A spare SV3? A spare modded coil? A spare set of plates? (Just wondering ...I've been thinking about buying a spare actually.

On another note ... to everyone that bought a coil and plates ... I know we never discussed warranty ... but here's what I can do:
1. If for whatever reason your plates don't work, send them back, and I can make adjustments accordingly if required, or I could produce another set if need be. (obviously I couldn't produce a replacement set for everyone ... but pretty sure that won't be required ...

2. For the coils, although they initially have a 1 year warranty from High5, that is obviously voided as soon as you cut them apart

3. I have tested everyone's coil as far as I plugged them in to an XLR port (I built an adapter cable so I can re-map my pins however required to test different coil wirings). I tested that the thermocouple was reading a signal, and that it moved in the right direction and was reading a sensible temperature (ie. it started at ~ room temp and heated it up when I held it in my fingers), and I also very briefly turned on the coil, just long enough for it to start heating to confirm the wiring was correct. I would recommend nonetheless, assuming your controller has an on/off switch for the coil as well as the controller, start with the coil OFF and make sure you are getting a temperature reading--if you are not then the coil was damaged in transit or you did not have the wiring you thought you had (although I don't think this is likely ... one was a High5 wiring and all others were standard d-nail wiring)
They will pay you back with love Jcat!And you know that is why you are doing this deepdown- to make people happy, you just had to charge so as not to look like a right mug, "The amazing Jcat- saving the universe out of pure good will, one 3.5 at a time."
Oh man, you're telling me I gotta wait LONGER for Biohacker to join in ths fun?!
Next week sounds good though. Something to look forward to (No pressure Bio for spills, in your own time.)
Thanks @Alexis ... you always are so generous with your compliments ... it's not just about helping though ... it's about the enjoyment I get participating in the community and this is part of that ... a way I can give back and work on something I'm interested in and passionate about ... it's not all out of good will

@biohacker might get his for the weekend ... anything's possible ... I "might" have made the cut-off, and Canada Post "might" deliver it in 1-day instead of the 2-day delivery standard. (although that is rare ... more often their 2-day delivery standard is missed and it only arrives on the 3rd day!). Have my fingers crossed though