And just to be clear, I like Bernie. I have always liked Bernie. And more importantly, I admire Bernie for being willing to take stands that he knew were likely to prevent him from ever being in the White House. If it comes right down to it, I am probably closer to a "democratic socialist" (depending on how you define it) than I am to a "Democrat". For example, I strongly believe in universal health care, I just know that for whatever reason, America is not ready to accept it. We struggled savagely to get and to keep Obamacare, and that, while a significant improvement, isn't really even close to UHC.
Bernie is a man of principle and right now that is crucially important, especially given what the other side represents today. Biden is also a man of principle, but he is one who can get elected and he did. Over the course of his career, he has been more flexible than Bernie has and that may be why he has been more politically successful even if it meant he compromised in places that maybe he shouldn't have.
But right now we are in a truly existential moment. We've said that before, but it wasn't even close to where we are right now. The Supreme Court has made the president a king. And if the wrong president takes that office, there may be no going back. We have to somehow fix what the Supreme Court has done, but we can only do that with the government managed by Democrats. That is the House, the Senate and the White House. The Republicans had made it perfectly clear for everyone to see with their 2025 project that their goal is to strangle government in a bathtub just like Grover Norquist insisted he wanted to do with his tax policy. The people still calling themselves Republicans seem to be all in on this idea, whether they're just being poisoned by Trump and his extremist agenda, or whether they have actually lost all sense of right and wrong. It doesn't matter what it is. It has to be stopped. Or America is over. And I for one, am not willing to give it up.