Been Vapin
Fringe Class
Overpriced is probably a given right now but can you back up the fiber contamination with more info? Did it happen to one of your batches or did someone post it on another forum?
I can't wait to see it all setup and the yields you get from it! I rent a small loft type apartment right now, it's a decent size but I need to be careful with my space. I'm leaning towards a small H-Frame press of some type or maybe similar to @2clicker's setup. Big advantage to this setup is that platen designs are still evolving so you can swap them out yourself down the road and there are very few parts, not to mention excellent price to PSI ratio.
This is something I saw firsthand in person. Friend wasted $60 on these. The problem is the material used to stitch the pouches together is fuzzy and can/will become damaged and degraded (even after 1 pressing), basically putting lint in the rosin. Not to mention the strands of filament everywhere from sloppy cuts.
Look at this shit. See what I'm talking about? It's on the outside too.

Mod note: Edited to fix image
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