Gotta' say ... I LOVE everything Bob's been doing in the last # of years. I really loved Weir's recent album, Blue Mountain.
Originally, I fell in love with Garcia and everything he did (from the GD stuff, to JGB, Garcia Grisman, ...), but as I've gotten older, I really gained an immense appreciation for what Bob brings to the table. Bob has gotta' be one of the best examples of a hard working musician, doing it for all the right reasons, and man, I just love his guitar playing (probably one of the best rhythm guitar players ever!)
Edit: Bob understands very well, that listening and finding your place in the song is what matters; what makes the Grateful Dead truly great is that together they are a lot more then individually. (and that's common across all different Garcia and Weir bands from what I can tell ... it's about the music, not about the individual
