Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer


lurking kiwi
Game, set and match :D Time to stop being indecisive WG and order that PD :cool:

edit - I can certainly consume alot more weed in a short time in my Vaporite and get some over whelming hits. But its highly inefficient and over all I'm don't any higher. My vaporite, like your other vapes is packed away ... the PD so suits my current situation of making a little go a long way ;)


Vapor concierge
WavyGravy said:
Edit: Ok forget a few things. 1. Sometimes i get great quality herb most of the time its pretty good but not super dank or anything. But i never really get really low quality weed. Would you all see this as a huge problem?

2. Iloveradiohead, im almost 100 percent sure that Tom and Pam make all the PDs. Vapenow just takes the order, they make it , send it to Vapenow who sends it to you. So even if you order from them it still goes to Tom and Pam who still dont have the wood (or whatever materials they were lacking) so i dont believe you will get it in a few days and WILL have to wait till Jan 09. Its a bummer I know man :D.
Welcome to the forum!

1 -- How in the hell is that a problem?
2 -- Vapenow has the new models in stock. You can order from them now as they order in quantity from Tom and sit on it. I ordered from them before Christmas and got it in about four days. The only thing missing from the package is the key chain and Pammy's rocks. But right now it is the only place that has them.

Go order now!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the support folks.

Welcome to the Purple-Days family bihsbihs, sorry you had trouble navigating our site. :uhoh: No 'buy buttons', because we are currently sold out, may have made it difficult... Glad VapeNow was more to your liking, they are solid.

Welcome to the forum Wavy Gravy. And thanks for the interest in the PD.

BUT, I need to correct something you said,"im almost 100 percent sure that Tom and Pam make all the PDs. Vapenow just takes the order, they make it , send it to Vapenow who sends it to you. So even if you order from them it still goes to Tom and Pam who still dont have the wood (or whatever materials they were lacking) so i dont believe you will get it in a few days and WILL have to wait till Jan 09."

You are wrong* about the order process through VapeNow. (*except drop-shipments to Canada) Nate buys them, stocks them and sells them. When he runs low we sell him more... They sit on his shelf , he gets an order and sends it out ASAP. To the best of my knowledge he has units in stock. (And has more arriving arriving in a day or so. We used (almost) the last of our cherry wood filling his bulk order. When that order was placed we did a quick calculation of materials and time involved to make those units. It became apparent we needed to put the brakes on our site so the Sold Out sign went up, to prevent recieving an order we couldn't fill due to lack of material, or lack of available time till after the New Year)

Edit: Saw your post Sticks, thanks for the confirmation. BTW we don't do keychains anymore, just had some small scraps of leather and hated to throw them out, so keychains while they lasted... Pammy was ill for a while and not able to go to the beach and gather her pebbles, so we found a source for jade pebbles and are back to including a piece of jade (for luck) in each kit (including the VapeNow kits) :Edit

You are right, Wavy, we are the only 2 in the whole world who make these vaporizers. (at our kitchen table mostly) So it's not like we can run a third shift (gotta sleep, ya know...)

"seem like you just want a quality product and not a huge revenue" Each kit takes about 5 hours of labor to complete so a huge revenue is never going to be a problem, although several folks seem to think we should...

like Bihsbihs said, "I'm saying in my professional opinion, there is no way they are converting as much traffic into sales as they could if they had a more legible website... it's just a simple fact." :lol: I work 8-15 hours a day and rarely take any time off, we have a waiting list (by customer request),

Gee, Bihsbihs, I don't want to "rival any other vaporizer company"... I know that's not the American Way, but I was semi-retired when I started this... if it wasn't for three surgeries this year and the huge hospital bills along with dentist bills and the high price of everything else, I might not be doing this at all... well, just for friends maybe... We live modestly and have no high aspirations... Keep the bling, I like suspenders and jeans and ratty old pick-up trucks. :cool:

Double checked the wood situation and it is all on the way, Cherry, Tea Tree, Tas Blackwood... and some new stuff too, domestic hardwoods Ash, Maple, Walnut, Figured Maple and Figured Walnut, but the new ones will have to wait a while... gonna be filling cherry orders first.


Well-Known Member
hey wavy, welcome

your venture in vaporizers was exactly the same as mine :)

I was just about ready to purchase a DaBuddha and then
came upon some discussions on PD. :/

I made the decision to purchase the PD a few months back.:p

In fact I got 2, after purchasing my first Cherry I yearned after one of the exotic wood PDs.
I purchased a She-Oak ,

All I can say is the PD delivers day after day after day.......it just works!
(with no hassle at all). So easy to use.

Good luck

PS- she really works best with high test! :brow::o

I only wish the adapter cable was another foot or 2 longer.


? & beyond
I'm sure you can find a suitable adapter that has a longer cord on the interweb. :) Might wanna run the specs through here before hand, their are all kinds of requirements (which, I admittedly know nothing about).

Which do you use the most vibes, the Cherry or that flashy She-Oak? :cool:


Well-Known Member
I use the She-Oak exclusively, the Cherry has
found a home with a dear friend. The She-Oak
has such a unusual grain pattern to it when looked
at closely.

I'll check in to the cord thing when this one goes bad
(hopefully that wont be for awhile). Not a big deal at all.


Well-Known Member
:lol: Longer cord... I'm always wishing mine was shorter... What about a short extension cord to better position the transformer? Cleaner than splicing a piece of longer wire in there.

The transformer specs are listed on our FAQ page.
toward the bottom. Can I replace a Purple-Days transformer? Pretty standard stuff.

Glad to hear the cherry found a suitable home, Vibes. :)


Out to lunch
bihsbihs said:
The *only* real complaint I have about Purple-Days is their website is horribly confusing... so much so that the only reason I am enjoying a PD right now is because VapeNow.com sells them with a much more parent-friendly layout (yes, my mom bought me my PD). If PD could revitalize their website to look less scammy and easier to navigate, I think they could easily rival any other vaporizer company online.
bihsbihs, while I can appreciate the criticism of Tom's site from your perspective as a digital architect (although I have no idea why you think the site is 'scammy'), you should also understand that the herbal vaporizer industry, for the most part, is more like Tom's kitchen table environment than Storz & Bickel's building with labs and research stations. Even S & B, with under 30 employees, is smaller than many companies that are being held together with duct tape and bailing wire. Tom will never have a multi-story, S & B style Purple-Days building (would anyone want a PD not built by Tom or Pam? :o), but a separate, detached, PD 'factory' is in his plans for '09. Let's keep the PD ball rolling for him so that dedicated facility can become a reality. :)

If you'll look at the sites for other vape companies that sell many more units than Tom does, I think you'll get a different perspective-a vape industry perspective vs. a web design perspective. Bottom line, the vape market is, after all these years, still in its infant stages.

I can find complaints with pretty much every vape makers' website. Aromed is one of the best built and engineered vapes you can buy, but try and find warranty info on their site. They seem to think that everyone knows they have the 'standard 3 year German warranty' (and their site hasn't been upgraded whatsoever in over two years). Tom's 3 year warranty declaration sits right on his home page, and he can (and does) make site changes on a daily basis if necessary. Vaporbrothers, in business since '99, can't even sell you one of their vapes from their site. Arizer.com now has a pretty nice site (for a vape maker anyway), but his original one consisted of a picture of the V-Tower with a phone number and email address. And if he wants to make a change on his current site, he's at the mercy of his web designer. And Arizer, like the Purple-Days company, is also pretty much a one man operation except for actual production. Without Steve, I don't think the Extreme would continue to be produced. Another company that sells a lot of vapes is 7th Floor. In a couple of years Steve (yep, another Steve) has grown his company from a staff of 2 to a dozen employees, but it's still basically a one man company where his 'key man' is his sister Tina. And his site, although it has all the info you really need (even if it's confusing and hard to find), is a real disaster compared to Tom's. You can't even buy a glass knob or wand pictured on the site and be assured they haven't already sold it to someone else. I ordered an SSV knob and didn't find out it was already sold until I called to check on it over a week later. :rolleyes: Yes, Steve wants to have a quality site and give great service, but sometimes running a business is a real juggling act. Keeping up with orders can put a strain on quality control when the company has limited resources. I've talked with Steve and understand his problems, but it's almost impossible for a visitor to his site to have an understanding of the issues unless he's 'been there and done that' himself.

I know those of us who have gotten to know Tom and Pammy would not be happy to see a well designed, high tech Purple-Days site that couldn't be changed if the web designer was on vacation. And Tom, who is obsessed (no offense at all Tom ;) ) with getting orders filled promptly, would not be happy if he couldn't put 'temporarily out of stock' on his homepage. I've seen many changes to the PD site since he put it up early this year. Some changes for improvement, and some just for a different look from time to time. Different looks, different woods-brings people back to the site. A homemade site for a homemade vape. Very appropriate IMO. :D


Well-Known Member
Tom has a decent website, it has the feel that is accurate to them I think, homey and honest. The guy made a comment about it and explained himself, let him make it without panties getting all wadded up.

Tom is a big boy who can easily speak and explain for him self I think. Otherwise we look like a bunch of sissies who are over protective of criticism.

Nothing wrong with criticism but if you jump on everyone who says something people will begin to see us not as a good forum but as a fanboy forum.


lurking kiwi
In the end

purple-days said:
sorry you had trouble navigating our site. No 'buy buttons', because we are currently sold out,
So I can see the confusion. I have always liked Toms site ... somewhat cluttered maybe but I think its in-keeping with the home feel of the whole business. I hate to see it changed just to be more tech savvy. Sometimes life in the slow lane is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better :D

anyhoooo - the PD is still a great product. 3 tasty bowls for a New Years eve wake n bake :luv:


Out to lunch
Beezleb said:
Tom has a decent website, it has the feel that is accurate to them I think, homey and honest. The guy made a comment about it and explained himself, let him make it without panties getting all wadded up.

Tom is a big boy who can easily speak and explain for him self I think. Otherwise we look like a bunch of sissies who are over protective of criticism.

Nothing wrong with criticism but if you jump on everyone who says something people will begin to see us not as a good forum but as a fanboy forum.
My panties aren't wadded at all, and I'm not jumping on anyone. My post was for more than just one person, as many of my posts are. If you don't like 'em, don't read 'em. I don't like all your posts either, but I don't take potshots at them. As far as jumping on people maybe you should practice what you preach. Lots of stuff gets lost in translation with the printed word, so try to look at others' posts with a little 'perspective', which was what my post was about. And Tom's site is much better than "decent", IMO. ;)


Well-Known Member

Unwad those panties :lol:

On a serious note: 3 cheers for Tom and Pam. Hip, hip, Hooray!


Out to lunch
Joke? :huh: See what I mean about things getting "lost in translation with the printed word"? Every bit of your humor went right over my head.

Here's another thing I like about the PD site-Pammy's art. Gotta be a first for a vape maker's site.



? & beyond
I love their travel pictures too! I wish more were up. Tom & Pam certainly are one of a kind. :D

So I tapped my unit upside down to see if anything would fall out since it smelled weird and look how much came out.... :o Is this something I need to worry about? Like it causing problems that is....

If I tapped harder more came out, so I gently tapped for about 10 minutes and emptied it out. I'm sure if I shook/tapped harder more would come out but I'm afraid of hurting it.

I should have put a coin next to it for size comparison, but it is about the size of a nickle.


edit/// it is pretty crazy how you can still see the plant material totally unburnt... :cool:

doubleedit/// Just so no one gets the wrong idea;

So is this something I need to worry about?


Well-Known Member
i wonder if you were able to cut a small screen to place in the tube to stop any loose material from falling to far down into the vape. still a great design none the less. i love how simple but still beautiful it is.

i especially love how tom uses exotic woods. a zebra wood or purple heart wood would look really good in my opinion. or birdseye maple. any idea how long it will be before your all caught up with orders to get to a piece made out of any of those woods i listed tom? i would really love any of those, and if its not till the middle of january, that would be perfect for me to get caught up on some money.
after reading everything on these vapes, i really want one. they would be perfect for my usage

Acolyte of Zinglon

actually the ceramic resistor that acts as a heating element does a pretty good job of blocking the tube from crumbs

spiral, do you khold your unit vertically or set it down with the tube still in it? i dont even know how so much plant matter can fit in the heat exchanger tube without hindering the airflow enough to notice
Acolyte of Zinglon,


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys

Tom, the cord size is not a real issue, I can solve it easy with a extension cord.

SA, that doesn't look like plant material...is that blue I see.

Might that be a piece of the heat resistor? I'm pretty sure Tom will comment about this.
or might it be a crumbled rock of some sort that got into the heat exchanger.

hmmm, interesting :brow:

Frickr, in regards to the PD exotic woods....do a search through this forum and you'll see some
interesting discussion about the HARDNESS of the wood. The woods have to be a certain hardness in order to work properly as a PD. :p


Well-Known Member
No a screen is what the A-zap has and we decided the material went through and could never be ejected, therefor NO SCREEN...


Well-Known Member
The heat resistor is a piece of ceramic glass, fired at very high temps, :) the outer coating is like porcelain, just like a sink bowl, and certified RoHS compliant and Lead-Free. Not a chance that there is any resistor material in there (unless you run an impact bit in there :lol: :uhoh: )


'Socratic Existentialist, MD'

I was just wondering what you make of the pics posted in PD post #1215. Can particles actually get burnt if they fall in? Was that possibly something else? What do you recommend?

Also, wouldn't the SS heat exchanger still heat up if it were completely cut off from the resistor by SS?

One other unrelated thought:
Could an SS insert be added at some point to form a down-hill slope towards the opening of the heat exchanger (I sometimes have trouble getting it in the hole--innuendo? :lol: ).

PS: In regards to comments about the website: I had some difficulty as well, but (since you don't seem to have a shortage of orders) I can understand why it would not be a priority of yours (or even a concern at that!)

I hope you and Pammy enter the new year in whatever fashion you desire (sleeping or awake;) ).

Toke care.


vapor junkie
Staff member
SA, that doesn't look like plant material...is that blue I see.
Looks like that photo just has a bluish tinge to it. Looks clearly like herb in the enlarged pic, some pieces are charred, not surprisingly. Didn't ignite though. :)

Personally I just hit it so the bowl isn't pointing down and remove it before setting the unit down. Easy. Friction does hold the herb in the little bowl quite well but gravity is gravity. That's actually pretty amazing so much was in there. I can usually smell right away if a little piece fell in. Vacuum would probably be an easier way to get it out.



? & beyond
spiral, do you khold your unit vertically or set it down with the tube still in it? i dont even know how so much plant matter can fit in the heat exchanger tube without hindering the airflow enough to notice
I use it like a soda w/ a straw. My tube sits vertically in their for often minutes at a time. It doesn't really move around much though....

vibes, it's plant material. Nothing but the good herb goes through this guy. :)


Well-Known Member
vibes1952 said:
Frickr, in regards to the PD exotic woods....do a search through this forum and you'll see some
interesting discussion about the HARDNESS of the wood. The woods have to be a certain hardness in order to work properly as a PD. :p
i know purple heart is very hard, i got a board of it laying down stairs. its VERY expensive though. for a 3 foot 1x6 it was over 100 dollars. and is a very dense wood. also very heavy. weve burnt alot of bandsaw blads trying to cut it. but i tihnk it would be cool to have a purple purple days you know? if you guys dont know what purple heart looks like i can snap a picture of the board.


vapor junkie
Staff member
Acolyte of Zinglon said:
i think that purple heart was discussed earlier in this thread
Indeed it has. ;)

Tom said:
BTW Max is right on about the dense woods like Purple Heart or Ebony. Too dense and they don't provide enough insulation. I have a box full if beautiful bodies that are too dense and won't be sold. Bit of an expensive lesson on the road to making Purple-Days. They work but are at the lower side of the vapor zone. (Pam prefers that. Some do. Go figure...)
Also http://www.fuckcombustion.com/viewtopic.php?pid=7926#p7926

P.S. to find that I used Google to search FC, better than our own search imo:

purple heart site:http://www.fuckcombustion.com
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