^ "Eat a bag of Dick's!"
Pretty cool stuff man, I wonder about some kind of removable lower plate to fill the space that could be thrown in the oven to preheat? lipless baking sheet or something? just spitballin lol
as long as it will take the pressure.Pretty cool stuff man, I wonder about some kind of removable lower plate to fill the space that could be thrown in the oven to preheat? lipless baking sheet or something? just spitballin lol
I feel when my time comes to play with this tech that I'd be more akin to break up or grind the leftover pucks and follow through with a quick wash etho/iso to grab whats left.
I feel when my time comes to play with this tech that I'd be more akin to break up or grind the leftover pucks and follow through with a quick wash etho/iso to grab whats left.
agreed. im gonna try to squeeze as much as i can out via rosin tek and then qwet the rest.
That 's a good reason to medicate. ^^So as terminology is concerned, i'm thinking there might be an influx of a condition (mostly amongst young males i suspect) , which might be best described as a Rosin shoulder (remember you heard it here first !)
(Think tennis elbow/Blackberry thumb.)
The musclepains with me seem to be mostly around the frontshoulder/collarbone.
Anybody else with the same discomfort or is it just me getting to be an old fart...?
so im gonna write this here both for you all to ponder and for a reminder to myself later to do this.
rehydration of pressed puck for more oil sublimation.
rehydrate the pressed pucks as described earlier in the thread for flowers.... I feel like there could be more oil to retrieve from some of these pucks I have to wonder if we can retrieve it with lower temps by rehydration.
thus increased yield...
So I have been following this from day one...
Anybody able to give an overview of what has been discovered up untill now?
What seems to be the best temperature (range) to use?
What is the best way to 'wrap' your material in order for less impurities to make it into your oil?
What seems to be the best way to 'rehydrate' material?
And, correct me if I am wrong, but pressure is a variable that is better when higher? Or is there also a certain point one can cross but will not help the process anymore?
What is the best way to capture the material outside of your 'wrap'? Baking paper? Teflon? Oil Slick?
I might go ahead and start to experiment with this, just seems to still be to much unknown variables...Herb is pricey here so I do not want to waste precious plant material...
And, correct me if I am wrong, but pressure is a variable that is better when higher? Or is there also a certain point one can cross but will not help the process anymore?
Pressure---you are not going to be able to use too much pressure with an iron, unless you break your iron!
I keep reading posts that say there is a max pressure at about 2 tons. I have been trying to get more info on this but no luck as of yet. I assume this must be in a press on a single bud in metal plates instead of a hair press? They said it basically makes powder instead of pucks at those pressures so there is a pressure limit apparently.