAST! Even if just for a short period of time. You cannot make us these awesome stem/gongs and never use one.:tup:

Gray Area

Well-Known Member
I picked up my beta gongs from the post office today :clap: nice work @PeteSeattle

They're great.

The 14mm joint seals great without sticking. Bit too long, as @VAPEHUNTER said, but otherwise perform just like the others.
Wall thickness is identical to the straight cut ones I have.

Currently using them with a bit of silicone tubing slipped down next to the gong. This is stopping it sliding too far into the supreme (and touching the inner plates of the block) and also gives me something to hold onto, although the male joint part doesn't get too hot.

Going to try cutting one down to size over the next day or so. There should be just about enough to get a hold of.

Like the handle/bumps idea for future vers, and maybe the pinch closer to the bottom (where tube meets joint) to maximise bowl size... what with the glass having a much smaller ID than the aluminium tube...

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