Hey everyone! This message is primarily for Tom....(and any Vapenow representatives)
I just signed up for this forum, just to post this message
Tom, I've been trolling these forums for a bit, only reading about Purple Days - This vaporizer is EXACTLY what i've been looking for for a long, long time. I just wanted to first tell you how much I appreciate all of your comments and responses in this forum. It is very obvious to me that you care deeply about your customers being satisfied. Your attitude and responsiveness alone pushed me from WANTING a Purple Days to KNOWING this is the only vaporizer I want to purchase. It is obvious by your demeanor and your business model that it's not 'all about the money' to you - and it makes me thrilled to know there are still people around like you!
With that being said, It's becoming increasingly exhausting....I have not only been looking to purchase a Purple Days for well over a month, I've invested a lot of energy and time in tracking the Vapenow page every single week.
I am NOT going to tell you what I think should be done to resolve it (you have shown over these forums you are an intuitive and smart guy, and there is enough people on here telling you how they think it should be done - if you want to know, you can ask me directly.)
The only reason I signed up for this forum is to let you know that it has become exhausting to me to a point where I'm having to consider purchasing a different vaporizer instead. I tell you this not to complain, but I'm sure that for me (who signed up just to send this) there are 20 other good people who read these boards waiting for a PD who haven't posted - and for the 20 of us, there are probably hundreds of people who are dying for a PD and aren't aware of this website. Those numbers are obviously a wild-ass guess, so take it with a grain of salt.
I really, really, really don't want to purchase a different vaporizer - I am convinced that I will get unparalleled quality and service if I purchase a PD.......but, i'm losing patience (NOT with you, you are doing the best you can + some) with the effort and time required to even have a chance to purchase one of these.
I know you are very, very busy as it is trying to build these things.....and I know the Vapenow is actually responsible for the process of selling these once they have been delivered to him. Based on all you have said on these forums, I've come to the conclusion that you really desire to meet the needs of those who love vaporizing and require the health benefits - think about it - you're saving lives (if not that, at least you are LENGTHENING people lives - that's an amazing thing to say).
Typically, my MO is 'don't bitch, propose alternatives' and I'm re-reading this lengthy post and realize it could come off as bitching - I'm not upset with you, I think you are a ridiculously quality individual, and a better man than me! (i'd be charging more for these suckers!

knock on wood because then i couldn't afford it...)
I would love to propose alternatives, but I think that will reduce the main message I want you to receive..which is->There are people who want nothing more than to buy YOUR product and YOUR service because of how exceptional it is, but are considering walking away due to the time and effort required to even get a potential chance to own one.
I know you're super busy, and at best I'd love to know you read this, but if you're busy (and I know you are) I would encourage you not to bother formulating a long response back. Tom, you truly are exceptional and the best of the best, and you will never need to justify your methods to me! When the easiest 3 methods to resolve this supply-and-demand issue are negative to the customer (such as increasing price), and you choose not to take those methods, you've already shown you'll do what you believe is best for the CUSTOMER (you must be an alien or something)! I hope I was able to communicate a different message than what you're used to hearing.
Thanks again!