Out to lunch
You've got a good point about daytime access to a computer Manda. I've recently pointed out that problem to Vapenow. We'll see if it's feasible for them do some night time selling. It would have to be around 9 o'clock Eastern time to be of any benefit to those on the west coast, so it would probably require night work for someone (Vapenow is in Vermont). We'll see if they can do anything in this area.
You keep saying this as if repeating it will make it come true, or you're hoping to manipulate Tom into changing his policy. Either way, it's clear to some of us, at least, that the present system works for both companies, and allows them time to take care of building vapes, in Tom's case, and selling product (of which the PD is only a small part), in Vapenow's case. They're even posting tracking numbers now, to help narrow down the selling time. Yet we're still hearing the same doom and gloom predictions, and suggestions that require much more work for the builder and/or seller, just to make the buying process simple and easy for buyers. When it's a seller's market, buyers normally don't get any breaks at all. When there's a waiting list all over for a particular car model, the dealers usually raise the price above the sticker price. Vapenow could easily take the eBay route and make the same additional $75 profit that the auction sellers made this month. I'm sure at least some people are grateful Vapenow's price is $180 instead of $250+.
Yes, I'm sure ALL North American customers will get fed up and ALL the 'good will' will be gone. Should happen any time now.nobilo said:If months and months go by and all US customers are soured by the ordering process......then all the good will that Tom has built with his customers will be tarnished.

Once again, the buyer wants it all his way in a seller's market. A waiting list is not gonna happen.spyder said:Keep rocking the boat and soon it will take on water...Waiting list is probably the best solution
Good post vapesalot, but the bottom line is that Tom's current policy provides the maximum number of PDs that he can supply. Any changes he makes to benefit potential buyers would just cut into production time. And since he's not willing to tell Vapenow how to do business, I'd say he's fine with people buying another model instead. There is no way, other than hiring unqualified workers (which destroys the little profit there is in a 4 hr. build time), that he can meet demand any time soon. And if Vapenow has to go to extra lengths to make it even easier on buyers, their profit could dwindle as well. Time is money, and the PD is just one product for Vapenow, and I'm sure it's not their biggest profit maker either.vapesalot said:I would love to propose alternatives, but I think that will reduce the main message I want you to receive..which is->There are people who want nothing more than to buy YOUR product and YOUR service because of how exceptional it is, but are considering walking away due to the time and effort required to even get a potential chance to own one.