Righteous max, thanks for all of the help dude. Yes, I'm VERY much of the "simpler is better" mindset when it comes to aesthetics (unless we're talking about visual arts...then I'm very much
all over the map 
). Therefore I must also admit that the majority of the standard knobs 7th Floor puts out really don't appeal to me either. What's wrong with two-tone, or with something simple, classic and stylish? Does it REALLY need to have umpteen colors, fuming, dots, twists turns and etcetera? I know some people like that, but not all pot heads are mesmerized by "a multitude of pretty, swirly colors"

. Who knows, you and I may really be in the minority here. Still, I am keeping my fingers crossed that something simple and with a few matching colors will show up on my doorstep. Oh, and I
have noticed the new pieces (knobs) they've been putting up: I've been seeing
a lot more custom knobs that look good to me these days. I'm actually thinking that I'll be watching that page closely for some time. If I do decide that custom pieces are worth it, I'll surely be waiting to find a good temperature knob first...and then I could go on to match up other stuff from there.
All of that being said, I really do understand where they're coming from. It's tough because they advertise/promote the customization aspect of their vape, and in fact they sort of flaunt it, mind that I don't say that with any accusatory undertones...for they also admit outright that "standard" units (not a unit with true custom commissioned pieces) don't always turn out the way one might envision. They admit that their glass is pre-blown (in house though, if I understand correctly) and that basically all they're doing is trying to pull a piece out of a huge collection of pre-made knobs etc. which
generally matches what a given customer has asked for. Then they say they will try to match the heater cover to this as best as possible. That's really far from a guarantee that this unit is going to be 100% the way my little mind envisions it. I'm okay with that, especially because they ARE up front about this and although the teminology of "fully customizable" is a little fuzzy, they explain themselves well enough to create a realistic expectation, and I suppose that's all one can ask for.
Yes, I have also sort of heard (through the virtual grape-vine) that 7th Floor can be tardy with returning e-mails, or might sometimes miss them altogether. I will try them again tomorrow and hope that I can make contact with someone, but yeah I'll take your advice and just give them a call instead of sending another letter. To be honest, I had the same thing happen with Arizer a while back, and they still haven't got back to me. Not that I've tried contacting them again, but it just goes to show that yes, these dudes are
no doubt trying
very hard to provide good service, but a small staff can always be bulldozed by too much activity. I know that VERY well from personal experience...so let's not expect the world from companies like 7th Floor or Arizer, I guess: only honest effort and service, and top quality vaporizing! Both do seem to provide those in droves! Anyways...I'm not concearned or anything, just curious and a mite impatient. Once again, I think I've been spoiled by Tom and Pammy: talking with them was nothing like doing a "business transaction", more like friendly banter with old friends. Got my expectations up too high there, Tommy boy. Now I've got to deal with the business world all over again! Yaaaaargh! Suppose it's not REALLY your fault, but you've got to blame somebody, you know (I mean...personal responsibility? Pffft!)
max said:
Your PD and new SSV should get along fine. No reports of sibling rivalry so far. And it's not a collection if you use 'em. Just essential vaping tools.
Hahaha "It's not a collection if you use 'em". Well max, isn't that the truth. Use them I shall, and I can't wait!
Hear me, spyder? "Wait until you try it..." but I can't, I just can't! Oh well, I suppose I'll just have to "settle" for the PD right now

. *Edit: "settle" is apparently equivalent to "get so blasted you can barely see"
Oh yes, and just because I find this sort of hilarious...
So far I've purchased two quality vapes. One of which was a special, custom unit (Tea Tree PD) along with the full set of goodies, and the other the SSV with an extra whip, aroma top, screens, etc., etc. All together, I've spent $487.87 CAD. I still plan on getting a VaporGenie (the "Brown Exotic" model, unless someone can convince me...in the appropriate thread of course...why I should opt for the standard model instead...I don't know a lot about this vape and am basically just making that decision based on aesthetics) for "true" portability, and because I love my PD far too much to let it leave the house...ever.
So, that, including shipping, would be $65. Altogether, this works out to about $557.00 (when using the current exchange rate to calculate the cost of the VG in CAD). After that I
could buy (although I really have no intention of seeking out a bag unit at ANY time soon...not my favorite method of delivery :/) HerbalAire, and I'd be hitting around $830, including delivery etc. So, for four vastly different vapes:
- A deluxe, at home, electric, temp-controlled, luxury "pipe" style direct draw system (PD), which is the most intuitive, simple and enjoyable "smoking" device I've used to date.
- A top of the line, glass on glass whip unit with a solid, dependable ceramic heater, etc. (SSV)
- A true quality portable vape, which apparently works surprisingly well? (VG)
- And a quality, efficient bag unit which preforms "on par or better" with the Volcano (Herbo). That statement is obviously in reference to claims made by HerbalAire, and claims I've heard perpetuated around the net. Certainly not anything that's been verified by yours truly.
All of that, including all the extras...well, it comes to a little over what it would have cost me to get a Volcano Digit within Canada. I don't know if it could be done cheaper (probably), but I did a lot of pricing a few moths back and consistently I was seeing anywhere from 650 CAD (Volc. Classic) to 800 CAD (Volc. Digit) to get one delivered to my location.
I KNOW people love their 'canos and I am
really not knocking them...I KNOW they work, and work well

! But I couldn't resist...that's just too crazy! Price DOES count for something, in the end. Gooooo variety!
Oh yes, and I DID use the %10 off coupon, courtesy of mr GLX. Thanks Tokin, your videos were actually a huge contributing factor towards getting me interested in vaporizing again, so DOUBLE thank you man! I know you're out there! Come to think of it, I'm sure by now those videos have spread far and wide, and touched many people...and I know you've been all over the net spreading the word as well. So thanks dude, and it looks like you picked a good vaporizer to stand behind! Can't wait to "verify" that little fact myself!
Edit: I've done some more searching and it actually looks like Volcano's are listed a little cheaper than they were a few months ago. Either that or my brain is bullshitting me about what I remember, which is always possible. I'm still seeing around 700 - 735ish CAD for a new Volcano Digit (which also doesn't include any type of substantial warranty, I believe? Somebody please correct me if that's totally off. From what I've been able to find though, it seems like a multiple year warranty is extra). Still, once you factor in shipping, it's going to be close to that 800 mark, if not above it. I see lower prices listed outside of Canada, but I would be very fearful of ordering something this big and expensive across border lines...my experience tells me it would get nailed with duties. Any Canadian Volcano owners who might know otherwise, again, please correct me if that's misleading... But at any rate, you still have to factor in exchanges and shipping and all that crap. Once more...gooooo variety! Gooooooooo SSV!
Edit to the Edit: Sorry if this feels like needless (redundant and out of place, at least) Volcano bashing, but the truth is we could say this about MANY vaporizers, and even whole families of vaporizers by given companies, etc. We are so lucky to have units like the Extreme, the SSV, the PD, the VG, the Vaporstar, and on and on, you know...but this is still a marketplace which is both fresh and wild. There are so many shady deals and shifty vapes, and there is much misunderstanding and ignorance. People perpetuate lies to cover up their ignorance instead of admitting it and learning from people with experince or *gasp* getting up and seeking the experiences
for themselves. So yes, the underhandedness and dishonesty is something we, as the obvious "consumers", must decide to address and repel. Clearly we are so much more than consumers, though...I hate being a "consumer". I do more than consume. I am a person, damn it. But yes...in this scenario, we are the input segment of the feedback loop, and our money actually
does hold some power to sway the direction this "marketplace" churns towards. So my aim is not leveled at the Volcano. Rather, I just want to see a more widespread understanding about vaporizers and related health issues, as it could really give the Cannabis movement another big push... I know it's a topic that's been breached many times before, and it is accordingly not necessarily new...but a large scale exposure of "average" Cannabis users to accurate information about vaporization and the benefits, differences vs. combustion, methods, etc. might really change some lives. I am all for differing opinions and I don't mean to pick on any single vaporizer, but the Volcano is just somewhat of a poster child for overpriced vapes.