Well vapor buddies, all of my business is apparently paying off...times are fat, and I've actually got money that hasn't already been spent (a rarity, believe me). Actually, vaporization itself has been adding to this "fatness": the PD is so sweet and efficient that I'm already seeing substantial savings in my herb supplies. I suppose, I should say I
had money that
hadn't been spent. It is now. I'm officially part of the SSVPD...whatever the hell we want to call it, club perhaps? Too poncy.
I knew I was going to get one (an SSV that is; for vapor sessions with friends and for "heavier" personal sessions) but I really didn't think I'd be getting one this soon. I've got the extra cash, and figured I'd better just go for it before something else comes up, as it always will.
I thought I'd tell you guys first (I literally just put through the order minutes ago; got to love the Internets...) as I pretty much owe my renewed interest in vaporization to this site. I had grown a real keen interest a year or so ago, and then that was quashed by the Vapir One. I started getting interested again just because I had time enough to think and knew by logic that vaporization must work. I just had to realize that I was dumb and got ripped...so once that came around, I somehow landed here...looking for info on the Extreme I guess. Well, I decided that wasn't for me, but I did decide that vapor was
definitely worth another shot. I have many reasons for seeking out vaporization at this time in my life, but I know I don't need to preach the benefits here so I'll just keep shut.
So, here we go. In with both feet. I feel so much better these days...I'm not there, but yes I'm getting there...faster than I had been with daily combustion, that's for sure. So yeah, I owe a lot of the way I'm feeling these days to vaporization, and I truly do feel like it's "changed my life" corny as that might sound, if I were speaking to a different gathering. I know now what all you people who have been enjoying quality vapes for some time have been raving about. Yes, yes indeed, it is
worth raving over! Vapor for life, vapor for health, vapor for spiritual clarity and for effective medication. Essentially, vapor for the win!
I've smoked joints with friends a few times since switching to the PD, and man...I can't believe what that's like now. Instantly my body rejects this foul, hot stuff; don't get me wrong...I'm not hacking like a newb or tapping out or anything (I actually don't think there's been a "session" among friends where I haven't been the last to "tap" in far too many years :/). So no, my leather lungs aren't totally gone, but I now promptly taste the foulness, and I feel the mucus being generated immediately in my throat, nose and lungs, then I feel that "coating" on my mouth and throat, etc. All of the negative aspects of smoke are just so much more pronounced, and I've only been on vapor for some short time. It's just all to obvious that I will not be going back. Vaporization is different, there is really no question about that. But I've been able to compare the two, side by side to some extent...and I've certainly satisfied myself that vaporization is the sounder choice.
So, thanks to all of you for supporting a community like this and doing your best to spread solid, factual information. People TRULY are benefiting from your wisdom and experience, so keep this shit up. Also, thank you Tom, if you happen to read this. I hope getting another vape so quickly doesn't send the wrong message; it's really more situational than anything. The PD is my bosom buddy. I am so in love with this unit, and I appreciate it endlessly for it's efficiency, it's unique skill set and it's simple, elegant aesthetics. I actually can't see myself turning it off or neglecting it...I have built up quite the routine around this little work horse

The SSV is a very different unit however, as has been acknowledged several times before. I am very excited about this. My positive experiences with the PD have really given me faith in vapor again, and the negative experiences I've had with combustion while vaporizing have really reaffirmed that faith. So, as I said...in with both feet. I would likely never have gotten to this point without the confidence I gained from this place. I was so weary about buying again due to the Vapir experience, but you folks really helped to pull me out of that, and then the PD picked me up and booted me to the moon, proving once and for all that I knew nothing (really nothing) about the world of vapor.
Oh fiddlesticks. Another fucking barn-buster. Sorry guys, I'm really very excited though. This has been an insanely busy week, and this turn of events is a huge suprize so I'm riding on a wave of pure bliss right now (which may or may not be supported by clouds of sweet milky PD vapor

). I just thought I'd share my new addition to an apparently quickly growing vaporizer collection, and of course thank y'all for the help in getting me so damned informed on the topic! What a place! What people! What titties! Whoops.