Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

Acolyte of Zinglon

i spilled water down the heat exchanger earlier today :uhoh: worse yet, it wasnt clean water, it was water i used to clean a couple paintbrushes (im not a painter, but i enjoy painting smileys on rocks if i have a rock thats suitible)
so i took it to the sink, and rinsed out the heat exchanger twice quickly, shook out the water, and its drying now :D

i would have freaked out a lot more than i did if i hadnt seen toms durability tests :lol:
Acolyte of Zinglon,


Well-Known Member
Just hit the test unit in honor of your dunking. Yeah, I'll tell you that it popped a few times as water boiled off, but I had plugged it in after just a few minutes. Still working fine.


Well-Known Member
It's a super tough unit Tom, that's for sure. The wife has already dropped mine twice and I wasn't even worried.

I still can't believe the size of hits I get off this thing :o :ko:. It almost defies logic.



Purple-Days said:
Just hit the test unit in honor of your dunking. Yeah, I'll tell you that it popped a few times as water boiled off, but I had plugged it in after just a few minutes. Still working fine.
I love it so much in your videos when you do this and that to the PD and at the end you give it that classical "Yep still workin" ahah if i ever get a second or third PD ill run durability tests like you...list off all the shit ive done to it...plug in a stem...get cloudy...and choke out the words "yep still workin" as i give it a shaking.. :lol:

one of the main reasons I scrambled to find $150 was because of the youtube videos of Tom thrashing his test unit.. :D

hey tom has the "test unit" been running for a year straight now? anything wrong besides the look of it? :lol: I feel dumb even asking that question because i know the unit will be fine, but I just got to see what the inventor says :)

CapnVape said:
:o :ko:. It almost defies logic.

no...its just a purple days..."yep their durable"



Well-Known Member
WOW! I just received my PD earlier this afternoon and plugged it in, eagerly waiting in anticipation for it to warm up. Went out to do a few errands while getting my mind off the warm up time and just got back 30 minutes ago. After arriving at home I quickly ground up some herb and packed one of those amazing tiny bowls all you are familiar with it already know. Inserted it into the PD and drew an incredibly smooth inhale. It was almost creamy. That breath was all taste defining the way those herbs smelled while it was grinding.

Not really feeling too far from normality after 4 hits and dusting that first dose, I quickly packed another micro bowl and had a few short draws followed by one very long and lasting deep inhale. I exhaled a giant vapor mist of only what I could describe as mint-lime orange sweet tasting citrus. Such a concentrated fresh tasting vapor as compared to what I found from the volcano, which still tasted great but it wasn't as full and bold as this I just now experienced.

The air drawn into my lungs was warmer than the volcano's almost room temp vape but it was not overly so. On that last breath I felt more kind of a toasty warmth than any sort of inconvenience you could imagine. And on every wisp the freshness lasted through each of the half dozen hits on both doses. The volcano occationally erred on the slightly stale side nearing the end of the bag.

The whole progression did not seem to take much effort to achieve but was an overly smooth operation with a short learning curb to the best draws. Though in part the techniques posted here and the instructional videos helped immensely I'm sure of.

Entirely a pleasant and easy experience overall. Although I intend to get a Silver Surfer or Da Buddha some day, as of right now this little champ gets the my Highest recommendation. An amazing little device that currently owns the award for getting me most I've ever been ripped, period.

Thanks to all the members discourse and reviews here that gave me the needed push to give this thing a try :)


My new acquaintance. Her looks are stunning...

I photo documented the maiden voyage so I'll post additional images soon.

(disclamer: It should be noted that the bud I used was of decent quality and that I took a few days off from my last smoke before tonight)


has that unit been fired up prior to that pic.....looks pale :uhoh:


edit//// heres a good can cozy for your PD to keep warm in when you use it with a battery pack in cold places/your car


a more viable option


Chief Vapor Officer
I like the pic of the logo where the purple light used to be! The X-rated soda wrap is pretty funny too :lol:


vapor junkie
Staff member
She's a beaut, ILoveRadiohead!. Welcome to the PD fan club. :D

P.S. I more thoroughly read over some of the previous pages and subsequently edited the hell out of my last post. If you read it before and thought 'what an idiot', you were right. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the Purple-Days family ILoveRadiohead! . So glad you are enjoying the experience.

They all look pale at first Hennesey, that is one of the neat things about Cherry Wood and why we don't use a stain. Cherry gets darker with age. Something to do with oxygen exposure. That's another benifit with the Buzz-Butter, the wood 'breathes' and can age naturally.

Probably bad ettiquette to re-post a pic, but this thread is getting long and some may not have seen the difference between 'fresh' cherry wood and aged.

Quite a difference. The aged one is the test unit. The other is exposed a week or two (since turning).

And yes that test unit runs 24/7 and never shuts down. (except the knocks to the floor... :uhoh: or to move it's location etc.) Not sure how long the test unit has run, but certainly since the test vids were shot and it was plugged back in after freezing.

No, not January 1, that was the day we decided to try to make something, didn't buy the first parts of the puzzle till a week later, took 2-3 months or so to get most of the parts (mostly time locating the right stuff in catalogs, ordering the wrong or in-appropriate part a couple of times and

re-ordering, or changing my attack plan). And turning the proto-types in Western Maple and some Myrtlewood on my buddy's lathe (in a cold Feb/March barn). That all took a while before I ordered up and made the first Cherry units and this must be one of the first cause it's the one used in the 'kit' pictures, on our site, I think... So late March to early April is the likely time frame for this unit.

Hey, StoneMonkey, glad you like the logo. I've always been torn and wanted no pilot light from nearly the start, it just wasn't needed and even in a dim purple wasn't totaly stealthy.

Pammy's Rosewood unit, that got tossed to the floor in the trooper story is shinning nicely, with no heat dissipation mods at all BTW, some LEDs seem to go forever and some (a small portion just bite it with the best of wiring plans, go figure,,,)

Edit: thanks for the input on the site, made a couple of home page changes to ease the nav issues and clutter... hope it helps, reload and let me know, thanks, Tom : Edit

Henny that is one ugly set :lol: ... but as one guy said, "If I can see em they are real enough to me..."


Purple-Days said:
Welcome to the Purple-Days family ILoveRadiohead! . So glad you are enjoying the experience.

They all look pale at first Hennesey, that is one of the neat things about Cherry Wood and why we don't use a stain. Cherry gets darker with age. Something to do with oxygen exposure. That's another benifit with the Buzz-Butter, the wood 'breathes' and can age naturally.

Probably bad ettiquette to re-post a pic, but this thread is getting long and some may not have seen the difference between 'fresh' cherry wood and aged.
Quite a difference. The aged one is the test unit. The other is exposed a week or two (since turning).

And yes that test unit runs 24/7 and never shuts down. (except the knocks to the floor... :uhoh: or to move it's location etc.) Not sure how long the test unit has run, but certainly since the test vids were shot and it was plugged back in after freezing.

No, not January 1, that was the day we decided to try to make something, didn't buy the first parts of the puzzle till a week later, took 2-3 months or so to get most of the parts (mostly time locating the right stuff in catalogs, ordering the wrong or in-appropriate part a couple of times and re-ordering, or changing my attack plan). And turning the proto-types in Western Maple and some Myrtlewood on my buddy's lathe (in a cold Feb/March barn). That all took a while before I ordered up and made the first Cherry units and this must be one of the first cause it's the one used in the 'kit' pictures, on our site, I think... So late March to early April is the likely time frame for this unit.

Hey, StoneMonkey, glad you like the logo. I've always been torn and wanted no pilot light from nearly the start, it just wasn't needed and even in a dim purple wasn't totaly stealthy.

Pammy's Rosewood unit, that got tossed to the floor in the trooper story is shinning nicely, with no heat dissipation mods at all BTW, some LEDs seem to go forever and some (a small portion just bite it with the best of wiring plans, go figure,,,)

Henny that is one ugly set :lol: ... but as one guy said, "If I can see em they are real enough to me..."
sounds like a shit ton of dedication...let me get high to that ;)

thanks a million for inventing the best working electronic equipment I own(and it happens to be in the "fragile" vaporizer category...go figure)


edit// Tom didn't understand what I meant up there^ when I said a vaporizer is part of the "fragile" category when i think of breakable things..to clear things up(for those of you that didn't understand)

I meant that the PD is in the category of things that are usually associated with breaking...glass vaporizer parts comes to mind for me when I think of a good vape..the parts and the digital display are all very fragile when a vaporizer has more add-ons like that...not the PD...go figure that its one of my favorite/most efficient vaporizer. Yet it has the least amount of breakable parts compared to any vape, or any electronic device I've owned, to date.


Well-Known Member
Hennessy1414 said:
has that unit been fired up prior to that pic.....looks pale :uhoh:

Some of that is the natural coloring which will darken as Tom mentioned :) Also, I tried to go a bit "artsy" with the photo and you are seeing that shot with filtered sunlight from a side window. So lighting has a bit to do with that perception.

Here are a couple different lighted shots:




I love how the grain is lined up with the PD trademark and orientation! Evokes the image of a flame in my mind which is ironic considering its coming from a vaporizer :D


Well-Known Member
Purple-Days said:
Welcome to the Purple-Days family ILoveRadiohead! . So glad you are enjoying the experience.

They all look pale at first Hennesey, that is one of the neat things about Cherry Wood and why we don't use a stain. Cherry gets darker with age. Something to do with oxygen exposure. That's another benifit with the Buzz-Butter, the wood 'breathes' and can age naturally.

Probably bad ettiquette to re-post a pic, but this thread is getting long and some may not have seen the difference between 'fresh' cherry wood and aged.
Quite a difference. The aged one is the test unit. The other is exposed a week or two (since turning).

And yes that test unit runs 24/7 and never shuts down. (except the knocks to the floor... :uhoh: or to move it's location etc.) Not sure how long the test unit has run, but certainly since the test vids were shot and it was plugged back in after freezing.

No, not January 1, that was the day we decided to try to make something, didn't buy the first parts of the puzzle till a week later, took 2-3 months or so to get most of the parts (mostly time locating the right stuff in catalogs, ordering the wrong or in-appropriate part a couple of times and

re-ordering, or changing my attack plan). And turning the proto-types in Western Maple and some Myrtlewood on my buddy's lathe (in a cold Feb/March barn). That all took a while before I ordered up and made the first Cherry units and this must be one of the first cause it's the one used in the 'kit' pictures, on our site, I think... So late March to early April is the likely time frame for this unit.

Hey, StoneMonkey, glad you like the logo. I've always been torn and wanted no pilot light from nearly the start, it just wasn't needed and even in a dim purple wasn't totaly stealthy.

Pammy's Rosewood unit, that got tossed to the floor in the trooper story is shinning nicely, with no heat dissipation mods at all BTW, some LEDs seem to go forever and some (a small portion just bite it with the best of wiring plans, go figure,,,)

Edit: thanks for the input on the site, made a couple of home page changes to ease the nav issues and clutter... hope it helps, reload and let me know, thanks, Tom : Edit

Henny that is one ugly set :lol: ... but as one guy said, "If I can see em they are real enough to me..."
were those quick links always there? If so there was never a problem lol (i might have just overlooked it). But if you just added them it fixes it. Lets people find what they need quickly but still lets the rest of the page have that personal and unique PD touch.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the Quick Links Just got put up, basically copied from the Site Map links but they make sense up front too. And a couple point to the same page but have different intros like Contact Us and Warranty are really the same page. Thanks guys, all I needed was a hint (and a hammer blow to the head ;) ). Plus I spread stuff out a little and made some of the text associated with the pictures link up.

Really when I started with this I wanted something of my own, not just some tried and true template. I like the top Nav Bar still, but it is limiting. I had a vision of just a few pages and it sorta branched from there.

Well, Max, Pammy picks the orientation for me. I get her to eyeball them between the lathe and the drill press, she makes marks on the bottom so I know where to put the jack hole and the logo is automatic after that. ie. she locates the logo and marks an opposite side for the jack... >>> make sense ??? She does a nice job of it too. :)

I like those pictures of your new PD, ILoveRadiohead!. Sorta the problem with digital though, it's never quite what you see. I wish there were a film lab nearby, but it seems to be a dying thing, I would like to take pictures with film and then scan the results... :2c: Ew, I saw the first digital camera the other day. It was developed by an engineer at Kodak, the size of a toaster and took a 100 x 100 pixel B & W picture. Is that .01 megapixels??? It was pretty darn neat.


Out to lunch
Well, Max, Pammy picks the orientation for me. I get her to eyeball them between the lathe and the drill press, she makes marks on the bottom so I know where to put the jack hole and the logo is automatic after that. ie. she locates the logo and marks an opposite side for the jack... >>> make sense ??? She does a nice job of it too.
It doesn't take a village to 'raise' a PD to operational condition, just Tom and Pam. Truly a team effort. :bowdown: ;pd; :luv:


lurking kiwi
I was buzz buttering my PD yesterday and noticed how dark it was getting. It really is looking quite beautiful ... I should take a pic but can't be fagged. Gonna go and blow a wake and bake PD bowl right instead :p


Well-Known Member
The website looks great Tom. Just a few tiny changes and its even easier to navigate while still retaining that homemade welcome feel.

While my photos might not be completely accurate the Canon's calibration is pretty close to my sight. :) That's one interesting aspect of the eye in that we all don't perceive color in the same way. Color blind folks are an extreme example of this.

I would love to have seen that Kodak! I still can't imagine wielding something around thats the size of a toaster.

I'll probably post a couple more pictures later tonight once I get a free minute.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Max, Pammy helps a bunch, not just the e-mails and books and stuff like that. It is a team and I couldn't (and wouldn't) do it without her, I mean it. :)

Anybody on the waiting list can rest easy, I'm working, I got two dozen bodies turned this morning, about 7 hours, before that I had to get them blocked up (ripped square and lengthed) and marked too and more marking and a bunch of boring after the lathe... then metalwork (the heat exchanger has 33 pieces to make/ assemble) and wiring and blah... blah...blah,

Anyway LED folks first, then the list , then back to biz as normal.

Yeah there is progress, but it takes time, so hang in there folks. And big thanks to everyone for their patience and understanding. They don't grow like weeds. :cool: :D :peace:


Well-Known Member
as much as i would like a tea tree, tas blackwood or one without a sun, i dont think i can wait. Gonna order one from vapenow as soon as possible. I was in the middle of ordering it the other day but i got sidetracked and havent got a chance.


Well-Known Member
Yep, it's gonna be a little bit before the next run. ie. finish and send these...

So unless it's something special you are after, like a different wood or maybe the new 'dark chocolate' Paisley-Days bottom, get it from Nate, you will still be part of the family.
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