I got my PD!!
I discovered fuckcombustion about 2 months ago. At that time, I had a volcano, and nothing else. But I started getting weird allergic reactions from the volcano, so when I started researching my next vape, I discovered this forum. I now am the proud and slightly regretful owner of an SSV / MFLB and now a PD. I place the blame squarely on FC.
Anyways, the PD is fantastic, I have to say out of all the vapes I've used, its experience is closest to the MFLB. It hits similarly, just bigger. It's just as convenient, but corded instead of battery-recharger tied. Great flavor. I love the ease of use and cleaning - the SSV was my go-to vape before this, and my only complaint was the upkeep of the whip, and the whole "being mindful" of it as it was glass on glass, prone to falling and breaking, etc. The straw method to load herb is incredibly convenient (no more spilling stuff out of my grinder)! The only problem I have with this (I have it with the MFLB too), is that due to the short straw and draw length, it irritates my lungs, and after about 3-5 good hits, I'll have a wheeze/rattle in my breath (usually during deep exhale or inhale), and I'll be coughing for a good 30 minutes to an hour. Ugh, it sucks. Wonder if it'd be hard to make stems that are doubled in length? I don't like the dangly feel and appearance of whips, so I may try and jerry rig up a double-length stem tonight..
But still - I have a great, deep respect for the craftsmanship of Tom and Pam. My eyes bulged out of my head the first time I saw the PD - I had seen them all over the web (I was reading about them obsessively before I got mine), so I had a certain expectation in mind. So when I saw it first, it was underwhelming, and overwhelming at the same time. Much smaller than I thought, and yet seemed so dense with quality and weight.
Love the PD. Thank you Tom and Pammy, it must not be easy keeping up with the demand of the hungry vapists. I'm going to be cherishing this one forever, and a 2nd order will be on the way soon (I need a spare and some accessories
