Random thoughts


No thoughts, head empty
I answered my own questions from post above with some googling

(I downsize images before uploading, so they don't slow down FC page loading, being a good FCitizen, but image details get lost)

This shop is selling Tre House brand gummies and chocolate bars. Looked them up, and they do not contain psilocybin

Screenshot from Tre House site:


Real psilocybin shrooms are still illegal, at least here in California

Here's an article about these Tre House gummie effects. I wouldn't trust them

Ah, definitely same vein as the diamond shruumz then, they have the same disclaimer on their product pages despite testing positive for psilocybin and muscimol. I’d definitely steer clear and just grow or forage my own magic mushrooms until they’re finally legalised, these synthetic alternatives seem a little too sus for my taste.
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We're starting to round the corner into the Holiday Season. If you need a gift idea for any Fox News watching relatives, may I present the JD Vance Cum Cups:



I think they're meant to mock couples who need fertility treatments to conceive, but I'm not sure :shrug: Also, shame on anyone who uses the word "weird" to describe these brave patriots :goon:


Well-Known Member
A Liberal, a Conservative, and a Libertarian (he's the one in the back) trying to tell me about their Lord and Savior, The Infallible Free Market.

LOL at the first note of the Soviet National Anthem. Say what you want about the USSR, their anthem easily clears The Star Spangled Banner :shrug:

This was recorded in 1944 by Paul Robeson. Amazing what a difference a few years made. FDR and Stalin had no interest in a Cold War. But that dumb hayseed Truman had other ideas.


Old & In the Way
If Michelle Obama had run for President following Barack, she might now just be wrapping her 2nd term, ending their 20 16 year residency in the White House.
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Well-Known Member
If Michelle Obama had run for President following Barack, she might now just be wrapping her 2nd term, ending their 20 year residency in the White House.

I half watched their speeches while I was playing a video game and blasting dabs. Michelle might be a more charismatic speaker than Barack. And he's a once in a generation talent.

Personally, I have nothing nice to say about Obama. He's one of the biggest disappointments....ever? But I'm in the minority. The polling is very clear, even now. Everything we've gone through over the past 8 years is because our dumb Constitution won't allow the American people to have what they want: a third Obama term.

Seeing how powerful both of the O'Bunglers were last night made me shake my head. In 2008/2009...Barack could've made this world into anything he wanted. And the sad part is, I think he did. This is it.


Old & In the Way
4 years X 4 terms equals 16 on my planet.
Random thought fact-checked ✔️!
Fixed it.

Seeing how powerful both of the O'Bunglers were last night made me shake my head. In 2008/2009...Barack could've made this world into anything he wanted. And the sad part is, I think he did. This is it.
It is always the case, it's never enough.
The hope and change thing is only the dream, the ideal.
To borrow from another analogy, what we get is the sausage?
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Well-Known Member
It is always the case, it's never enough.

I think Obama's a unique disappointment. I was part of OFA, along with millions of other Americans. He had his own "army" of progressive volunteers. Then after he won, he just.... disbanded it.

If Obama wanted to push through a new New Deal, he had the popular support to do so. He had no interest in that. Because by his own admission, he's an Eisenhower Republican. That's not how he sold himself in '08 though.

Speaking of disappointments, it turns out MSNBC was right all along. Bernie is a goddang misogynist :disgust:



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In my senior year of college I went to a lecture lead by some Nobel prize winning, libertarian economist. During q&a I asked him if he can put a date on when "private property rights" began. Since we were sitting in a city called "Chicago, Illinois"...not a very European sounding name.

He fumbled around and said "uhhhhh...sometime after the 'conquest' of North America". LOL.

Overhype is not helping. With each week of delay my expectations grow. By which I will judge the item* much more harshly. Facilitates disappointment. Anyone feel this way?
*item or other side of mutual engagement
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More innovation than anything I've seen from Silicon Valley in recent memory :shrug:

What the bloody FUCK is going on with this country? I mean, really, are we totally insane? What goes through these people's minds? Do they have minds at all??????

This is literally a Sacha Baron Cohen bit.

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