Today I had my morning coffee, sitting in the sun in our garden, accompanied by my new toy, the runt
At this point l can't understand why I ever hesitated so long before I got one
Such a cool device! Very tasty, if not pushed too far with the first hits and totally capable of knocking you out, if desired
I always had a faible for wooden vapes, e-cig mods in wood or stab wood are my favourite! I can admire and feel wood grains for hours
when buying, darker shaded woods always get me runt is walnut, btw.
I'm still using it with the restrictor disk and I'm actually pretty satisfied with what I get out of it in terms of vapor production and taste. So, a question for the more experienced users: besides achieving a more powerful extraction and hence darker avb and maybe a higher chance of combustion, what does one gain with removing the disk? I mean, I get that you can push it even farther without the disk, but is there any other benefit to it? I'm new to sticky bricks...there may be things I just don't realize right now
Have a great day fellow FC members!