Hey people
First post apparently. I'm sure I was here about 6 years ago but account seems to be DOA.
Anyway, a quick preamble to set to scene.
Still combusting on a daily basis :/
Back in 2013 I tried the FlashVAPE but didn't really get on with it. Used it initially but the novelty wore off.
2017 and I got myself a Titanium VapCap. I dipped in and out but couldn't make the switch. Eventually it ended up in a drawer. Somewhere.
2019 and I've just ordered a Stempod OG, a Lost Vape Drone mod and some Nitecore 3100mAh 18650s with charger. In for a penny in for a pound.
I guess it's positive that the time between wanting to switch to vaping has improved by two years!
I didn't get on with Butane and really want to get this to work. Fuck combustion, y'know.
In my bi-annual search of the vape scene I was initially intrigued by the FireFly2+ review Sneaky Pete did; It sounded like it could work for me so carried on delving a little further and travelled down a lot of rabbit holes.
I'd never heard of a box mod, 510 or anything like that until four days ago. Squonk. Seriously?
In the last four days I've also found out that on-demand is a thing; and that i'm a micro-doser (I think).
I like to take a few tokes, put it down, work, play, repeat until fade.
And that's why I took the plunge on the Stempod and mod without really knowing anything about anything.
I've downloaded escribe and loaded a 250c profile from evolvapor.com (delivery of mod and stempod tomorrow!). I'm reasonably comfortable with tweaking stuff via software.
From what I've read I'm going to start on wattage mode first, for a few days at least, just to get my bearings.
Does that sound about right ?
Finally. onto The Main Question!
During my many - many - searches, I somehow lost the thread of the main thing I need in a vape. The fly-in-the-ointment.
I mainly - probably wholly, realistically - use hash. European hard hash to be specific. It needs to be heated to really fluff up but you can
just break it up with your fingers, but its a slow process. The bud here is too expensive to be a regular thing for me at the moment.
Will I be able to use hash in the Stempod ?
If so, any recommended settings, tricks or tips ?
I have read that the splinter is able to do hash and, to my highly untrained eye, the Stempod is at least similar and i think that was enough for me press the button.
I hope this is the one that helps me - finally - stop the combustion.
Thanks for your time, any thoughts welcome