Very sad also... I purchased the first Milaana version but never was in the Rbt train... and now they getting out of business I want their vapes... Is it a symptom of a big issue in my mind...? (I bought 2 Squares when they was out of business, get interest in a Vapolution3 and still looking for the rare ESV floating around) How do you call that syndrom?
I'll try to get a Splinter since
@Shit Snacks get me about his preference for his Splinter... I have a Iheat I dig a lot, a MistVape Imp and a Tinymight which is a powertool! Which Splinter would you recommand
@Shit Snacks ?
Haha you got the DVAS (discontinued vaporizer acquisition syndrome)! My friend totally dropped the ball on sending you their ESV, what a waste... But yes I prescribe the Splinter Z to better differentiate it from the others for you, since it has the Zion heater, the original RBT special sauce
Since you are new to the Splinter, be aware that the manufacturer has closed his doors, no new products, and very little support for the old products. (The glass, for example, is one of the few parts that might break, but it seems there are no replacement glass pieces available anymore?). These are my impressions from reading here.
FYI this discussion began by addressing that issue and saying that the products were worthwhile despite customer support... The glass itself could be available (delayed from China or mountainglass), the problem is there is no person to perform repairs now.
Alison has washed her hands of anything RBT now....she is only concentrating on her products going forward.
The term "washed hands of" sounds pretty negative toward one party, personally I would say "bailed on" since that seems more accurate to describe the situation...

I agree it's a bit of a conundrum buying a device from a defunct company. If you're not hard on vapes and you want great flavor and vapor quality I'd recommend the ZV1 that
@Shit Snacks was talking about. Pair it with either a Wismec RX Gen3 Dual running Arctic Fox or myvic or a Wismec Sinuous Ravage running Red Panda.
Don't forget Tubo firmware! It now runs on G3D and P80, so I was thinking I would use that for my incoming ZV1 on my purple G3D, since I have my V2 on a blue P80 running ArcticFox in temp control and my custom Canary Z on a grey G3D running SurMyEvic in wattage... while my custom purpleheart Z is on the RX DNA 250 for temp control.
Here is the thing:
I just found out the splinter exists and I seem to have a vague comprehension of how it works. Or not.
I am going back and forth.
„nah, dont need it“. I use a Vapcap and thats good enough for me.
Come the next day and I am thinking about this mysterious wooden tube again.
The possibility of picking the thing up and just pressing a button to get an instant hit is nice.
But a Vapcap with an IH can do that to.
Can small amounts of material be used in the splinter without holding it upside down in waterfilter-position?
Often a 0.05g Vapcap bowl is enough for me.
The splinter is more a heavy hitter, right? That uses more
material, or am I guessing wrong?
Yeah you are guessing wrong, it is a heavy hitter because of the robust heater and pure convection on demand, top tier because of its materials which further help result in high vapor quality (robust with great flavor). You will notice better flavor compared to a VC, despite both being on demand, the heating technology involved is completely different, which results in different vapor signature... And Splinter should actually be quicker to take a hit then a vapcap even with an induction heater btw since your inhaling is what's creating the vapor (with a VC you are waiting for it to create the vapor for you first)
Also the using upside down is just for the first hit to get the load seated securely so it will not fall out onto the heater screen, there is no actual real reason to use it upside down, but it is recommended as the way to load and remove the stems for safety and again to prevent spillage... the glass stems and basket screens result in the ability to use a very wide range of load size. You just need to load enough herb to cover the screen, it helps to pack down if you are loading a very small amount like ≤.05g and it will work fine, but I find more like .10g, or rather in between at .075g, to produce more enjoyable vapor... It is possible to eke out several hits or kill it in one, depending on the power settings and how you use it.
There are two different models available to me here in the EU.
A Splinter V2 in a black wood design and a Splinter Z
you guys keep recommending the Z over the V2.
The price difference is quite steep for me.
What am I missing when I go with the V2 instead of the Z?
The V2 is manufactured in China? Is this still "a real Splinter" ?
The standard Splinter heater is based off the Milaana, which was a smaller simplified Zion heater (which is what is in the Z) and it is technically not capable of the same power output... Now that doesn't mean it is lacking at all, and if you are only trying one for the first time you will not know what you are missing by not having the other... That being said the Z is a bit more impressive, particularly for home use being larger, and it has a more standard glass connection (19/22 vs 19/19) to work with some aftermarket stems... So with Z you get a larger more complex heater, which is beneficial for pure convection, but the regular Splinter still has a similar heater and a similar experience... in practical use.
Anything with V1 or V2 was mass-produced in China, only available in one type of wood (bubinga V1 blackwood V2) but yes they are still very real, designed and created by the same person, that's why I say conceivably production could be geared back up someday with help from investors perhaps... Custom Splinters were made by him alone, with exotic woods and some different sourcing for materials (they also use mica as an insulator plate for the steel mesh heater, like the original models, whereas all the China models now use a ceramic plate)
To your question about is V2 vs ZV2 like a regular vapcap M vs an Omni, the answer is both yes and no... While both work the same way, each VC still uses the same exact heater (the cap, however you choose to heat it) they just differ by airflow? Whereas with the Splinters, they use different heaters but everything else is the same? So again if you are not comparing you might never know the difference, but you should know before buying that the Z is a bit more powerful.