Random thoughts


Well-Known Member
President Joseph R Biden has determined that Donald Trump is a threat to America and his continuing lying in the public sphere puts American people at risk and he is therefore a danger to National Security. With the new authority provided by the Supreme Court, Joe Biden has decided that the only way for America to be safe is for Donald Trump to be remanded to prison and not allowed to speak to the public.
Much rather have him retire some justices for inability to perform, but that's not gonna happen. Hopefully Chutkan's thought around this idiocy and is ready to seek justice.


Land of the long vapor cloud
The grey sky of winter

Laying over the land

Like a blanket

Shielding the globe

From the cold clarity

Radiating out the heavens

I await the return

Of the bliss of the blue of the heat

The undeniable pleasure

Under the summer night stars

Vapor pouring from my mouth

Gazing at the ancestors

Bare feet planted

In the dirt


Well-Known Member
that the only way for America to be safe is for Donald Trump to be remanded to prison and not allowed to speak to the public.

Half Measures Mike GIF by Breaking Bad



Putin is a War Criminal
Much rather have him retire some justices for inability to perform, but that's not gonna happen. Hopefully Chutkan's thought around this idiocy and is ready to seek justice.
She can be as ready as she wants but she's gonna be shit out of luck. The Supreme Court took justice with them when they left the courtroom today and shoved it down the closest sewer. They have created an imperial presidency and lit the constitution on fire.

Congratulations to the Roberts Court, their place in history is now assured.


Well-Known Member
Welp. The US is out of the COPA America despite having a dream schedule. Just L after L for this country over the last week. I don't even feel like shitting on the British this Fourth of July :disgust:


Well-Known Member

Maybe it's time for the Democratic President who's in office to start doing King Shit.

Off the top of my head, order the Department of Education to wipe the hard drives with student debtor accounts on them. Especially since the current President is responsible for student debt, the type of debt 17-year-olds take on, being the only debt not dischargeable by bankruptcy.

I keep hearing Dems want to do good things. It's just those mean old Republicans who stop them. Well, let's see. The Supreme Court has offered a boon :shrug:


Putin is a War Criminal
Yeah, replacing Biden with another 82 year old is a great idea.

I happen to be a big fan of Kamala, and if Biden should have to be replaced, I can't imagine trying to replace him with anyone but her. Every Democrat who has voted for Biden has also voted for Kamala. Everybody who has donated to the campaign has donated it to both of them. Making her the candidate will not tear the party apart. Whether you like it or not, a large part of the base of the Democratic Party is black women, and if you throw her off the ticket, you will burn the party down. I'm gonna vote for whoever is the Democrat, because I know the danger of Donald Trump back in the White House and I am terrified of it. But I don't know how much of the party feels as I do and we have to be careful about losing voters.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, replacing Biden with another 82 year old is a great idea.

Well, first of all. I'm trying to manifest Bernie being her VP pick. It will probably have to be an older person who wouldn't want to run in 2028.

Second of all, listen to Bernie speak. He does not sound dead, like fucking Biden. He sounds a million times more cogent and with it than Biden (or Trump). This was true in 2020 as well. The people who supported Biden over Bernie in 2020 have a shit ton of egg on their face right now. They just might be giving us a second Trump term.

Third of all, you're preaching to the choir. I took the Kamala pill 6 months ago. Not sure what took everybody else so long. Biden has been demented and flailing in the polls for a while now.


Maya Rudolph Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live


Putin is a War Criminal
The people who supported Biden over Bernie in 2020 have a shit ton of egg on their face right now.
You are, of course, entitled to believe whatever you like. I don't believe for a second that Bernie would have accomplished what Biden has accomplished over the last four years. It's all moot now but that is what I believe. And I think making her vice presidential choice someone who has claimed himself to be a democratic socialist is not gonna help her win. I don't think Harris is as far left as everybody wants to suggest that she is, but you certainly (in my view) can't put somebody clearly further left than she is perceived to be on the ticket with her and not expect a disturbance in the force. I would truly like to see people voting for her ticket, and not just against Donald Trump. And I don't see Bernie adding any votes that aren't already going to be for Harris under these circumstances.


Well-Known Member
@cybrguy I'm just having fun. Gallows humor. Laughing to keep from crying type stuff. I'm well aware the Democratic Party will never allow someone as fundamentally decent as Bernie on their ticket.

In an ideal world, Kamala would never be my preferred candidate. She's a neoliberal cop. But I didn't just fall out of a coconut tree. I exist in the context in which I live and all that came before me. She's alive with a D next to her name. That's a massive improvement at this point. And likely all it would take to win.

I see no need to relitigate 2020. Between the last 9 months and the last 6 days...let's just say I sleep very well with the way I voted in that primary:shrug: and nobody likes a gloater.


Putin is a War Criminal
And just to be clear, I like Bernie. I have always liked Bernie. And more importantly, I admire Bernie for being willing to take stands that he knew were likely to prevent him from ever being in the White House. If it comes right down to it, I am probably closer to a "democratic socialist" (depending on how you define it) than I am to a "Democrat". For example, I strongly believe in universal health care, I just know that for whatever reason, America is not ready to accept it. We struggled savagely to get and to keep Obamacare, and that, while a significant improvement, isn't really even close to UHC.

Bernie is a man of principle and right now that is crucially important, especially given what the other side represents today. Biden is also a man of principle, but he is one who can get elected and he did. Over the course of his career, he has been more flexible than Bernie has and that may be why he has been more politically successful even if it meant he compromised in places that maybe he shouldn't have.

But right now we are in a truly existential moment. We've said that before, but it wasn't even close to where we are right now. The Supreme Court has made the president a king. And if the wrong president takes that office, there may be no going back. We have to somehow fix what the Supreme Court has done, but we can only do that with the government managed by Democrats. That is the House, the Senate and the White House. The Republicans had made it perfectly clear for everyone to see with their 2025 project that their goal is to strangle government in a bathtub just like Grover Norquist insisted he wanted to do with his tax policy. The people still calling themselves Republicans seem to be all in on this idea, whether they're just being poisoned by Trump and his extremist agenda, or whether they have actually lost all sense of right and wrong. It doesn't matter what it is. It has to be stopped. Or America is over. And I for one, am not willing to give it up.


Well-Known Member
Biden is also a man of principle

Brother, he whipped votes in the Senate for the scam Iraq War that killed upwards of a million people. And he's spent the last 9 months lying to the American people in defense of, what IMO, is an ethnic cleansing campaign.

But I don't want to relitigate the past. Let's focus on the future. I'm inviting all True American Patriots who care about the future of democracy to join me in taking the coconut pill.



That's right, Kamrades. They're going round and round all the way to the motherfuckin' White House:rockon:
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Old & In the Way
Travelling 4 hours today to celebrate the 100th birthday of a very cool lady in our extended family.

Born on the Fourth of July.

She graduated from Columbia University in the 1940's. Ran her own business in the fashion industry for decades.

She still lives in her own place, though her daughter has been crashing with her for a couple of years now.

Calls her own uber to take her across town to visit her grands.

Bringing her a special bottle of bourbon!
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