Random thoughts


No thoughts, head empty
100% right on all of this. I should feel bad but I do not and the best of it is that she is not even a a full vegetarian as she eats burgers a few times a year.

I think doing this to anyone would be horrible.
Ah that’s a bit more fair, flexitarianism can sometimes be a bit inconsistent, though meat can be helpful if you have something like iron uptake issues. Had a vegetarian childhood friend who couldn’t metabolise iron supplements and needed meat for the heme iron when she had particularly heavy periods.

A. It's a fookin' MEME, for chrissakes. NO one should take it seriously.
As someone who’s been vegan most my life (at this point), the jokes about making vegans eat meat wore thin years ago. Plus the joke here is sneaking someone unpleasant without their knowledge which at least to me is more upsetting than the meat aspect. It’s like a more targeted version of the classic laxative brownie joke, where generally the only people laughing are the ones who made the brownies.

2. If she cheats with red meat especially... she's just virtue signalling, IMHO. (why beef? It's the most resource-intensive protein, and now intensively factory farmed worldwide).
Yeah, red meat’s a pretty bad choice, but it is easily accessible in the United States and it’s much better to eat less than to just not try (perfect is the enemy of good and all that). No idea on a motive, but I’ve met folks with really weird conceptions about food (eg “peanut butter isn’t vegan because of the word ‘butter’ in it”), so maybe there’s a similar reason there?
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