You remember the missing shipment?
Wow, UPS started a nightmare. Somehow Amazon, and some other packages, have a symbol on their UPS label (it looks like a bow-tie or shoe-laces tied, from the era when packages were tied with string, UPS uniforms still have this insignia). The driver doesn't scan these like other packages. They get scanned at the terminal. I'm not sure why this is, but I believe my driver John. More about him later.
I think (IMO) what happened next... the package doesn't get scanned, on arrival, at the terminal and goes down the conveyor. Somewhere, likely the next stop it flags as a bad number or whatever and gets a new number. UPS does a great job of delivering (I still support UPS, the package got to it's destination) but somehow gets the numbers and tracking screwed up. So using the UPS numbers was no help in confirming delivery. They screwed up (from what I can tell) but in the end they delivered the package to it's destination, and that's really their only job.
Funny, I could tell by the customer input, the missing units didn't 'seem' to be missing.
After the package is delivered, probably on time and where it was supposed to go, nobody knows it and I have no way to prove it.
Sometimes things get delayed, even un-reasonably. So no urgency, I decided to wait and see if either the package shows up or somebody realizes they have it.
I get John's supervisor's number and call. We talk breifly, he has known this package was a problem for one month (about), takes a bit of info... calls back and says he has an emergency and gives me a number (I have had no follow up from him). I get a lady 4 hours from here... 'She can't do anything unless Amazon files a claim..." Of course with UPS showing no record of pickup or tracking....
The UPS lady gives me a Amazon number. You gotta imagine I didn't have much hope of proving to Amazon that I shipped a package. Imagine how many scammers are in the world. Why would they believe me?
I get an Amazon Answering machine... I can believe that, it's getting late in the day on the east coast. Believe it or not I get a return call that evening from a different Amazon person. I explain the situation and give her almost all the info I have (should have given John's number but forgot). This was a Wednesday and she said she would let me know something by Friday (almost a week ago)... it took longer than she expected to get to the bottom, and I was about to just give up hope, toss my money to the wind.
Ring.Ring.Ring... this morning, I said, "Good Morning, Purple-Days" ... " This is ______, at Amazon, can I speak to Tom?" Well, I didn't expect much, but was excited that I got a return call. She told me that the package was received and product had been forwarded to customers.
Pretty dramatic change of events. 10 weeks of fun in the PD Experience.
Flyer I think I just got some leather you will like for a strop. This horse hide is tough as nails and slick, I'll send some your way. Folks, this is too tough to cut for most folks with most scissors, so we will be removing it from the Pandora choices. I'' be telling Pammy to contact any who wanted this stuff. Beautiful color, very nice, but not an easy to work with choice. We will still sell it, it's nice, but not for everyone. I'll make a comment about it next to the buy choice.
The next phase of PD Land, after 'the list' may include some more leather choices, just like the Pandora. especially the Real Bison Hide, it is very nice.

Yellar Lizard, and Black Snakeskin embossed cowhide are both impressive and likely choices... We will see.