Greetings And Thanks to you, Frederick McGuire

- ( Looks like I am waving my finger, and maybe I am ).
I enjoyed reading your post as it has excited me even further for my upcoming introduction with the SSV.
I've been thinking about it some more and I think another possible + the GG has over the standard HC would be the ability to preheat herbal material before medivaping. I suppose you could do this with the original setup but wouldn't be something I would want to necessarily do. I have better use for my hands, like waving my finger in the air at people, or pressing a button..
If I find the SSV as well as you do, then I will be really glad I went ahead with this purchase. I like the EQ for I find it really easy,convenient and simple to use. I guess what I fear I may have trouble with the most w/ the ssv is temp control -
I like to start out at a lower temp then move up - On the EQ thats made really easy with the digital temp control - while maybe not exact, it still serves as a really nice reference point of sorts - I start out or leave it at 195-190 c and then depending on amount loaded or tolerance, will raise it up to 200-205 further down the line. - 210 if my tolerance is up more than it should be. I can make a nice sized cyclone bowl last along time- by hitting it at the right temps.
I guess its possible to do this with the ssv - start out at 12-12:30- then move up to 1:30-2 -
? Can anyone chime in on the difficulty involved in regulating the temp knob consistently each time with the SSV - Anyone Know the difference in temperature between the various knob positions - say 12 and 1 on the dial - ? I would be very interested to know this.
I'll maybe make some markings for points of reference, A clock might work if I can do it right to make it look cool.