Random thoughts


Well-Known Member
Ok, but on the plus side, teachers might think twice before assigning too much homework on a Friday :shrug:

Random question. Why do we call rich people "job creators", but never call workers "business creators"? Or. "Billionaire creators"? No one earns a billion dollars on their lonesome. That requires leeching off the labor of thousands.
Which makes workers... "wealth creators". And the recipients of that wealth do an *excellent* job of making the plebes think that they're 'creating wealth' for their own benefit, instead of only the rich.


Well-Known Member
Which makes workers... "wealth creators". And the recipients of that wealth do an *excellent* job of making the plebes think that they're 'creating wealth' for their own benefit, instead of only the rich.

"Oh...but don't you understand? The Business Owner takes on risk, so they deserve to leach of the productivity of others"

LOL, what "risk", exactly? We don't shoot you if your business fails. The risk is: if your business goes belly up, you have to go back to being a worker. And because these business owners know how shitty they treat their own employees, the thought of being in their position is terrifying to them.


Putin is a War Criminal

Yeah, what a fucking crappy administration. Of course we're better off bringing the misogynist bigoted fuck head back.
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Well-Known Member

Yeah, what a fucking crappy administration. Of course we're better off bringing the misogynist bigoted fuck head back.

I like the idea that we're supposed to give Trump a pass on the COVID economic crash, because that was a worldwide phenomenon. But... we're not supposed to give Sleepy Joe a pass on post-COVID inflation...which was also a global phenomenon.


This also shows that all the Econ Heads are dumb for their "Gubernment spent too much money that's why groceries expensive" takes. The US did print way more money than most other countries. Because, unlike most other modern countries, we have an anemic welfare state. We were caught totally unprepared by COVID.

So, if the $1400 checks 3 years ago are the sole cause of "inflation", why is America's inflation rate one of the lowest in the world?

If this same exact economy existed under Trump, Fox would be talking about how wonderful it is (record high stock market!) and MSDNC would be crying about how nothing is affordable anymore. That would be the biggest difference.


Putin is a War Criminal
If this same exact economy existed under Trump, Fox would be talking about how wonderful it is
Maybe, maybe not. It's starting to look like Fox may be done with him. Though I'm not sure who they could champion instead. Certainly not Tucker...
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Certainly not Tucker

Actually......that's the first name I've heard that might make sense. The problem with people like DeSantis and Vance is, they're trying to do the Trump schtick without any of Trump's charisma. They have negative charisma.

Republican Debate Smile GIF

Tucker is probably their best shot tbh. Though I kind of doubt he'd want to. He's also a real fuckin moron.

Imagine making Joe Rogan look at you like you're a dummy :rofl:
I'm living up to my username right now as I write this, and it's off-the-cuff, so bear with me... :cool:

'Stoner Journaling' -- anyone do it? Are there sites where people post / discuss it?
I'm talking about long-form posting, though. I recognize this forum as a more casual affair (which I do like, btw!) :tup:
(apologies if that last bit sounded elitist; was not my intent)

And for the record, I readily admit self-labeling as 'stoner'; guessing no one here is going to be judgmental on that
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Well-Known Member
ladies and gentlemen, Joe Biden's America:


folks, we can't have trucker drivers obtaining class consciousness this close to the holiday season!

especially if they're hopped up on Rhino 11 pills!



Well-Known Member
I'm living up to my username right now as I write this, and it's off-the-cuff, so bear with me... :cool:

'Stoner Journaling' -- anyone do it? Are there sites where people post / discuss it?
I'm talking about long-form posting, though. I recognize this forum as a more casual affair (which I do like, btw!) :tup:
(apologies if that last bit sounded elitist; was not my intent)

And for the record, I readily admit self-labeling as 'stoner'; guessing no one here is going to be judgmental on that
Long form stoner journalism implies people are supposed to read that stuff, that in most cases means inflicting pain to others. ;)


Putin is a War Criminal
Why is this so hard for people to understand?

Every time there is an American president who is a Republican, the next Democratic president has to clean up the economic dumpster fire that the country is left in. Why is it so difficult for people to understand that Republicans are bad for the economy and Democrats are good for the economy?


Well-Known Member
Republicans are bad for the economy and Democrats are good for the economy

I mostly, but not totally, agree. Clinton's Reagan-like deregulation spree also helped pave the way for the Great Recession. Since the 70's, the parties are more alike than they are different on economic policy. I like that the difference between COMMUNISM and Freedumb is like 4 percentage points on the top tax bracket. Very silly.

One thing I hear from some people is how wonderful the economy was in 2019. The thing is, our economy works on a boom/bust cycle. It went bust in 2008. Improved throughout the 2010's. Topped out in 2019. But before anyone even knew what COVID was, economists were expecting a recession in 2020.

From August/September 2019:

COVID guaranteed a global recession, but we were probably heading into one anyway. Donnie's "wonderful economy" had more to do with him happening to be in office at the end of the post 2009 economic recovery than his amazing DEAL-making skills :rolleyes:


Putin is a War Criminal
CATHOLIC CHURCH: No meat on Fridays!
ME: Okay, so, no eggs for breakfast.
CATHOLIC CHURCH: No, eggs are okay.
ME: But eggs are chickens, right?
CATHOLIC CHURCH: No, not until they hatch.
ME: OH. So, a thing isn't a thing until it's born?


No thoughts, head empty
CATHOLIC CHURCH: No meat on Fridays!
ME: Okay, so, no eggs for breakfast.
CATHOLIC CHURCH: No, eggs are okay.
ME: But eggs are chickens, right?
CATHOLIC CHURCH: No, not until they hatch.
ME: OH. So, a thing isn't a thing until it's born?
My favourite is their initial ruling on beavers: the body is red meat and can’t be eaten on Friday. However the tail is scaly and used to swim in the water, so that counts as fish. Sounds like by the 1800s they just ruled the whole thing as a fish to avoid confusion.

Capybara, muskrat and all other aquatic non fish (gators, dolphins, etc) are also ruled to be fish since they spend basically all their time in/near water


Well-Known Member
In just 60 days, the dumbest 15,000 people in Pennsylvania get to decide the fate of the human species

July 4Th Usa GIF by Natalie Palamides
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