Haha you're not sponsored by D-Nail are you Herbivore? I see you rep their stuff in a lot of posts.
Anyways, I get that the press is adjustable but it seems that out-of-the box use is not optimized for flowers (at least the one B-man reviewed). If I'm spending 400 bucks for something that can be done with a household appliance @ 10% of the cost, it better perform that task flawlessly and be easier to use and adjust. It seemed to work decently well with bubble, but I think processing flower into bubble, and then bubble into rosin, is highly inefficient for people who don't make it on a commercial scale a la Bubbleman.
I should be shouldn't I lol!
Na, I beta test some of their products (like the herb nail which is coming super soon) so I know a bit more info about them than many around here. I share this stuff because obviously plenty around here would like to hear the little extra bits of inside scoop that I can share where it helps address their questions/comments.
Another major reason I say so much about d-nail products is simple: I only use my d-nail now since I only really dab anymore after rosin came along (rosin negated my need for other vapes to hit the melty but not full melt bubble hash I've had for ages now that I use for sleep, as such, I'm about to sell my vapman).
Depending on if the new herb nail satisfies my very occasional herb usage needs, I'll probably hang onto the Mighty/Minicron lite for the very little portable usage I need now and then and use my d-nail exclusively.
I am a big fan of parsimony as a scientist and there is a great appeal to me in not needing to own so many vapes, especially in an utterly prohibitionist jurisdiction.
However, because some have implied that I have a conflict of interest in different threads around here (whilst I know that is not what you are doing bro

I'm seriously thinking of adding this to my signature lol):
1. I live tens of thousands of miles away from anybody with anything to do with d-nail.
2. I have never, ever made any money off of anybody who has taken my advice and bought a d-nail! The sole exception is point #3...
3. I have never sold a d-nail except for when I sold one of my 2 units second hand to a friend who has nothing to do with FC.
As you'll all note, I regularly give credit to other manufacturers and never steer people away from other products if they suit their needs. Whilst I am of the view that EVERY e-nail user should get SiC/Sapphire (because it's just plainly the best material I've ever dabbed on and anyone who has used it will agree lol - it wouldn't matter if fucking Monsanto made it, I give credit where it is due for the best), I am always ready to suggest that they can opt for a cheaper controller from a competitor and still get these great results.
Hopefully this clears up any misconceptions and let me add one explicit promise:
The moment that I am sponsored by d-nail or profiting personally from their sales (if this should ever happen), I will be the FIRST to tell everybody here. I trust that those of you around here who know me know that conflicts of interest are absolutely the opposite of what I'm about!
Also on views surrounding turning buds into bubble then pressing bubble as opposed to pressing buds: I'm throwing my hat in the bubble making ring very soon so can provide feedback for personal runs (which are all I do!). This information is actually really scant and I have had very little joy looking for advice or assistance on bubble around these parts.
You're right that the usual suspects for this kind of info (like Bubbleman) do far bigger runs than we would be doing - the man has a fucking 20 gallon machine lol
I agree that a press needs to work better than a straightener for sure. Still, it was plain to see that Bubbleman's press was working unequivocally way better than my hair straightener tek is getting with bubble.
It definitely worked better than any of my experiences with pressing bud too, but I know that buds have massive, massive numbers of variables involved when it comes to how they'll press and until I use a press personally with material that I am intimately familiar with, I will reserve judgment.
Also the current d-nail presses are a beta product - we'd be pretty remiss to expect them to be the ideal presses. For anyone waiting for the ideal press (makes perfect sense of course!) and not wanting to spend money until then, don't buy the beta presses - that is a bad idea. Wait until final products are out there, I'm sure there'll be plenty of options in the not-too-distant future.
I am not interested in pressing buds, it is completely impractical for reasons that are specific to me and not relevant to you guys!
I should probably qualify every single post in this thread that I have made by saying that all of my comments relate to pressing bubble unless I specifically mention pressing bud.
I'm about to be doing some new experiments combining aspects of various solvent based and solventless techs and hopefully will have some exciting new stuff to share around here very soon too
I hope this gargantuan post clears things up some.
Truth be told; I have actually been contemplating not posting on FC anymore because of a few recent instances of people questioning my motives and alleging conflicts of interest.
@Bouldorado you are absolutely not one of these people and I have long enjoyed following your posts

, in fact, no such allegations have occurred in this thread.
I don't want to single people out, but want to make it clear that I am sincere and have good reason to provide more information about d-nail products than anything else (I no longer use anything else lol).
I spend a lot of time trying to provide a lot of personal assistance and information to people here - but I struggle with mental illness (why I medicate) and if responses and allegations around here start to effect my mood IRL - my mental health has to come first!
All the best to you all in your squishing endeavors!