stinkmeaner said:
Is there even a completely safe plastic which does leech anything at high temperatures?
I bet if someone took temperature readings it would solve all of this bickering. This party would need to have a GOOD instant read probe thermometer to accomplish this. To do this accurately possibly you could even drill a tiny hole for the thermometer probe all the way down to the metal at the point inside the vapor stem where the metal ends inside, this is where you would have any contact with the air path anyways.
+1. THIS.
Also +1 to your other statement as to the plastic not even heating up with it being left in. Who knows how much heat is actually thermally conducted through the steel shell and into the plastic. With this plastic, it's seemed to me that if it won't melt off of the steel tip, it probably won't offgas. I would guess the range of temp's where it would ONLY offgas but NOT melt to be rather small, but I could be very wrong on that.
Seriously though, it's a plastic. It can make harmful things under cetain conditions, more so than other materials. So is it compeltely safe? No. Is it most likely safe for the application at hand? It certainly seems that way, unless I find out that BPA has a very low dose/reactivity ratio. Especially in a situation such as this where a compound that is certainly harmful at temp A isn't at temp B, descretion in calling into question, and putting up informatin that counters said question, is kinda neccesary.
To all those who would question this vape, remember that from a probability standpoint, a LOT of the issues out there that could be challenged have been already. Though this doesn't mean that any point isn't worth making, it means that the people who partake in these back and forths have already addressed a billion things in terms of how and what the PD rocks, and are tired of re-visiting old topics that have a good chance of being put to rest. Let alone how Tom must feel when issues of health safety are connected to his brain-child, many feel uncomfortable with what could result in untrue rumors developing around something that is so valuable to so many. Measure your observations closely.
To all those who love this vape, (ME as well.), just look at it from the perspective of someone outside the confort circle, of someone who isn't as well learned in the actual application of the materials used. People come and go in this forum all the time, and leaving a comment about how something could be harmful is, from their perspective, something they are doing to help the community. Leaving a sarcastic reply in response in reply to a genuine one is regrettable but unavoidable sometimes on the internet, especially when you are a manufacturer dealing with what could appear to be a troll. Remember though, it takes no less effort to simply correct someone and leave some confident words as to the safety of the unit.
Let this areguement die as the Brass one did, because as with that case, BPA is only a factor at higher temps, which leaves a LOT of indisputable grey area when it comes to the lower temps. Science isn't always cut and dry, so maybe neither lead (in small Brass related concentrations) or BPA is physically a factor at all at low temps. Maybe they both release minute amounts that actually don't have an affect, as opposed to minute amounts that do. Maybe both vapes will kill all of it's users in five years.
Though I seriously doubt that last one, attaching emotions and passions to a purely scientific lack of knowledge on a subject helps no one; let information be put up without a fight, just make sure you put up your own in as large as amount as is neccesary. People are never convinced by people over the internet, only by information.
So I'm finally in the summer semester, so that means free time for exausting vape reviews! I know everyone who ever got obsessive about researching the PD has seen an excess of reviews, but I also know every vaporhead would love some wood porn

I'm thinking of doing a three-way with my genie and star as well, anyone know if I should post a copy here as well, or is it more kosher to leave them all in another thread in the vape-specific forum?
I've really come to like my Purple Days in the last few weeks, it grew on me a lot recently as I've started smoking less and getting back in focus with my life. Named it Domo

. Anyone know the reference?
Also fun theories as to why the PD has such a ballsy kick for such small amounts: Vapor density. Not sure if this has been talked about prior, but I've noticed that with my PD I tend to come down more quickly. This got me thinking, as I've had this to a less degree with other vapes as well,: Maybe the intense vapor density of the PD isn't more efficient as much as it concentrates the affect into a smaller range of time? It makes sense, as anyone who used to know that if you smoked even a small J you'd be cruising for a while, when if you vaped that amount you'd probably be reehaheely high. So we vape less, and achieve the same level, with (some/sometimes?) not having as long of an affect. Maybe because we vape less physical matter it doesn't last as long, and since with the PD we use even less to get just as phased it has an even steeper come down slope?
Hit this back with any thoughts, I'm curious to see what you peeps think