I have questions as a Medical user who wants an SSV, and has specific needs. I really apologize for the length of the post.
How do you guys feel about the taste quality compared to an Extreme Q being used as a whip style vape? I have a Q and a Volcano, and obviously we know which is the better "Bag" Vaporizer between the 2, but I would really like a good whip that "works", tastes MUCH better, and is MUCH MUCH MUCH (did I say "much"?) cooler than regular vapor. I am sick, and trying to achieve more relief in less draws, so please read if you will.
To "VAPOR TAMER OWNERS": Just by your own opinion, how much do you feel your vapor is cooled using your tamer, and what model tamer (s) are you using? I would like to know any benefits from the cooling effect that you didnt originally expect (larger pulls, less irritation than from a room temp bag?) from it just being simply cooler. I get "vapor burn" at low heat when taking draws for some reason, and could never use a portable with current technology portables. It pretty much slowly heats my lungs like it does the herbs inside, and hurts and makes so much tension in my sternum. Somehow smoke is far less irritating when needing a pull or 2 on the go, and thats not cool at all. I hate smoking, now (unless it's Kief).
My HOPES are to get much bigger draws (tho less) than the Volcano when I need them, because I am sick, and sometimes I need a couple of really good pulls instead of bags, but as of now I have nothing but bags. For me, if I only had 1 type of vape it would be the bag, but I need to consume more Milligrams of THC per pull to help with stomach etc., which this and or and XHale should do. I just really need Opinions from all of you guys to help me with my particular...inquiry.
I would like "Ideas" of the pot head mind on how to rig a vapor tamer with as little rubber tubing as possible, perhaps putting the tamer just 12 inches from the wand so not as much rubber is being heated (taking flavor to more of a negative degree when inhaling vapor from warm rubber).
I'm relying on you guys, and have been researching wand vapes for a long time, and this (7th Floor's SSV) seems to be the one, but I just gotta cool them Vapor trails down before they hit the chest. I will be getting an XHale for my chest, but that is a different "Genre" vape, where as Im strictly looking for "Dry Vapor" that is "Cold".
Thanks in advance to anyone who took the time to help! Just because I have 2 vapes doesnt mean I dont still have a lot of learning to do!

The "Plenty" is pretty much out of the question. I of course havent found one at BestBuy to try...and I dont "think" the vapor would be cooled by the coil enough, for me. I havent tried it, but since Im specifically in search of "Cool/Cold" with zero warmth, its hard to imagine the Plenty can do it "Completely", just plenty well enough (I'd imagine).
I wont type like a robot next time, but really need a straight answer on some things, and so I asked in as much detail as I could imagine
