That's some sexy wood you've got there Spiral.
Haha ewww, but really: that PD is seriously sleek. The Tea Tree is beautiful stuff, right?? You should take a shot of the top of the PD (looking down into the SS cap)--I find that's where the most interesting grain patterns are visible on mine. I hope you're starting to get the hang of it; it took me a few days but now it's like riding a bicycle...I don't know how it ever didn't feel natural, it feels so damned natural in my hands right now...
SM55 you're using the straw method to load now, are you? That's what I use as well, and I find it works wonders. The real trick is to inhale softer than you would normally inhale for a hit--doing this seems to not pack too much bud in the bowl and leave enough space to take good, unrestricted hits. So my method is normally to gently suck up some pre-grind, tamp it down with my finger (all I ever do is tap the top of the bowl a few times with my pointer finger...just to settle everything into place/knock any excess away from the top) and then I insert the tube into the cap, hold it there for just a few seconds to let everything get nice and warm, and start hitting it, nice and soft.
The "whistling" sound is indeed a good indicator...lots of people have mentioned this, and somewhere on this forum vapor cloud was saying it reminded him of wind blowing under the crack of a closed door--or something like that. That's a great description, because that's where you want to stop. I find my best hits come from a slow, steady draw...hard enough that you can begin to hear that whistle, ever so softly. If you hit it harder it will get louder, but JUST as it begins to whistle seems to be a really, really sweet spot (for me at least). You can hit the PD all sorts of ways (I always hit it HARD to finish off a bowl, and I still get vapor...) but there seems to be a concensus here that hititng soft and slow yeilds the best results. I certainly feel that way.
This is turning into quite the group we've got going here, no? Tom and Pam, look at what you've started!!

Oddly enough, I'm just coming into my own with my PD again. When the SSV arrived it was so flashy and had such a huge bowl capacity (relative to the PD) that it was really stealing the show for a usage (in terms of weight vaped) was probably about 70% SSV and 30% PD. The newness and flashiness of that machine is starting to wear off...and while I don't want to send the wrong message (I DO love my SSV, and wouldn't trade it for any other whip vape at the moment), I will say that the PD has been seeing me more and more these days...I find it hard to rationalize, so I'm not going to claim that this is ANYTHING but subjective testimony, but I've been getting higher with WAY less in my PD than I was with vaping a lot more in my SSV...and the taste...I have the tendency to vape on a higher temp with the SSV and it never tastes as good as the PD; the PD is just right on every time. So I guess what I'm saying is max and vtac were not kidding when the started saying this thing can contend with the SSV and the like (SM55 I'm sure you can attest to this as well): it may not be able to do the same things as those units, but as far as creating absolute quality vapor...I don't know, I'm really leaning towards the PD as my first choice these days. The SSV still gets the skank weed, and I pull it out every other evening or so for a few nice fat rips...but realistically, I'm probably at about 85% - 90% PD usage these days.
Don't know why I felt compelled to write that out, but it is very true. I am so happy I have one of these units; I'm glad I got the whip unit as well, so I have that and know what that's about, but it really has made me realize just how special the PD is...those of us who have one are probably all well aware of that special stature! Right now there is NOTHING on my list of indulgences which ranks higher than high quality bud run through my PD...vapor heaven.
Ah yes, and I've been thinking of some experiements. I think I'm going to pick up a beer cozy soon and see what that does. Obviously it should retain more heat, so we'll see. I don't think the PD needs this (at all), I'm just curious and I always love to try new shit. So that might be fun. SM55, speaking of experiments...that's a pretty snazzy filtration/cooling set up you've got going there (nice 7th Floor piece, as well

). You MUST have a sensitive throat though. Maybe it's not so bad: I'm a horrible judge because I have lungs of steel...BUT...I can not imagine ever needing to cool the PD vapor. Despite the stem being so short I find that the vapor is a comfortable temperature, and I never get irritated from using my PD unless its for extremely extended periods of time. That system does look really cool though, and if it makes the PD more enjoyable for you, then hey it's all good my brother. I'm just happy to see so many people turning on to this beautiful vaporizer.