Just a dude
@muunch I get what you’re saying and don’t have a horse either, but in regards to this:
Dude can buy 4 maybe 5 inserts from other sellers and be out less than the price of one AT insert. I don’t think we owe it to a random guy to pay stupid money for the AT insert to engage in a debate, simply because he shows up spouting opinions and acting like they’re facts... repeating them over again doesn’t make them true... then turning nasty and insulting. There are other places on the interwebs for that behaviour imo.
And I hope you know me well enough by now to know that I respect ya and not being argumentative but just my thoughts about his comparison offer. On the face of it, it’s pointless. Which is a lot like life itself, actually...
No one here was too willing to give an AT insert a try, but dude at least SAID he'd try what y'all were using so he could compare?
Dude can buy 4 maybe 5 inserts from other sellers and be out less than the price of one AT insert. I don’t think we owe it to a random guy to pay stupid money for the AT insert to engage in a debate, simply because he shows up spouting opinions and acting like they’re facts... repeating them over again doesn’t make them true... then turning nasty and insulting. There are other places on the interwebs for that behaviour imo.
And I hope you know me well enough by now to know that I respect ya and not being argumentative but just my thoughts about his comparison offer. On the face of it, it’s pointless. Which is a lot like life itself, actually...