Yeah, Sticks, that's a huge reason VapeNow is the only PD re-seller. Straight up folks. Yes, $150 from VapeNow, or us, doesn't matter. VapeNow stocks the standard kit (with logo) and we wrap it for him in brown paper, just like we send ours. Same stuff*.
However we can be more flexible at our site. I can make semi-custom stuff like logo-free units and will be putting the 'logo-free' units back up for sale soon, along with the standard kit.
Short answer on when is I don't know.

Soon... I got my cherry wood , in yesterday and have managed tp chop it into blocks for the lathe. it's another pretty batch. That's one of the great things about cherry is consistency.

And that helps keep costs down. Anyway I'm covered in dust so it won't be long.
First things first is warranty work to replace several LED failed units. Then tackle the waiting list who have called or e-mailed
Not sure who wrote, "I think that symbol you are referring to is just the hole for the LED to shine through with some artful wood burning marks around it. Same on all PDs." Wrong.
No LED holes are drilled or required now since there is no LED, We make these units, we don't 'buy' them. Blocks of wood are turned and we go from there, same with all the other parts, we start with basic materials and build from the leather up.
The symbol was designed on New Year's day shortly after Pammy decided, "Purple !". I tossed up PhotoFilter (photo editing freeware) and drew a Purple Sunshine,
This was and is our trademarked graphic logo.
It's the same one we use on our box cover and is not needed at all. Pammy and others thought it looked too bare without a bit of something... so the logo, representing the purple sunshine, which signified the purple LED which is now gone but sorta lives on. Yeah, with, without, no big deal, I see both as attractive. And both will be available again.
Tep I figured the pictures to navigate was the problem so I put a easy to see note in the header. Click Pictures To Navigate. Seems some folks missed it in other parts of the page. And I will think abiut using pics with words to get to other spots... Good suggestions, thanks. I know it needs work, it's an ugly baby, but it's our baby.
Thanks for the New Years wishes everyone. See you all in 2009.