Thanks for the support folks.
Welcome to the Purple-Days family bihsbihs, sorry you had trouble navigating our site.

No 'buy buttons', because we are currently sold out, may have made it difficult... Glad VapeNow was more to your liking, they are solid.
Welcome to the forum Wavy Gravy. And thanks for the interest in the PD.
BUT, I need to correct something you said,"im almost 100 percent sure that Tom and Pam make all the PDs. Vapenow just takes the order, they make it , send it to Vapenow who sends it to you. So even if you order from them it still goes to Tom and Pam who still dont have the wood (or whatever materials they were lacking) so i dont believe you will get it in a few days and WILL have to wait till Jan 09."
You are wrong* about the order process through VapeNow. (*except drop-shipments to Canada) Nate buys them, stocks them and sells them. When he runs low we sell him more... They sit on his shelf , he gets an order and sends it out ASAP. To the best of my knowledge he has units in stock. (And has more arriving arriving in a day or so. We used (almost) the last of our cherry wood filling his bulk order. When that order was placed we did a quick calculation of materials and time involved to make those units. It became apparent we needed to put the brakes on our site so the Sold Out sign went up, to prevent recieving an order we couldn't fill due to lack of material, or lack of available time till after the New Year)
Edit: Saw your post Sticks, thanks for the confirmation. BTW we don't do keychains anymore, just had some small scraps of leather and hated to throw them out, so keychains while they lasted... Pammy was ill for a while and not able to go to the beach and gather her pebbles, so we found a source for jade pebbles and are back to including a piece of jade (for luck) in each kit (including the VapeNow kits) :Edit
You are right, Wavy, we are the only 2 in the whole world who make these vaporizers. (at our kitchen table mostly) So it's not like we can run a third shift (gotta sleep, ya know...)
"seem like you just want a quality product and not a huge revenue" Each kit takes about 5 hours of labor to complete so a huge revenue is never going to be a problem, although several folks seem to think we should...
like Bihsbihs said, "I'm saying in my professional opinion, there is no way they are converting as much traffic into sales as they could if they had a more legible website... it's just a simple fact."

I work 8-15 hours a day and rarely take any time off, we have a waiting list (by customer request),
Gee, Bihsbihs, I don't want to "rival any other vaporizer company"... I know that's not the American Way, but I was semi-retired when I started this... if it wasn't for three surgeries this year and the huge hospital bills along with dentist bills and the high price of everything else, I might not be doing this at all... well, just for friends maybe... We live modestly and have no high aspirations... Keep the bling, I like suspenders and jeans and ratty old pick-up trucks.
Double checked the wood situation and it is all on the way, Cherry, Tea Tree, Tas Blackwood... and some new stuff too, domestic hardwoods Ash, Maple, Walnut, Figured Maple and Figured Walnut, but the new ones will have to wait a while... gonna be filling cherry orders first.