In looking at pics of other members HCs it looks like the diameter of my intake hole is too large. I have good lung control from playing the saxophone for over 20 years so I can get it to work fine but it would be nice if my friends could get good hits too! I'll look at mine again to see if I might be able to raise the heater rod a mm or two.
I can honestly say I got the most tasty vapor hit I have ever had, it was all there.
Not trying to hate, but what's the general consensus or opinion amongst you guy's with the SSV? I only ask because a guy living on my floor freshman year (4 years ago at this point) bought a SSV, and it was wholly uninspiring. I had a cheapo Chinese Box Vape at the time, and it hit....comparable? It may not have been perfect, but I felt it got me as stoned.
From then on, and maybe my perception was skewed because I owned such a similar yet cheaper device, but I considered the SSV to be just a glorified "branded" box vape. Haven't seen that guy in years, nor do I know anyone with one to try it out again, so was just seeing is my perception off? Again, not trying to hate or flame, genuinely curious and somewhat unexperienced with these.
Not trying to hate, but what's the general consensus or opinion amongst you guy's with the SSV?
It sits in there really loose...and u can spin it easily with a poker...maybe since its so loose it wont hold the dome shape?
Thanks for the help![]()
I must have had bad luck as that is how my one and only wand I've ever had is - too wide and too deep. No mods (i.e. Tweak's mod) can effectively deal with it. I'm currently using a stack of screens, including the EZ basket screen, but it's fiddly and not very effective. Has anyone tried the SSV Shorty wand yet? Perhaps after 3.5 years vaporizing with this setup I can justify this purchase.My first regular wand was like this. Had to move to .75" screens. AFAIK, there have only been a few reports of this problem. I don't even think Vito has ran across one, and he's been through tons of wands.
You can use the SGG wand with a regular HC, give that a try to see if its the wand.
Is your Heater element glowing? Does it glow less when taking a hit?
LOL there has to be a better way.
Be sure that the screen in the Standard Hand Held Wand, is inserted "dome up".